You Almost Attempt Suicide

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Ever since I was 13 years old, I had struggled with depression and anxiety. The reason being was because my parents got divorced. I had to keep switching from one parent to the other. Michael knew that I was struggling, but he was always busy doing something else, so he didn't help me much. It was very hard for me to deal with. I even attempted suicide right before I met Michael.

One day, Michael was working while I stayed at home. I kept on having flashbacks of when my parents would fight. These flashbacks happened often. I was crying my eyes out because of everything they fought about. They fought over me mostly. It was tearing me apart. I couldn't take it anymore, so I went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. I looked at my wrist. The more I looked at it, the more I cried. I put the knife against my skin, but right before I could slit my wrist, I heard the door open. It was Michael.

"Hey, Y/N. I'm home. Where are you?" He shouted.

I put the knife away and wiped my tears so Michael wouldn't see. "I'm in the kitchen, Honey." I shouted back.

Michael walked into the kitchen and looked at me. I was faking a smile so he wouldn't know. He saw that my face was still red from crying. He asked, "Are you okay? You're red in the face."

"Yeah. I'm just a little hot is all." I said.

"Oh, okay." Then he walked away into the living room. He saw little drops on the floor from me crying and asked, "What are these little wet drops?"

"Oh, I had a glass of water. Some of it kind of fell out of the cup when I was trying to sit." I said still faking a smile.

"Oh." He said with a straight face. I could tell in his eyes that he knew I was lying.

After that, he didn't say anything else. The day went by and I just acted like nothing happened. Michael went to go take a shower. I just sat on the bed watching TV. When he was done, he came to our bedroom and just in front of the bed looking at me.

"Michael, is there a problem?" I asked concerned.

"As a matter of fact, there is. I'm kind of concerned about you. Come here for a second." He said.

I walked to the front of the bed like he told me to. He grabbed my hands and turned them around and looked at my wrists. I was starting to think that he knew what I did earlier. He put them down and crossed his arms and just looked at me.

"Y/N, I know what you did earlier." He said.

"What are you talking about?" I said.

"Y/N, stop pretending that you don't know what I'm talking about. Those drops on the floor were tear drops., you were red in the face because you were crying, and on top of all of that, you were right beside the knife drawer. I know what you were thinking about doing." I started looking down and closed my eyes. "Y/N, why would you do that to yourself?"

"Because I'm sad, Michael."

"About what?" I just stayed silent.

"Y/N, you know that if there's something wrong, you can tell me. I will listen."

"But Michael, you're so busy all the time. I don't want to distract you from your work."

"Do you honestly think that I care? I care about you more than I care about my work. The only reason I do it so much is because it's my job. I will listen to whatever is on your mind. Now, what's the matter?"

"It just that...I keep having flashbacks of my parents. You know, when they fought and got divorced?" He nodded his head yes. "Well, when they fought, they fought mostly about me. All the arguments they had tore me apart the more they fought."

"Wow. How long have you been having these flashbacks?" He asked.

"I don't know. A while." I said.

"Did they ever put you in therapy?"

"No. They didn't think I needed it."

"Well, they were wrong. Listen, I know someone you can talk to. He helped me through a lot when I was growing up. Here's his number." Michael grabbed the guy's phone number and handed it to me.

"Okay, thanks, Michael."

"You're welcome." I started crying. Michael came to me and gave me the most passionate hug I've ever felt.

"It's okay, Y/N. Just remember that if you ever want to talk to me about this stuff, let me know and I'll listen, okay?"

"Okay, Michael." I said crying.

The End

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