Chapter 2

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*Marie's POV*

I dropped to the floor and cried. Even though he didn't love me, I loved him.
"Do you have a guardian here to watch you?"
"N-no. But I can call someone who's eighteen."
"I'll stay with you until they get here."
Sarah arrived I ran over to her and hugged her. The man left and I cuddled up to Sarah and fell asleep.

~The Next Day~
I woke up to a text from Demi.

Demi: Hey baby girl what's up?
Demi: Oh baby girl I'm so sorry. I'll be right there.
Marie: No Demi, it's okay.
Demi: I'm coming.

Sarah woke up.
"Who you texting?"
" one."
I had to lie because she didn't know I had Demi's number. She would've gotten mad. She fell back asleep. Then I heard the doorbell ring.
"Hey.." Demi pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. I instantly started crying. I just wanted to stay in her arms forever.
"Let's go upstairs so we don't wake up Sarah." I followed Demi upstairs.
"What happened?"
"He was drunk driving."
She hugged me again pulling me into her lap.
"Do you have any family to live with?"
"No. They're all dead. I don't want to go into foster care!!"
"You won't be there long baby girl. I promise."

There was a knock at the door. It was the man from last night.
"Who is this woman with you?" He asked.
"I'm Demi Lovato." She shook his hand.
"THE Demi Lovato?!"
"Yep." She flashed her winning smile.
"Oh wow!! I need to bring this girl with me. She doesn't have legal guardians or family."
He got over meeting Demi really quick. I would've been freaking out but I guess that's just me. I grabbed my iPhone, hugged Demi and Sarah, then left with the police man. He took me to a local foster care center. There were so many kids there...all younger than me.

*Demi's POV*

Sarah woke up when Marie hugged her and she was super confused.
"Why are you here?"
"Oh uhh...I heard about Marie's dad and rushed right over."
"Aww that's nice." She looked at the clock. "I have to leave. It was nice seeing you again. Bye Demi."
She hugged me and left. I called the foster center.

"Hello can I adopt Marie Connors?"
"Come to the building please to sign the papers."
I got in the car and Max drove me there.
"Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked.
"There's a special bond between us Max. I have to do this."
I got out of the car and went into the building. A short blonde woman greeted me.
"Y-you're Demi Lovato!!"
I hugged her. We went inside a little room with a desk. She handed me papers to sign. I put myself down as her mother. She was keeping her last name. It means a lot to her. The woman led me to where Marie was. She was in a room with some other children.

*Marie's POV*

When I went upstairs to get my phone I grabbed my blade and shoved it in my pocket. Thank goodness they don't check your pockets. I was cutting my finger when the lady who took care of us walked in.
"Meet your new mother."
Demi stepped in and I ran over to hug her. My finger was still bleeding so I covered up my hand with my sleeve.
"You can go home with Demi."
"Demi, why'd you adopt me?" I asked while we walked out of the building.
"I want to help you and give you a life you deserve. You're moving with me to LA."
"What about Sarah?"
"Sarah will visit us once and a while. She's starting college soon."
"Oh...okay..." I was upset because she has been my best friend for so long. When we arrived at the house I called Sarah. I told her to come over. I packed up my stuff and put it in Demi's car. I only packed clothes and electronics. Everything else was gonna be sold. I hugged Sarah one last time and we left. A tear rolled down my cheek as I waved goodbye. It was going to be a long trip so I decided to sleep.

*Demi's POV*

Marie looked so peaceful sleeping on my lap. I felt something drip onto my leg. Marie's finger was bleeding. I took a bandaid out of my purse and wrapped it around the cut. I wonder where she got it from. It was gonna be another 4 hours so I took a nap. When we finally arrived I carried Marie upstairs. She was surprisingly light. I laid her on my bed and cuddled up next to her.

~The Next Day~

I woke up at eight and made pancakes, eggs, and bacon. I woke up Marie and told her breakfast was ready. She came downstairs and sat at the table. She was playing with her food.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I'm just not hungry.." Not hungry. I know that all too well.
"Oh..okay.. Do you wanna go to One Direction's house today?"
I finished my breakfast and put on black jeans, a purple t-shirt, and white converse.

*Marie's POV*

I can't believe I got away with breakfast. I went downstairs and put on purple skinny jeans, a black long sleeve shirt, and sneakers. Demi and I came out of the room at the same time.
"Hey!!" We said simultaneously.
"That's weird." Demi said.
"I know."

We left in the car and drove up to One Direction's house. We were greeted by Niall and Harry.
"Where's everyone else?" Demi asked.
"Out with their girlfriends.." Niall said.

*Niall's POV*

Demi looked beautiful. I don't know who this young girl is that's with her.

*Demi's POV*

Niall was staring at me. I am so confused. Is there something in my teeth?
"Guys this is Marie. I adopted her."
Niall hugged her and Harry just shook her hand. We went in and sat on the couch. Niall sat next to me and Marie. Harry sat on the other side of the couch.

*Marie's POV*

It's SOOO obvious Niall likes Demi. The way he looks at her. How can Demi not notice?
"So what kind of music are you into?" Harry asked breaking me out of my thoughts.
"Oh..umm...mostly Demi's stuff. I like yours too but I don't listen to them that often."
"What's your favorite song of ours?" Niall asked.
"Little Things.."
"Oh my gosh me too!!" Demi high-fived me.
Harry and Niall started singing the song. It was beautiful and by the end I was crying. Harry came over and hugged me. I wiped away the tears. We talked about some other stuff and then left. I checked my phone. I had another text from Sierra.

Sierra: Why don't you join the rest of your family?

That one hurt the most. When we got home I ran up to the bathroom hiding my tears.
"Are you okay?" Demi called up the stairs.
"Yeah..just need to go badly.."
I entered the bathroom and put a towel on the ground. I got out my blade that was hidden in the case of my phone. The towels were a dark blue so I don't think it'd show. There was no more room left on my arms so I started on my legs. Demi knocked on the door startling me.
"You okay baby?"
"Y-yeah.." I said.
She walked away. I cleaned myself up and put the towel in the middle of the laundry basket. I went into Demi's room.
"Hey come lay down with me."
We laid down and watched The Lion King. I started crying when Simba's dad died. It had only been a couple days since mine had died. Demi held me closer to her chest.
"'s okay baby girl." Being in her arms calmed me down.
After the movie was over Demi made dinner.
"You must be starving."
She put the plate in front of me and started eating her own. I pushed the food around.
"Is something wrong with the food?"
"What's wrong then?"
"Just not hungry, that's all."
"You didn't eat anything at all today. Eat something. Please."
I sat there and stared at my food. Was it worth it? I was fat enough I don't need to be fatter. Demi finished and sat there until I was done. I went upstairs and threw it all up. I brushed my teeth. Demi was downstairs on the computer.

"How do you feel about doing a Twit-Cam? I want to tell my Lovatics about you."
I sat next to Demi as she tweeted about the Twit-Cam.

*Demi's POV*

After we had gotten about 5,000 viewers I started talking.
"Hey guys it's Demi here. I have a special announcement."
I watched people tweet.
What is it Dem?
Are you engaged?
And stuff like that.
"I've adopted a daughter. She's 14 and her name is Marie."
Marie moved over so the camera could see her. She waved. I looked at the tweets again.
Aww Demi that's so sweet.
She's so pretty.
Those were the good ones. Then there were the bad ones.
She's stealing Demi from us.
Ew look how fat she is.
I didn't let her see the bad ones. She didn't have a twitter either. The trending topics were: #DemiIsASweetie, #MarieIsBeautiful, #MarieLeaveDemiAlone, and #DemiIsAMommy.
I only showed her the nice ones.

*Marie's POV*

I had been accepted by her Lovatics. I felt loved. She said bye and turned off the computer.
"Hey you have a crush on anyone?"
"Umm...yeah. I'm not saying though. Do you have a crush?"
"No, I know someone who has a crush on youuu... I smiled at her.

*Demi's POV*

"Who?" I asked.
"I'm not telling until you say who your crush is."
"That's perfect!!"
"Niall likes you Demi."
"How do you know?"
"I can see it in his eyes."
"Should I call him tomorrow?"
"YES!!" She shouted. We settled down and fell asleep.

~The Next Day~

I woke up and took a shower. I put on black stockings and a black skirt that didn't go past my knees. I also had a red top on. I called Niall.
"Hey!!" He said excitedly.
"You wanna come over?"
"Yeah! I'll be over soon."
"Okay!" I hung up. I was so excited. I woke Marie up.
"Baby girl, Niall's coming over. I'll be downstairs."
"Okay.." She mumbled. I went downstairs and made breakfast. The doorbell rang. I opened it.
"Niall!!" I hugged him.
"Hey Demi."
We sat down at the table.
"I made breakfast. Marie's still sleeping."

Niall ate really fast. Boy that kid can eat. We sat on the couch afterwards. He looked at me.
"Demi..I have to confess something.."

<I wonder what Niall is gonna say to Demi. o:>

Adopted by Demi Lovato and Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now