Chapter Twenty Four

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It was now morning, five am, to be exact. They had to wake up extra early to go ahead and eat breakfast before Queen Clarissa would lead them and teleport them to their destination. Once they were done with that, they had gone outside into the edge of the village surrounding the castle. Queen Clarissa, suited up with light armor, turned towards them. "To perform the teleportation spell, I need absolute quiet and you all need to be extremely still. If you move, there is a risk that you will lose a body part. Everybody ready?" She annouced.

Everybody had nodded and stood as still as they could be.

The queen smiled at them before she closed her eyes as she started muttering some words. "Telopa Enetha Senathea." A glow formed around them, blinding everybody.

As the light dissipated and the surroundings were now mountains and rocks.

Violet looked around, raising an eyebrow and looking extremely confused, as well as everyone. Suddenly there was a panicked scream and she turned towards the sound.

"My thumb! It's gone!" The knight shrieked in terror as he stared at his hand.

Queen Clarissa sighed, "Well, at least it's only your thumb... It would've been worse if you lost your entire hand or arm." She said as she looking around in curiosity. "Hm... Apparently my spell was a bit off. Wonder which syllable I messed up."

Violet walked up to her after the knight had their bout of terror and panic and everything was taken care of. "What do we do now? It would the entire day or so to get there now." She said, frowning. "We need to do this as quickly as possible, right?"

The elven queen looked at her with a smile. "Yes, we do. But we're in Shoko now in the mountain region, so no worries. I'm pretty sure we'll meet them later on today. King Shoko would sense us or be alerted of our sudden appearance. If not, we can camp out in the forest." She explained as she turned forwards. "Now, onward, my army! We shall wage war today and defeat our enemy! Peace shall rein over the world once again!" Clarissa yelled as she started marching forward. The magicians started casting a spell which created an arrow positioned in front of Queen Clarissa and was pointing to where they needed to go.

Violet followed and hummed quietly till she was interrupted by Zala.

"You know, I never thought we would finally fight back. We would always wait till the fighting passed, but this time we are actually going into battle... But I guess it was because you encouraged us to finally fight back." Zala murmured, looking up at the sky thoughtfully.

Viole smiled, "I never thought that I would end up in another world and be doing a mission. Nor making friends along the way and battle. Especially go into a war. I wonder whats next... I become the queen?" She said, joking at the last part.

"I wouldn't joke on that last part. You have a very high chance of becoming the queen of Shoko. The kingdom, I mean." Zala said, her expression serious.

Violet's eyes widened. "Woah, woah, woah... How do I have a high chance that I will become one?" She asked, shocked by that answer.

"Because of you doing all this. It is very brave for someone new to this realm and is formerly human."

"Yes, but I have a family to go back to!"

Zala sighed, "Then Queen Clarissa would have to appoint another queen then. The closet one would be either me or River. Mostly River, because I prefer being a warrior and going into battle. It feels natural to me. And if you go back to your family, what would you do without Ciel? You two are technically courting..."

Violet looked down, not even thinking about that. "I... I don't know... Perhaps he can come with me? I'd like to stay here but I want to see my family and friends again..." She mumbled, not sure what to do.

"Don't think about it at the moment. Think about it afterwards when everything has calmed down and you are ready to decide to stay here or not." Zala murmured, patting her head.

Violet winced when she patted her armored head, her ears ringing from the clanging. "I guess so... Maybe I can visit my family for a while before coming back here. I could also try to find a way to contact them too!"

"That would be nice, I guess..." Zala murmured, worried about how this will all go. She put on a blank face though, not wanting to e vunerable, especially before a battle.

They had not run into King Shoko and his army yet, so the queen decided to camp out for the night. They were now at the edge of the forest, finally out of the mountain range. Everyone unpacked and started setting up sleeping bags and tents before they cooked a few rabbits and squirrels that each of the knights caught on the way for dinner.

Violet finished setting up her sleeping bag and tried her best to get in with the armor on. She sighed, able to fit into it and zip it up. After a while, she shivered a bit, the cold air freezing the armor and causing her to be cold. She then suddenly felt her body and armor warm up and turned to see a wing wrapped over her and a certain male's face grinning at her. Violet smiled back, "Thanks."

"Your welcome. Haven't seen you all day." Ciel murmured, leaning closer to kiss her cheek gently. "So how are you holding up?"

"I'm doing pretty good. How are you? Nervous?" Violet asked.

Ciel nodded in reply, "I'm a bit nervous, but I'm fine." He said.

A shadow loomed over them and they both looked up to see Queen Clarissa smiling softly. "Well, well. I never thought there would be a pair of lovebirds that are both going into battle. Hope everything goes well."

Violet's cheek turned red a bit when they were caught. "Um, yeah. Hope everything does."

Ciel chuckled, "Yep. It would be tragic if one of us got hurt and died on the battlefield." He said, trying his best to play it cool and not get flustered on how they were caught.

"It would. Anyways, you two go to bed. We have a long day tomorrow, for sure." The queen said as she turned and went back to her sleeping bag, careful to not wake anyone that was already asleep.

Violet let out a sigh in a relief, "Sheesh. Anyways, Queen Clarissa is right; we should get some rest. Not getting any sleep and not able to stay awake for battle would be tragic as well, right?" She teased lightly.

Ciel smiled and nodded. "Yes, it would be. Why must everything be so tragic nowadays?" He sighed dramatically, and moved closer to her for both of them to get warm. That and he just wanted to get closer. He then fell asleep quickly.

Violet giggled quietly before she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Shoko watched from the crystal ball that his personal gypsy had. "I see that got into my kingdom and have declared war... About time they fought back." He murmured, chuckling menacingly. "Tragic that they will not defeat me."

The gypsy looked up at him, "Shall you warn the other villages and round up your army?" She crooned.

King Shoko looked at her with a smirk. "Thank you for reminding me and also for alerting me of their appearance. I knew that they would someday come. Now take care." He stood and headed out the door.

He chuckled to himself and he smirked even more. "About time... I should prepare my pet for battle tomorrow before leaving the castle." He muttered under his breath as he walked up the stairwell to alert and ready his army.

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