You Meet Lisa Marie Presley

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Michael is my best friend. I haven't seen him in almost a year. Over this year, he got married to Elvis Presley's daughter, Lisa Marie. I was happy for him, so I decided to get in contact with him. He said that I could come over to Neverland anytime, so that's what I did. I packed some stuff and went over to Neverland to see my best friend and his wife.

I finally got there about a couple days later. I stood in front of the gates. I was nervous because I never met Lisa before. I didn't know what she was going to be like. I took a deep breath. The gates opened and I was about to walk in. Little did I know that Michael and Lisa were standing on the other side waiting for me.

"Michael!" I shouted excited. I ran to him and jumped into his arms. He hugged me tightly. I finally let go of him and said, "It's so good to see you again. I haven't seen you in almost a year. How have you been?"

"I've been pretty good. This is my wife, Lisa. Lisa this is my best friend, Y/N." He said.

I shook her hand and said, "Hello. It's nice to finally meet you."

"It's nice to finally meet you, too. Michael has told me so much about you." Lisa said.

"Has he?"

"He sure has. He wouldn't stop talking about you when you called him the other day."

I started laughing. Michael started smiling at me.

"Well, what do you say we go inside? It's hot out here." He said.

Lisa and I both agreed and we all walked to the house.

The End

Hey, guys! Listen, I'm going to be honest with you. I have nothing against Lisa Marie. I know when her and MJ got divorced, it wasn't the best time, but I still like her. Not a lot of moonwalkers like her, but I do. More than 50% of people who get married end up divorcing. Unfortunately, her and MJ's marriage was on that side. She might have ended the best relationship of the 20th century, but I still like her. She's human just like everyone else. It happens. She's not the only one who broke MJ's heart anyway. I don't know why moonwalkers hate her the most. Anyways, this is just my opinion on Lisa Marie Presley.

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