You Give Him A Massage

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While I was at home doing chores, I just thought about whether Michael was okay. He had been under a lot of stress lately with this new album and it was driving me crazy. I just wanted him to be calm and happy about this album. I know how hard he had to work to get this album perfect, but I didn't want him to ware himself out just for that.

One day, I was sitting in our bedroom and Michael walks in exhausted.

"Ugh, what a day." He said tiredly.

"I'll bet." I said.

Michael took off his shoes and sat on the bed with me. Sometimes, I would glance at him and see how tired he was. He started to rub his shoulder. I couldn't stand to see him like this.

"Michael, take off your shirt." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Just do it."

He did what I told him and took off his shirt.

"Now, scoot and sit right here in front of me." I said pointing.

He did what I told him to and sat in front of me. I put my hands on his shoulders and rubbed them a little. Then I started to massaging his shoulders. He put his head down and started groaning. I just stared at his skin and saw some spots of the vitiligo, but I couldn't help but think how beautiful and soft it was.

"Mmm, this feels so good." He said groaning.

I giggled a little and continued to massage him. I could feel all of the muscles in his shoulders just relax more the more I massaged them. After about ten minutes of massaging his shoulders, I started to rub his back. Then I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him from behind. I put his hands over my hands. He laid his head back on my shoulder and snuggled his face in my neck. I kissed his shoulder and he kissed my neck.

"Michael." I said giggling.

"Thank you so much, Y/N. I really needed that." He said.

"I know, baby. You're welcome." I said.

He took his face out of my neck, sat back up, and turned around. He smiled, looked at me, and gave me a gentle kiss. Then he looked me in the eyes and smiled.

"I love you so much, Y/N." He said.

"I love you more." I said.

"I love you most."

"I love you more than most."

He giggled, gave me a very passionate hug, and said, "Okay, Y/N. You win."

"Yay." I said childishly.

We held each other for what felt like forever.

I broke the hug and asked, "Why don't we get to bed?"

"Okay." He said.

He scooted back to his side of the bed and we laid down to go to sleep.

Then he asked, "Y/N, can I cuddle with you?"

"Oh, baby. Of course. Come here." I said.

He scooted closer to me and put his head on my chest. I caressed his back and kissed his head. We fell asleep shortly after.

The End

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