Chapter 8

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*Demi's POV*

"Congratulations on your new baby girl!!"
"Awe congratulations Marie!!" I cut the cord.
She didn't say anything.
Her eyes were closed.
"Doc what happened?!"
"It's from the blood loss."
"Will she be okay?"
~A Few Hours Later~
I got up and went over to the bed.
"Hey baby girl." I kissed her forehead. She felt her stomach.
"Where's my baby?"
"Right here." Niall said as he got up. He was holding her. He handed the baby to her.
"It's a girl?" She asked with tears in her eyes.
"Yeah, and she's beautiful just like you."
She kissed the baby's forehead.

*Marie's POV*

I can't believe I had this beautiful baby girl inside me. The nurse came in.
"You're awake. I need a name for the baby."
"Uh..." I looked at Demi.
"Paige Catherine Connors."
Demi hugged me.
"That's a beautiful name."
She kissed my cheek.
We went home. I put Paige in her crib. Niall and Demi came in.
"She's beautiful Marie, and she looks just like you."
"Thanks daddy."
Niall kissed the top of my head. Demi hugged me.
"You're so strong Marie. I love you."
Paige started crying. I picked her up.
"Thanks mom. I love you too."
Niall, Demi, and I went downstairs. I still had Paige in my arms. We watched Monsters Inc. She was so peaceful. She fell asleep in my arms. I put her in the playpen we had by the couch and I went upstairs.
"Marie..where are you going?" Demi asked with concern in her voice.
"To the bathroom?"
I went into the bathroom, took the blade out of its hiding place, and placed a towel on the floor. Thank goodness her towels were black. I lifted up the sleeve and began slicing my wrist. After about ten minutes I heard a knock on the door.
"Marie..Demi's worried about you."
"Oh..uh I'm just shaving my legs. It's all good dad."
"Are you sure Marie?"
"Okay.." Niall said as he walked away.
I cleaned up my arm, pulled down my sleeve, and went downstairs. Demi was holding Paige.
"She started crying.."
"Thanks mommy." I said while taking Paige. I rocked her back to sleep and put her back in the playpen. I laid on Demi's lap and fell asleep.

*Demi's POV*

She fell asleep. I'm worried about her. So, I lifted up her sleeve carefully so she wouldn't wake up. There were dozens of fresh cuts. Tears welled up in my eyes. I pulled her sleeve back down and cried into Niall's chest. He rubbed my back. Suddenly, Marie woke up.
"What's wrong?"
"N-nothing." I said sniffling.
"Something's obviously wrong if you're crying."
"The movie was sad...."
"Monsters Inc. isn't sad."
"What's wrong."
"I know you're going to hate me..but I looked at your wrist."
"Mom!! How could you?"
"I had to were in the bathroom for how long.."
"I'm sorry mom.."
"It-" I was interrupted when Marie's phone went off.
"Hello? Oh hey Sarah!! I miss you too. Yeah sure I'll ask."
"What do you need to ask?"
"Can Sarah come over for a few days?"
"Yeah sure!!"
"She said yeah. I can't wait either."
She sounded so happy. Even though we both know she's not.
"Anyway as I was saying before..Marie..why'd you do it?"
I could see tears brimming her eyelids.
"Demi...I have a confession."
"What is it?"
"I...I..." She bursted out in tears. I picked her up and held her in my lap. Niall wrapped his arms around both of us. When she calmed down I avoided the question. I'll ask her another time. I laid her down on the bed and played with her hair until she fell asleep. I wrapped my arms around her and soon I fell asleep too.

~The Next Day~
*Marie's POV*

I woke up around 8. Sarah is supposed to be here around 10.
"Yes baby?"
"I love you.."
Suddenly Demi's head jerked upward. She looked at me funny, kissed my forehead, and pulled me closer to her.
"I love you too."
We laid like that for about twenty minutes when I remembered about Sarah.
"Sarah's coming."
"Oh yeah."
We both got up and took showers.
"Where's Niall?" I asked.
"He's on the couch."
We went downstairs and Niall was in the kitchen making breakfast.
"Good morning babe." He kissed Demi.
"And good morning Marie." He hugged me.
"We expected you to be sleeping." Demi said.
"Nah. Plus I was hungry!!"
We all laughed and ate. I heard a car pull up.
"Sarah's here!!" I got up and ran towards the door. She got out of her car and hugged me.
"I missed you so much." I said while tears stung my eyes.
"I missed you too." We went inside the house.
"Niall Horan?!"
She was a big directioner.
"Yeah he's my dad now.."
He went over to her and hugged her tightly. She was freaking out. It was so funny.
"Hey Sarah." Demi said walking to the door.
Demi laughed and gave her a hug.
"There's someone else I want you to meet.." I said while walking upstairs. I came down with Paige.
"Who's this?" She asked while touching Paige's toes.
"This is Paige Catherine Connors, my daughter."
"Awwee we have the same middle name!! Thanks Marie."
"You're her godmother by the way.."
"YAAAY!!!" She whisper-yelled while hugging me.
"I didn't know you had a daughter Marie...who's the father?" She asked.
"Oh...umm..." I said while tears creeped out of my eyes.
Demi pulled her aside and told her.
"Oh..I'm sorry for bringing it up Marie."
"It's fine.." I sniffled while putting Paige in her playpen.
The rest of the day we spent watching movies.

~Three days later~

"Bye Sarah have a safe trip back home." I called as Sarah got into her car.
"Mommy...I miss her already.." I hugged Demi.
"It's okay baby. Speaking of baby where's Paige"
"I got her!" He called from the kitchen. "I was making a bottle."
"Oh okay.." I took Paige from Niall and sat her down. I fed her.

*Demi's POV*

Marie's handling the baby very well. I think I should take her out soon. Niall could watch Paige for a few hours.
"You wanna go to a movie tonight?"
"What about Paige?"
"Niall's gonna babysit."
"Oh. Okay. Sure!!"

We went to the movie theatre and we watched Up. Surprisingly, we had never watched it before. When we got home Marie was acting weird.

*Marie's POV*

I was so triggered that night. I didn't even know why. After we got home, I went to my room to see if I could sleep it off. I sort of just laid there. Thinking.

Nobody loves you.
Just die already.


Demi heard me scream and came upstairs.

"Baby what's wrong?"
"They won't shut up." I said while covering my ears. Tears brimmed my eyelids.
Demi held me. She rubbed my back until I fell asleep.

<Hey guys!! So I'm TERRIBLE at updating. ._. I've been stuck with school work and it's been consuming most of my time. Grawr. Anyway, I've come up with a new idea for a fanfic. It's about a boy. If you want me to post it then let me know.(: Then, if you don't like it, I'll delete it. Thanks for reading!! c:>

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