He Has A Nightmare

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It was almost 4:00 AM. I was sleeping peacefully until I heard Michael whimper a little. I turned around on my side and saw Michael make faces that looked like he was scared of something.

"No. Stay away form me." He said in his sleep.

I got concerned, so I shook him a little bit. "Michael. Michael, wake up." I said.

"No. Get back." He said.

I shook him a little harder. He opened his eyes and made a big gasp. I caressed the side of his face to calm him down.

"Michael! It's okay. It was just a dream." I said.

He started looking around a little, then looked at me. He started to cry. I pulled him in for a hug.

"Aww. Michael, it's okay." I said. I started caressing his back and he calmed down a little. "Michael, what did you dream about?" I asked.

"Oh, Y/N. It was terrible. I had a nightmare about my father. He beat you and killed you, then he tried to beat me, but I got away. I was scared for my life. I thought you died." He said still crying.

"Oh, Michael. It's okay. It was just a dream. You're safe now. I'm here for you. Don't you worry." He calmed down after a little bit.

"Oh, Y/N. Thank you so much. I love you, baby." He said tired.

"I love you, too, Michael. Why don't you go back to sleep? I'll be right here to hold you."


I held him so he wouldn't have another nightmare. We both fell asleep shortly after.

The End

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