A Night Out Imagine

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Imagine: you were gonna go out to the club by yourself for the first time. You heard about this new club that just opened and Saturday nights are gay pride nights. You wanna bring friends and most of them are gay, but they don't know that you are yet so you thought it would be best to just go alone for tonight. "No more than one drink, I need to have control of myself if I'm alone. But I will need a little something in my system if I'm gonna have to talk to strangers" you told yourself. After spending an hour picking out your outfit and an hour on your hair and make up you were finally ready to go. Fortunately it was only a 20 minute drive so you were there in no time. When you got inside you ordered a drink and sipped it while people watching. Once done, you set the glass down and went out onto the dance floor. Knowing most of the people there right now were gay you spotted a girl dancing alone and went over to her started to dance with her. She was getting so into it, bending over in front of you and doing some Miley Cyrus twerking, you can't help but laugh. When that song was over you decide that you're going to need another drink if you're gonna keep up with her. If you got too drunk you'd just decide to call a cab and who cares if you do something stupid you're just here to have fun. When sipping your second drink you were people watching some more, you saw a new girl go up to the girl you were just dancing with and laugh to yourself at the girls face when she bent over in front of her. After your second drink you were finally starting to feel a little buzzed. You set your glass down on the bar and when you turn back around, standing right in front of you, is the sexiest girl ever. "H-h-hi" you say, not able to form words. "Hi I'm demi" she says and sticks out her hand, you reach to shake it, "I'm y/n" you reply. "Nice to meet you y/n, that's a beautiful name" she says. "Thanks" you say as you can feel yourself blushing. You've never seen a girl look so fucking good before and you don't want to say the wrong thing so you just look down shyly. "Would you like to dance with me y/n?" Demi asks. "I would love to" you reply. She took your hand and pulled you through the crowded dance floor. Stopping in a slightly open area, she placed you in front of her. Her hands made there way to your sides and she pressed her body against your back. Your bodies moved in sync to the music. She whispered in your ear "I could get used to this" and it sent chills down your spine and to top it off... After those six words were whispered into your ear she kissed your neck. You turn around and look her in the eyes. She leaned in and kissed you. Her lips were luscious and full.. Cherry flavor lingered. This wasn't your first time experiencing this kind of feeling. For some reason with her it seemed so new and for the first time you were lost. The kiss grew deeper with more desire and passion. You felt inexperienced and wondered if you still even understood making out. She pulled away just as that thought crossed your mind, which worried you. "In case you were wondering... You took my breath away. I don't know what the fuck just happened... But. I've never had a kiss do so much to me." She spoke to you. "So it wasn't just me?" You responded before you could stop yourself. She shook her head no though. "I think we need to get out of her because you've taken over my thoughts and body and unless you want me to fuck you right here... I think we should go" she said and you just nodded. She pulled you through the crowd once again and leaving the club you mention your car and she just laughed. "This is Timothy" she said as you reached a limo. "He's my limo driver. He will have someone bring your car to my place" she said and you were so confused. "Why do you have a limo and a driver and everything?" You asked her as you climbed into the limo. "I'm famous" she pauses taking a sip of wine. "I knew there was something about you. You have no idea who I am. And I'm in love with the thought of that. But um... That song 'Cool for the summer' that's me." She adds looking at you. "Demi. Lovato. I know who you are. But I fell for you the moment my eyes met yours. I know it seems cheesy, all I know is your name but I feel like we've know each other for ages. And I just really want you to know that I don't like you because your fame or..." She cut you off by pressing her lips against yours. She lightly pushed your shoulders down onto the seat, climbing on top of you. "You talk to much" she said as she took her shirt off and instantly re connected her lips with yours. Your hands explored from the waist up. One tangled in her hair and the other leaving nail marks from her waist to her shoulder due to the hickey she was giving you at the moment. You moaned and asked "can umm.. Timothy hear or see us" "No. Besides he's focused on driving anyway. We should be to my house in 10" she said while you sat up to remove your shirt. Only thing separating your upper half's was a bra. You were more than tempted to take hers off but nervous. You bit her lip and she moaned, causing you to buckle your hips against hers. She began to grind against you as the kiss grew sloppier. You pulled her against you and felt her warm, sweaty, skin against yours. This moment has put you in a incredible rush. You reached for the button on her shorts and pulled her zipper down. This allowed you to grab her bare ass. Feeling that she only has a thong on. "Fuck" she slurred out between breaths. You hear the driver honk the horn. Signaling that you arrived at Demi's. She leans over and presses a button to communicate to him through a speaker thing, you're not too sure what it is. "Thanks Timmy" she says out of breath. Her attention was instantly back on you. She kissed you with much lust. "Your lips were gone for to long. But we need to go inside. I need to fuck you... Like right now." She said kissing you once more and doing her pants up. You grabbed your shirts and tossed hers to her and put them on fast. You walked in her house behind her. She threw her stuff down when she walked in. You were taking in her massive home from the door way and she closed the door behind you. "Nice huh?" She asked while you stood in awe. One of her hands being on the door already from closing it, she placed the other on the opposite side of you, closing you in against the door. There was still space between you and her so you grabbed her hips pulling her body closer. "Let's get this shirt back of." You saying pulling it over her head. You glance up and notice her cheeks are bright red. "You are too fucking cute" you assure her planting a trail of kisses down her jawline to her neck. Where you began to leave a hickey, assuring she was yours. You began to make out. "Fuck I... Can't wait any longer" she said removing your shirt and bra. In a matter of what seemed like only a couple seconds. The closest room was off to the right of the entry way being the dining area. She managed to get you in there and threw you on the table stripping her self of all clothing as you did too. She was flawless. Trying to take in the whole scenario you became overwhelmed. She climbed on to top of you straddling your lap. If you were not wet before you sure as hell was now. Her vagina is on top of yours and you can't help but to grind against her. She grabs your hips making you stop. "Someone's eager" she says with a chuckle. "Yeah, well someone's a fucking tease" you say in remark. She instantly smashed her lips on yours, the kiss started off sloppy. Your mouths moved in sync and your tongues glided against the others. She put a leg over yours for better contact and grinded into you. You moaned into the kiss and she bit your lip. You drag your nails down her back. So much sexual frustration/tension was built up to this very point in time. Your hand wanders up to her boob, pinching her nipple a little she moans throwing her head back a little so now her chest is right in your face and you take the opportunity, you move your face up to the other one and begin to suck, "ugh fuck" she moans and you open your eyes and look up at her. Fuck don't do that...don't look at me all innocent like that" she says and begins to grind harder making you moan and she leans down to reconnect your lips. Feeling cum dripping from you guys you say "I hope you don't eat on this table" she giggles and says "I dont" and she gets this sexy smoldering look in her eyes and says "but I'm about to" and she begins to kiss your neck and moving down to your chest and down your stomach making sure to leave little love bites here and there, just as she's getting closer and you start to moan she skips over your vagina and starts kissing your thighs. "You really are a tease" you say. "I like seeing the frustration build up in your eyes and then being able to relieve that frustration for you" she said before kissing your thigh all the way up, her tongue just grazing over your sensitive area, teasing even more as she doesn't stop and goes over to your other thigh and doing the same. "Ugh babe this isn't fair I can't take this much longer" you say and move your hand to start to rub yourself and relieve some tension she was building up, but just as you do she swats your hand away and says "no let me do all the work" and with that she begins to rub you with her fingers, you moan craving more of her and she finally gives that to you, her tongue gently grazing at first and then her tongue starts moving in ways you didn't even know possible. You can't help but moan over and over and when she looked up at you with those sexy eyes you just about lost it. "Damn were gonna have to move to a soundproof room if you're gonna be so loud" she joked and you said "you're just so good at this please don't stop" and she obeyed and started moving her tongue. She started to rub herself cause your moans were building up tension in her, but you didn't even care cause seeing her head between your legs and her rubbing herself was probably the hottest thing you've ever seen.Your legs begin to shake as you reach your climax. "Fuck babe I'm about to cum" you say. "Wait" she commands, she crawls back on top of you now rubbing her wet pussy on yours "I want to feel your cum on me, mixed with my own" she whispers in your ear biting it a little. That was enough to send you over the edge "fuck" you moan as you begin to orgasm and you can feel her doing the same, after you've both finished she connects her lips to yours and collapsed next to you, both of you out of breath. "Stay the night with me tonight?" Demi asks. "I would love to" you say and kiss her forehead. "Great I'm gonna go fill the tub so we can take a bath together" she gets up and winks at you as she walks away.

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