The Gift of the Magi (A Christmas Special)

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I was so excited because it was almost Christmas, but there was one problem: I didn't have a present for Michael. Not one. I really wanted to get him one before it was too late because I knew every store was going to be closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Two Days Before Christmas...

I opened my eyes from a good night's sleep. I turned my head and looked at Michael, who was sleeping so peacefully. I turned on my side and laid my head on his chest. He put his arms around me and kissed my head. I moved my head and laid it on his shoulder so I could see his beautiful face.

"Oh, Michael" I whispered to him, "I don't know if you're awake or not, but I just want you to know that I love you, and I will find you a present in time."

I kissed the side of his head, got up from the bed, and I went into the closet to find some clothes to wear. I got my clothes on and quietly went downstairs to get my shoes on.

An Hour Later...

I walked everywhere uptown and I just couldn't find anything Michael would want for Christmas. I walked by a store that had stuff in the window and I saw a belt. This belt looked really fancy and thought it would look good for one of Michael's pair of pants, so I walked into the store to find someone and ask them about that belt.

I walked over to the clerk and said, "Excuse me, miss?"

She turned around and said, "Yes, ma'am."

I said pointing at the belt, "How much is that belt over there?"

"It's $200, ma'am."

"Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome."

I walked away from her and thought, Oh, no! I don't have that kind of money. What am I going to do?

I kept on walking, put my hands in my pocket and felt something. I pulled it out to see what it was. It was my amulet that had no chain to it. My mother gave it to me because my grandmother gave it to her.

I stared at it and thought, Wait, maybe I could sell this to get Michael that belt, but then this amulet's generation streak is over. I don't want to brea it, but if I keep it, then I won't be able to buy the belt for Michael, the love of my life. What should I do?

I thought about it long and hard, but I finally made up my mind. I was going to sell something I loved dearly to buy someone I loved dearly a Christmas present. It was a hard decision, but I love Michael more than anything, even the amulet, so I sold it and got the belt.

Christmas Morning...

I fluttered my eyes open to find myself cuddled with Michael.

I gave him a kiss on the lips and said, "Good morning, Michael. Merry Christmas."

"Good morning, Y/N. Merry Christmas to you, too." He said tiredly.

I giggled.

"Why don't you get up so I can give you your present." I said getting up from the bed.

"Christmas present?" Michael asked sitting up on the bed.

I walked over to the closet and grabbed the present the belt was in. I walked back to the bed, sat on it, and gave Michael his present.

"Oh, baby. You shouldn't have." Michael said.

"I wanted to. I wanted to show you how much I love you and that I will do anything to keep you happy." I said smiling.

"Y/N, you being here with me makes me happy enough."

"Well, I wanted to make you happier. Now, come on. Open your present."

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