Chapter Sixteen

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Today was the pageant and they were ready to leave the hotel they were staying for the night.

Violet walked to the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast, a banana. She was already wearing her dress and the silver flats she had found that were on sale for pretty good price. She didn't want to wear high-heels since she knew she would fall over the moment she walked in them.

Ciel came in and whistled, looking at her. "Well, someone is dressed up and being all fancy."

Violet glanced at him and laughed. "I'm going in a Miss Levicity pageant today, as well as Zala and River. We are trying to win ten thousand coins to get a ship so we would be able to get the Majestic." She explained.

"No wonder I saw Zala and River walking around in dresses this morning..." Ciel muttered.

"Yep. That would be why." Violet said, laughing again, but a bit quieter this time.

Ciel chuckled and went to get his breakfast.

Violet smiled and went to sit on the couch, waiting for the rest. She looked up when Zala walked in and sat beside her, dressed in black dress and black heels. "Hi. Where's River?"

"She can't find her flats. If only she knew that she actually put them by the bed." Zala said, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Where are my flats?" A voice yelled out.

"Under the bed!" Zala yelled back, sighing. "Geez..."

Violet laughed and smiled when River came out in her dress and flats. "Pretty!"

River giggled. "Thanks!"

Zala snorted. "Of course, no one says that I am hot stuff."

Violet snickered. "You are pretty. Just not hot stuff, because that sounds really weird."

Zala glared at her and then Ciel, who was busting out into laughter. "Whatever, let's just go. We need to be there in an hour and it takes at the very least thirty minutes to get there." She said as she headed out the door, picking up the front of her dress slightly so she wouldn't trip over it.

Violet nodded and followed, kinda getting nervous but yet excited. She still didn't like about the dress part and having to actually be pretty.

River skipped after them, all giddy and happy.

They arrived at the backstage of the pageant, where they would be in order to get on the stage.

"All contestants, please line up." An announcer said through a microphone. "We will go through all of you one at a time. You will all model and everyone will put their votes in."

Violet huffed, getting nervous as she watched the girls before her go up onto the stage one by one. "Alright, number twelve." She muttered, River number thirteen and Zala number fourteen. "So, we do twirls and spins?"

"Just about. You just walk up the stairs onto the stage and then do whatever feels right. Like twists, turns, or even , like you said, twirls." River explained.

Violet nodded and frowned. "Alright... Then what do I do?"

"You exit off on the other side."

"Okay.... Seems easy. But then again, usually things seem easier said than done."

"True.... But I'm sure you'll be able to do it!" River beamed, encouraging her.

Violet grinned at her, feeling less nervous quite a bit.

"Alright, Violet, you're up next. Knock 'em dead. Not literally though..." Zala said, shooing her up onto the stairs.

Violet giggled and walked up the stairs. She nearly froze when she saw the big crowd, but went through it. She gave some twists and twirls, making the skirt of the dress flare up a bit. She heard the crowd 'ooh' and 'aah' and felt encouraged even more by that. She walked off the stage, her head held high in a confident way. She stepped down off the stage and waited by it for the others to come up. She smiled, watching as River took her turn, doing her own turns and catwalks, acting like she had done pageants her entire life. Zala seemed a bit unsure in what to do and seemed stunned on the big crowd, but did dramatic poses like a model would do in a photo shoot.

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