He Thinks He's Ugly

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I was watching TV in our bedroom while waiting for Michael to get out of the shower. He was taking a little longer than usual. I was wondering why he was taking so long, so I got up and before I could knock, I heard sniffles in the bathroom. Michael was crying about something. I decided to not knock on the door and went back into our bedroom and just waited for Michael to come out so I could talk to him. He was in there for about an hour.

When he got out, he walked over to the bed and laid down like nothing happened. I looked at him and he looked at me.

"Michael, I heard you crying in the bathroom. What's the matter?" I asked him.

He sighed. "Because I'm having a hard time."

"With what?"

"Dealing with the fact that I look like...this." He hesitated.

"What do you mean?"

"Y/N, do you think...I'm ugly?" He said trying not to cry.

"Michael Joseph, why would you ask me that?" I asked irritated.

He finally started crying. "Because, Y/N. I am! I'm hideous!"

"Michael, no you're not. Don't talk like that."

He started crying even more and turned on his side so he would look at me.

"Michael, you are not ugly. What has been making you think like this?" I asked curious.

"Society." Michael said. He turned back around and looked me in the eyes. "Everyone says these horrible things about me and they really get to me. I start to believe what they say. Mostly because they are right. I'm just a stupid, ugly beast." He said crying again.

"Michael Joseph Jackson, you are not ugly, and you most certainly are not stupid. Whoever told you that is wrong. Don't listen to them, okay? Because you are beautiful inside and out." I said. He started crying even more.

"Oh, baby." I said.

I laid down with him and started caressing his face with one of my hands. He grabbed it and kissed the top of it. I started smiling and he smiled back. I put my hand on his face again. We looked each other in the eyes for a long time.

"You are so beautiful." I said.

He giggled a little. I turned and laid on my back. Michael looked at me with those beautiful eyes of his.

"Oh, baby. Come here." I said.

I opened my arms out for him. He crawled and put his head on my stomach. I caressed his head. We fell asleep shortly after that.

The End

Hey, guys. Sorry I was gone for so long. I've just been dealing with a lot and I just started school, so I might be a little slow, but I will try to come back and update some new stories a soon as possible. I love you guys so much.

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