You See His Scars

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I noticed that every day, Michael would wear sleeves. I knew he had vitiligo, but I didn't think he was still introvert about it. I didn't worry about it too much.

One evening. Michael and I were sitting down at the beach. The sun was setting just perfectly. Michael and I just watched as the sun set over the lake. Michael grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. When he put it down, his sleeve got stuck on his elbow. I noticed that when he turned it, there were scars on his wrist. I pulled his arm up to take a better look. He snatched his arm away from me and pulled his sleeve back down.

"Michael, what were those scars from?" I asked concerned.

"Don't worry about it, Y/N. It's complicated." He said.

He looked away from me and just stared at the sunset. I just looked at him with a sad look. When it finally became night, he drove us home. During the ride, I asked, "Michael, are you hiding something from me?"

"No. Why would I do that?" He asked.

"Because, Michael. I saw those scars on your wrist. What happened to you?"

He sighed and said, "Nothing happened to me, Y/N."

"What are those scars from?"

He started getting a sad look. "Me."

"You? What are you talking about?"

"I put those scars there, Y/N. I've been dealing with a lot of things in my life." He started crying. "Y/N, ever since I was a little kid, I have dealt with a lot of pressure. My dad beat me and I never got to play on playgrounds with other kids. When I got older, I went through adolescence, which means I got a lot of pimples on my face. I tried to hide them, but it wasn't always successful. Then when I found out I had vitiligo, I was starting to get more stressed out. I ended up having a lot of panic attacks." I started to cry. He was crying more. "I just couldn't deal with the pressure anymore, so I cut myself so I wouldn't feel any more mental pain. I regret doing it because after a while, I realized that I loved life too much. I still felt pain in my life, but when I met you, you took all of the pain away. You showed me that there is a lot to life than what I saw."

"Oh, Michael. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked." I said crying.

"No, Y/N. It's okay. I needed to talk to someone about that anyway. So thank you for asking me." He said.

I looked the other way and didn't say anything. We stayed quiet the rest of the way home. When we got home, I didn't say a word. I just got my pajamas on and went to bed. Michael took a shower and came to bed a little while after I did. When he came to bed, I was laying the other way so I wouldn't face Michael.

He shook me a little and asked, "Hey. Turn around and look at me." I started to turn around and looked Michael in his beautiful eyes. He started to caress my arm and said, "Y/N, I love you. I love you so much. I don't want you to worry about these scars, okay? Don't feel bad for me. Just love me. Pretend I don't even have these scars, okay?"

I sighed and said, "Okay, Michael."

He pulled me into his arms and cuddled with me. Then he pulled my face up to his and kissed me so passionately. Then we continued to cuddle. We both fell asleep shortly after.

The End

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