You Get Sick

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I woke up one morning feeling terrible. My stomach was hurting me, so I put my hand on it, but didn't help. I started gagging, so I got up and went to the bathroom. I thew up in the toilet. I was in there for about three minutes. Then I came back to bed feeling miserable. I woke Michael up when I was throwing up.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" He asked.

"No. I'm sick. My tummy hurts. I just threw up and I feel terrible."

He scooted over and put his head on my chest, put his arms around me, and said, "Aww. My poor baby." I put my hand on his head. Then he pulled my pajama shirt up and kissed my stomach. I moaned quietly, and he kept kissing my stomach. Then he came up and caressed my cheek and asked, "Is that better, baby?"

I nodded my head yes and said, "It feels much better. Thank you, baby."

He kissed me and said, "You're welcome, my baby." He kissed me again. Then he put his head on my chest again and we fell asleep.

The End

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