He Comforts You

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It had been hard for me since my parents left. They moved to Kansas while I stayed in California with Michael. I thought about them constantly, and I cried myself to sleep knowing that I lived too far away from my parents. Michael got too busy to notice how I was feeling. It was fine with me. I didn't expect him to understand what it was like to live far away from your parents.

One day, I had the day off from my job, so I decided to just lay in bed for today because I was so tired and depressed. I never left our bedroom unless I had to go to the bathroom. When it came to around 5:00 PM, Michael came home. He saw me laying on the bed and had a concerned look.

"Y/N, aren't you suppose to be at work?" He asked.

"My boss gave me the day off." I said depressed.

"Are you okay?"

"No, not really."

"What's the matter, Y/N?"

I started to cry and said, "Nothing."

He saw me crying, so he took his shoes off and came to lay beside me and put his arms around me.

"Y/N, I know you're sad about something. What is it?"

"Look, the truth is, I miss my parents."

"You do?"

"Well, yeah. They raised me to be who I am today. I will always love and respect them for that. The fact that I can't do that because they're in Kansas just breaks my heart. I can't deal with this anymore. I miss them so much."

Michael started caressing my arm and said, "Baby, I know it's hard to live away from your parents, but they will always have a special place in your heart. Remember that."

I started smiling and said, "Thanks, Michael. You always know what to say when I'm sad. I love you."

"I love you more, Y/N."

I stopped crying and he cuddled with me. I fell asleep in his arms shortly after.

The End

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