Study Session Imagine

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Imagine: Today I woke up a bit stressed. I've been at a new school for a few months. And I have my small group of friends and most of them say I'm popular but I don't agree. I think most people just got to know me because I was the new girl. And then a rumor started about me being a lesbian so my popularity kind of died down. Which to be fair I am a lesbian but I don't care about labels so I just do what I want with who I please. I'm starting to slack in my AP calculus class which sucks because I was really looking forward to that grade for my scholarship. It's my senior year and there's not much time left of this semester so I've been looking into a tutor. It seems pathetic being 18 and almost failing out of my best subject. Stress has just gotten the best of me I guess. My parents are getting a divorce and they only told me a week after I came out to them and I feel like it's my fault but I knew my mom wasn't going to take it well so I'll be living with my dad once the divorce is final. I love my mom a lot of course but we don't see eye to eye and I don't want to fight anymore. *knock knock* "yeah?" I ask. "Can I come in?" I hear my dads voice peer through my bedroom door. "Yeah" he walks in and we make eye contact. "Sup, dad?" "Get dressed, I have a few apartment tours booked. I think you're really going to like them" I smile, knowing how much my dad is trying and how much he cares means a lot to me. I get up and hug him. And he silently walks out of my room closing the door lightly. Getting up I rummage through my closet and find some black ripped skinny jeans and an oversized white nirvana tee. I get dressed and put on my black converse. I walk downstairs and see my mom sitting on the couch. "Morning, mom" she replies with a short "morning" and goes back to reading her magazine. I put a bagel in the toaster and wait for my dad to come downstairs. As I applied cream cheese to my bagel I hear my dad come down the stairs and engage in small talk with my mom. "Y/n, you ready to go?" My dad asked as I finished up my bagel. "Yeah, just let me clean this up real quick." I cleaned up my mess and followed my dad to the front door "later mom" I yelled before closing the door. My dad and I climbed into his Range Rover and headed to our destination. "So the apartments I have picked out are in the city and on the water in Miami, I think you'll like most of them. They are all three bedrooms too. So you can have your room and the extra room for your studying and gaming stuff if you want?" I laugh at my dad because it's always been a joke to him that I ended up being into video games. "Sounds great, and you know how much I love going surfing, so the ones by the beach sound awesome, but the city can be cool too" I turn up the music and nod my head to the beat of "Nightmare" by Halsey. "You want to stop at Starbucks?" My dad questioned me. "Is that a rhetorical question? I'll never pass up Starbucks" He chuckled to my reply. "Okay, we are early to meet up with my realtor. So I figured a quick stop wouldn't hurt" I smiled and continued to bop my head. We finally arrived at Starbucks and headed in. We got in line and I looked over and witnessed a dream in real life. The most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on was sitting at a table with her MacBook and notebooks wide open. She was absolutely stunning in her own element of studying to which I assumed. I was so stuck in my gaze I hadn't relived the line moved up until my dad nudged me. "Sorry" I say, knowing I'm full on blushing and he did a quick look around the coffee shop trying to see what had my attention. "I will have a grande pink drink, please" I order as my dad steps forward to then place his order and we step down to wait for our orders to be made. I slightly begin to panic as I realize I need to distract myself from staring so I pull my phone out of my pocket and scroll through Instagram. A moment later I hear my dads name called, to which leads me to believe our order is ready. I step forward grabbing my drink glancing up one last time to get a glimpse of the beauty sat in this Starbucks.

Part 2 below 😍

We got in the car and as soon as I buckled up I heard my dad chuckling next to me. "What" I questioned. "I see why you're still single. You got no game kid" my dad retorted shaking his head. "Hey!" I yelled nudging his arm. "Hey what? I'm not the one drooling over the girl in the corner of a Starbucks" "Listen. You are a man. And men can walk up to women assuming they are straight. What can I do walk up to her and ask if she likes vagina?" I replied bursting out in laughter with my dad. "I guess I didn't think about it that way. But still staring doesn't give you that answer" I just shake my head. No longer wanting to talk about liking vagina with my dad. I began sipping my drink and bopping back out to music. Fifteen minutes went by and we arrive to what I assume is the first tour of the day. After parking the car I fallow my dad into the lobby of the apartment building and watched as he searched for his realtor. "Hey, Robert" we heard from a voice behind us. "Hello, Nancy. Nice to see you again. How've you been?" My dad questioned while hugging his realtor. "I've been doing great, thanks for asking" she simply replied. "Hi, I'm y/n I don't believe we have met" I said extending my hand out to her. "Hi hun, we've met but long ago. I sold your first home to your dad." She said chuckling as if she's been around forever, accepting my handshake. "Alright, Rob, this is the first of five locations I have to show you today and in my personal opinion this one is my favorite" my dads realtor spoke to him as we walked through the lobby of this apartment building. It looked extremely fancy and this one was right along the beach, I was already in love. We approached the elevator and our realtor Nancy pushed 14. Which is pretty high up, luckily I'm okay with heights. I followed my dad and Nancy off the elevator to room 31 which was just down the hall. "Alright so this one is a three bedrooms but you could call it four, one room is technically a designated office but of course you could remodel as long as the board approves. This is definitely one of the "higher end" floors. So most of your neighbors have about an equivalent amount of space. Anyways, let's get inside." Nancy spoke while unlocking the door. Walking in I notice there is a loft and my heart melts. "As you can see your entry way has high ceilings with and open floor living and kitchen area" I begin to tune Nancy out and tune into my surroundings. Immediately walking through the door you have the kitchen on the right. It then flows into the huge living room that even had a piano. Above the kitchen was the loft with a spiral staircase. It wasn't huge but I guess it was meant for a reading space and I already love it. Between the living room and the kitchen there was a hallway that branches off from both sides of the room. I explored the left hallway first which has the master bedroom with a master bath, which was all dark wood based with black accents. And then there was a guest bathroom at the end of the hall and across from the master was the office. This was defiantly made for my dad. I then walked to the other side of the apartment which has a bedroom with the view of the beach and surprisingly a chandelier and a bathroom with a chandelier. I am living! Then across the hall was a smaller room but just the right size for my extra things. I truly can not believe how amazing this apartment is. "Dad!" I yelled out. "Yes sweetie?" He questioned peeking into the room. "This house was literally made for us, I'm in love!" He smiled and I swear I caught him tearing up. "I know honey, even an office for when I work from home. Truly amazing. I'm gonna go talk to Nancy about numbers unless you need to look at other apartments?" I dropped my jaw at his comment. "No, I'm definitely sold on this place. I have my room, my office, on this side of the house. And on the other side of the house, your room and your office. There is even a loft dad! A quiet reading space, it's so cute! I love this place" now that I'm out of breath my dad just laughed at me. "Alright, let me go talk to her. You look on your phone for a tutor. Before I get you anything new for your room we gotta get that grade up in calculus" I just nodded my head at him knowing it wasn't the time to argue. All though I was frustrated considering he had to be a buzz kill. But I know he just wants me to be just as successful as him if not more. And I need good grades to get there. I walked into the living room and noticed they were at the island in the kitchen going over paperwork. So I sat down on the couch that was set up for display and started researching tutors in my area. I'm looking at the list and reading reviews. I'm trying to find someone who's like in their second year of college which almost guarantees they are smarter, right? This is harder than I thought. I'm realizing I'd rather have a girl tutor me just because I feel like it's more comfortable than trying to break the ice with some dude. As I'm scrolling through all these people I swear I just hit the jackpot on this girl. It says she's 21, in her info it says her strongest subject is math, and her major is a 'financial planner'. All seems pretty promising. I went to her contact info to email her to see if she's free any time soon to help me out considering she had good reviews from past sessions. Ah, Demetria, that's a pretty name. I click her email link and shoot her an email in hopes of a fast reply because I am in desperate need. I look over and notice they're still going back and forth with some numbers and then my dad calls out my name. "Yeah?" I questioned as I approached them. "You sure you don't want to look anywhere else?" My dad asked. I stepped back and looked around the room. "Nope, pretty sure this apartment has our names all over it" he smiled and hugged me. "Alright well I'm signing the paper work now and we will move next weekend" my dad said as he grabbed out his phone. I assume he's got people to contact who knows. He's a business man and always busy so I tend to mind my own business when it comes to him. I felt my phone vibrating and walked away while they wrapped everything up. Pulling my phone back out of my pocket I noticed it was and email back from that girl. It reads "Hey, y/n, thank you so much for reaching out to me. I'd love to help you with your calculus studies. I've attached my phone number to this email so we can set up a date. I'm basically always free but there is always a chance I may have class myself. So whenever you get the chance just shoot me a text so we can compare schedules and arrange our first study session. -DL" I laughed to myself at her signing her email. She seems adorable already. I clicked her phone number and added her to my contacts under her first name. I'm actually pretty excited to get some extra help because I really don't want to start slacking off right at the end of all my hard work. Besides today is just a great day. We just got this amazing apartment and I've finally found what seems to be the perfect tutor. All though I don't know what she's charging so I'll have to ask her that when I send her my schedule. "Y/n everything is signed and we get the keys Thursday! Ready to get going?" My dad asked as I put my phone away. I nodded in response following them out of the apartment. As we got in the car I looked over to my dad meeting his smile with mine. We were both really excited to say the least. "I finally found someone to tutor me" I announced to my dad. I felt his hand pat my shoulder as he backed out of the parking spot. "That's great news, let me know when you find out how much and how often" he responded with a tone of reassurance. "I'm going to be getting furniture through out the week so mom will be able to keep everything, do you need anything?" My dad asked about five minutes into the drive home. "Just a new desk, preferably white" I said back to him and he just nodded continuing our drive home. I realized that I should probably text my tutor so we can get this show on the road. "Hey Demetria, it's y/n. I'm hoping to get started with tutoring this week, but I will be moving this upcoming weekend so it may be a bit chaotic at my place. So if you're free this week at all maybe we can meet at a public place? I'm thinking Tuesday, and Thursday. If you're able to meet twice a week? Also how much are you charging? Sorry, I'm just trying to cover everything lol. Anyways just text me back when ever you get a chance." I sent the text and laughed thinking about how I should've signed off on it considering she did for her email. As soon as we pulled into our driveway she texted me back. "Hey, y/n. I can do Tuesdays and Thursdays, let's say 6-8 if that works for you. I only charge $20 per session and that's only so I can have some money. I really don't like charging people for help but I know most people won't accept that. Maybe we can meet at a Starbucks on Tuesday? Here's a pic of me so you can find me when you get there. Let me know if this all works for you?" I looked at the selfie she sent over and over again. "Holy shit!" I yell out. "What!?" My dad questioned. "Oh, sorry. I thought you got out of the car already. Ummmm. Remember that Starbucks girl?" I asked my dad as he laughed and nodded in response. "Well. I'm pretty sure she is my new tutor" I said still in shock. "Well, you should probably cancel. Considering you need help in calc not in women." My dad jokingly responded. This is not the time for jokes this is serious. This is huge. This is insane. "No way in the world am I canceling. I have to at least meet her. Besides she has good reviews and I really do need the help. And I have to know if she likes..." "if who likes what?" My mom questioned as we were walking through the front door. "Oh nothing we were talking about if Nancy liked her job" my dad saved the day. And my mom just nodded. I let them talk about the new apartment as I headed to my room excited for Tuesday to come. Today was Sunday. Just under 48 hours until I see that beautiful face in person yet again.

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