Strip Club Imagine

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Imagine: Your having money troubles and will do anything for money. You've gotten a gob at the strip club in your local area about a month ago. You've been raped by three different guys sense then. Today when you go into work you plan on quitting. You put on your lace crop top and leather black shorts then catch a cab. "Where to hot stuff, because I'm thinking back to my place" the nasty, filthy cab driver asked you. "No you ass to the gas station down town" you shoot back at him. "Frisky, I like it. How about this, you suck my dick and I'll let you off with a free ride" he says once he pulls up to the gas station. "Fuck you" you say throwing ten dollars to him. You walk in the gas station and but a water because your thirsty. You walk a block to the strip club sipping down the water along the way. Staff entrance is in the back of the building which is connected to an alley where a bunch of creeps are. Now entering the building after being stared down, you set what little you have with you behind stage. "Y/n, your on left pole today" sussy lew the lead stripper said. You nod ok. You and two other girls walk on stage and dance on poles for a couple songs having singles thrown up at You. It's.time for a break so you and the other girls each pick up what money you've earned. You earned about $150 for your self. "Alright ladies change your clothes and head out to the V.I.P. lounge. Remember you must do what ever a boy or girl wants if the price is right and not against the rules." Your boss Chaz comes out and says. All of you strip down and change, now heading towards the lounge. You get into your room and see a girl sitting there on her phone. She glances up at you and puts her phone in her purse. You shoot her a confused look as you pace back and forth. There's usualy famous people at this strip club all the time but you never expected her. "Hey baby, everything okay. You seem to be shookin up a bit" the beautiful girl says you "I'm fine... correct me if I'm wrong, but is your name demi?" You ask shyly. She nods and looks down at herself "I guess I am, huh? Why don't you look at that" Demi says trying to break the awkwardness and you laugh. Approaching her. She lays $1,000 on the table in front of you. "I want a lap dance" She tells you. You don't argue with the sexy body She has to offer you. When your ass touches her she throws $500 more on the table and grabs your ass. As you move your self around her in the most sexual way possible with clothes on, she begins to take off your top. You let her. "Your so sexy baby" Demi says as you stand up. Your chest now showing and demi staring she puts $5,000 more on the table. "Make out with me baby" she tells you. She lays down on the couch and you climb on top of her a kiss her soft lips. Her tongue runs across your lips and you don't budge. Causing her to bite your bottom lips making your mouth open as you moan. Giving her a chance to slide her tongue in your mouth. She grinds up against you, as you rip her shirt off. Lucky for you She wasn't wearing a bra. Her nipples already hard from the situation you kiss from her mouth to her nipple. Placing your tongue down  you swirl it around her nipple teasing her. You then begin to flick your tongue back and forth over her hard nipple. Kissing up to her neck. You bite her neck and begin to suck. Trying to find her weak spot to hear her moans spill into you ear, you found it. Slightly bellow her ear You suck hard until you feel her nails drag down your back throwing you off guard. "Uhh, fuck me y/n" Demi says and you stop everything. "How do you know my name, that's classified information?" You say pissed off. "Ummm, don't be mad. I just thought you were so sexy and so I paid one of the body guards to tell me your name" Demi says. "Its okay but don't tell anyone" you say. You go back to kissing Demi and the door opens. "Times up" your body guard Steve says "don't worry about the time limit.  She's fine to be in here with me for a while" You tell Steve. You get up and hand him $500 to get him your and stop staring at your boobs. He leaves, you smile at demi. "500 grand and you come back to my place tonight baby. Plese come back with me" Demi says standing up. Now walking towards you, you still aven't answered. Due to the fact of her boobs bouncing around with each step she takes. once she gets to you, you pin her against the wall and begin to delicately kiss her lips. You fight with her tongue and win for dominance. She smiles deep into the kiss causing you to stop. "Yes" You say. And she looks at you so happily. Kissing you once more. "I better get going before people follow us back. Here's my number there will be a limo here to pick you up at 1 a.m. and take you to my place" demi tells you. You nod and realize it's 11:45. "See you I'm about an hour my love" You say and kiss her. She gets dressed as do you and she lays $500,000 on the table before leaving. You count up what you made So far you've made $506,150 because you gave Steve $500, which is good money for you but you don't plan on keeping it. The night goes on and you only bring in 10 more grand. Making your night total $516,150. You head back behind the stage putting your money in youf bag and look for Steve to lead You out once you find him You see Chaz "this job isn't for me... I quit" you say to him as Steve walks you. He says nothing. "See ya Steve, text me sometime" you say climbing into the limo and close the door after he waves. "Well aren't you a lucky girl" says the limo driver "I've been trying to hook up with demi for 6 years" he says while looking at you. " I'm sorry who are you exactly?" You ask. "I'm demis limo driver, Wilmer" he replies and begins to drive. "Could you turn on the radio please?" You politely ask him. He nods and turns it on. "Its about twenty minutes until demis" he lets you know. Growing impatient you pull out your phone put and begin to text "baby your limo driver needs to go faster I need you so bad" you send to demi. For a while you look around at the scenery and begin to think demi won't answer. Just when she does you pull into a gated community. "I know baby I'm fingering my self thinking about you"  Demi replies with. "About 5 minutes hot stuff" Wilmer tells you. You smile and look at how nice the houses are. Wilmer then pulls into a drive way and you shriek jumping out the limo before it comes to a complete stop. You pound on the door until demi answers and she pulls You in. Slamming the door behind you as she pins you against it, locking it as well. Demis lips landing on yours. Her tongue instantly rubbing against yours. She grabs your arms pinning them above your head. As she moves her lips from your mouth to your neck. She begins sucking everywhere until you moan and then she knows to keep sucking there. You keep moaning into demis ears and she picks you up. Your legs now wrapped around her waist and you run your fingers through demis hair. Demi begins walking to her bedroom as you kiss down her neck . She sees Her bed and throws you down, climbing on top of you. Instantly she rips your clothes off until youre naked. You then pull her shirt over her head and remember she's not wearing a bra, making things go by faster. You pull her pants down and then slowly slide down her thong. "Are you seriously tryna tease me!?" Demi says impatiently and shoves one finger into you slowly pumping in and out. "How's it feel to be teased?" Demi asked You and your nails slowly drag down her back ans you pull he hair. "I don't like it" You simply say because it was all you could get out. With that she adds another finger going a bit deeper and faster. Just as your legs begin to tremble her head ends up between your legs and her tongue slides into you. Moving back and forth, driving you insane. Your moans get louder as you reach your climax. You now come into demis mouth and she then licks you clean. "Baby you taste amazing" Demi tells you and you smile. "It seems to me that you only had your job to get easy money?" Demi asked You as you cuddle up next to each other. "Ya, but I told them I'm done so I no longer have that job" you say as you begin to get up "that reminds me" You pause and grab your bag. Walking towards demi You hand her back all her money plus what you made "here, I don't need it" Demi shakes her head pushing the money. You begin to get dressed to head out. "Where you going?" Demi asked. "I don't know yet" You tell her. She gets up running towards you "don't leave please... stay for at least a weak so I can get to know you and so I know your safe, please" Demi begs of you. "Fine but I do not want the money" You assure her. Demi locked the money away in the safe located in her walk in closet. "Would you like to sleep in here or do you want your own room" Demi asked You, "I guess I could sleep in here. Do you have some pyjamas I could sleep in because I'm really uncomfortable." You say to demi, "Sure no problem... what do you like, Shorts, or pants, and a tee shirt?" Demi asked You. "I'll just have shorts and a tee and if you don't mind could I shower real quick? You ask demi "Sure no problem. Here's some clothes and um I have and big bathroom through that door or you can go use another one in the house." Demi tells you "I'll just use your bathroom because it's right here and I... love you. I've been obsessed with you since Barney in all honesty" You say with a chuckle to hide your embarrassment. "That's so cute! Come with me." Demi says before leading you to the bathroom. "Here's all the towels and everything you need to shower will be in there also, I'm assuming you need underwear?" demi says "well ya but I wasn't sure if it'd be inappropriate of me to ask for underwear" demi shakes her head "honey, I know I don't have any right to brag and I'm sorry I'm about to but I mean I am demi lovato and I have at least 50 pairs of underwear I've never put on me, you may have what ever you prefer" Demi assures you. "I guess if you have a thong I'll take it" You tell demi. "Sure thing I'll get it and you can shower" demi says as you undress yourself. You close the door once naked and run the water. Once to the perfect tempature you get in. Your washing your hair, then the curtain pulls back and you jump. "Oh hey I didn't even hear the door open, you scared me" You tell demi. "Sorry, can I join?" Demi asked as she began to take her shirt off, with that being all she was wearing. Before you could even answer demi walks in placing your back against the wet shower wall. Water drips Down the both of you and demis lips are upon yours. Your fingers run through her hair as your tongues move around passionately in each other's mouths. Demis hand grabs your ass and She lightly squeezes it. Now sucking on your neck You begin to moan and you drag your nails down her back. You want control so you drop down to your knees and kiss demi. And put your tongue on her clit,  Flicking your tongue back and forth your done teasing demi when her moaning picks up. You now slide your fingers into demi pumping in and out at a fast pace. "Come for me" You whisper into demis ear as you make your way back to your feet. As you say the words she grabs you and pulls you against her. You still pumping in and out of her, she begins to reach her climax. Demi gets a tight grip on your hair and let's go of herself. She comes all over herself and you. You kiss her. "Thanks baby" you say, She just nods and begins to wash you. Getting soap everywhere you guys bot end up clean some how. You get dressed and lay down in demis bed as she finds something to wear. You find a funny show and demi climbs in bed next to you. Demi ends up falling asleep in your arms and you kiss her forehead. Now having the feeling that you're safe and loved you fall asleep with a secure smile.

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