He Twists His Ankle

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I was sitting on the couch watching TV until Michael walked in.

"Hey, Y/N." Michael said.

"Hey, baby. What's up?" I said.

"Well, I was wondering if you would like to go down to the basement with me." Michael said.

"Basement?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's where I practice on dancing." Michael said.

"Oh, okay. Yeah, I'll come." I said.

Michael takes my hand and we go down to the basement. He keeps all of his career stuff down here.

"Here, sit right there." Michael said.

I sat down in the chair he told me to sit in.

"Now, what I'm going to do is I'm going to dance, and when I'm done I need your opinion on it so I know whether or not to use it in my videos or not, okay?" Michael said.

"Okay." I said.

Michael walked to the music player and played his new hit Black or White. He was dancing really good. I smiled at him and he smiled back, until...he went into a spin in the middle of a song when all of a sudden, I heard a popping sound. It sounded like someone popping their neck. Michael screamed a little and fell to the ground. I gasped and ran to him.


"Oh, my gosh, baby! Okay, just relax and I'll call the police!" I said.

3 Hours Later...

"Don't worry. Michael's ankle should heal up in a few weeks." The doctor said.

"Okay, thank you so much, doctor." I said.

"No problem." The doctor said.

I walked into Michael's hospital room to find Michael sleeping. He had a cast around his ankle. I felt so terrible for him. I walked quietly and sat in the chair right next to his hospital bed. I grabbed Michael's hand and caressed the top of it with my thumb. Michael's eyes fluttered open and he smiled at me.

"Hey, baby." Michael said.

"Hey. How do you feel?" I asked.

"A lot better. Thank you for calling the police." Michael said relieved.

"You're welcome. By the way, I really liked your dancing, but don't spin as much when you get into the middle of the song, okay?" I said.

Michael scoffed and said, "You don't have to tell me twice."

We giggled. Michael grabbed my hand and kissed the top of it.

"I love you so much." Michael said.

"I love you, too." I said.

We looked into each others eyes and smiled. After about 15 minutes, Michael fell asleep again. I felt so lucky to get him some help in time for his ankle.

The End

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