Waitress Imagine

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Imagine its demis first day of work since she moved to New York and she's waitressing at a popular restaurant, she puts on her uniform and leaves. She's walking because it's only about 3 blocks away, she gets a little more nervous every step of the way. When she went for her interview there was this really hot girl that worked there and she's nervous to talk to her. When she arrives the girl is standing right behind the counter ready to greet her, "hi I'm Santana, you must be the new girl demi." She says and holds her hand out for demi to shake, she shakes it and says "it's nice to meet you Santana, im looking forward to working here." Santana giggles and says "im looking forward to working with you, I will be training you, do you have any experience with waitressing?" she asks. "Yes I was a waitress back in Texas for about two years" demi says, "great then I can spend less time showing you what to do and more time getting to know you" Santana says and winks. Demis stomach flutters with butterflies. Since demi broke up with her last girlfriend over a year ago she hasn't even looked at anyone like that but there's just something about Santana that makes her want to get to know her. She's not even sure if she likes girls but by the way she winked at her she's hoping she does. After Santana shows her around and gets her name tag and introduces her to everyone, she tells her that she doesn't have to do anything today, all that was needed today was to learn the ropes but demi already knew how to do everything. "I'm off in 10 minutes if you wanna get some coffee or something?" She asks demi. "Of course I would love that" demi says and smiles. She takes and seat and waits for Santana to be off, she takes out her phone and texts her best friend Marissa saying "I talked to her, she showed me where everything is and then she asked me to get coffee with her when she gets off in 10 min :D." Marissa replies right away saying "ahh im so happy for you!! Now you go get some! ;)" she giggles and puts her phone away. Santana walks over and says "you ready to go hun?" Her heart beats out of her chest at Santana calling her hun. They get up and walk about a block to the nearest starbucks. Once they get their coffee and sit down santana says "so tell me about yourself. Why did you decide to move to New York?" Demi takes a deep breath and says "well about a year ago I went through a really bad break up and I just wanted a fresh start. Plus I'm hoping to meet some big names in music when they visit here." "Well I might be able to help you out in the dating field, what do you look for in a guy?" Santana asks. "Well it's kinda complicated" demi says. "How so?" Santana asks, "well im a lesbian... If you don't want to be friends with me anymore I understand.." "Demi demi slow down, it's okay love. I'm a lesbian too, im so relieved to know you are cause I am so attracted to you." Santana says comforting her. "You are? Oh my gosh that's so good to know. I'm attracted to you too, im really looking forward to getting to know you." Demi says. "I'm looking forward to it too" Santana says and reached over to grab demis hand. While they were there santana told demi about how her last girlfriend had to move away for college and she found someone new there. They talked a little about their families and then realized how late it was and santana said she would walk demi home. "I really enjoyed that, let's do it again sometime?" Demi asked on their walk. "I would love that" Santana replied and grabbed demis hand, interlocking their fingers. Once they got to demis place and Santana walked her to the door, "are you working tomorrow?" She asked demi. "Yes 10-4, what about you?" Demi asks. "I work 9-3, but how about I come back when you get off and we get some dinner together?" She asks and blushes, worried she's moving too fast. Demi smiles and says "I would love that" Santana leans over and kisses demis cheek and says "I'll see you tomorrow at 10" and walks away. Demi goes inside and calls Marissa to tell her all about it, "it was so perfect Marissa, i was so embarrassed to tell her I was a lesbian but when I did she told me she was too and then she reached over for my hand and it was just perfect" she stops to take a breath and then continues "I know I just met her but I can already see myself falling for her fast. I just hope this one works out. We are going out for dinner after work tomorrow.. Oh my god what should I wear?!" Demi stops realizing Marissa has been trying to talk. "Demi honey, slow down. You're stressing yourself out too much. Just let it go and see what happens, don't jump into it too fast but don't hold back too much. Just be yourself and let fate handle the rest. And as far as what you should wear, well I would wear that cute black crop top you got before you left with some jeans. You're gonna be fine now get some sleep, I love you call me tomorrow after the date okay?" Marissa says. "Okay thank you! I love you Marissa and I miss you, you have to come out here soon, goodnight" demi says and hangs up. The next morning demi wakes up way too early cause she's so nervous, so she decides to make the best of her time and took a nice relaxing bath. After about an hour she gets out and puts her bath robe on. She pulls out her clothes for work and sets them on her bed, she decided to wear the same jeans she will wear for the date so all she will have to change after work is her top. She takes her crop top and puts it into her bag. She walks into the bathroom and applies light make up, she blow dries her hair and then brushes her teeth. She looks at the clock and she starts work in about a half hour so she gets dressed and grabs her bag and is on her way to work. Santana is already there when she gets there and she greats her with a nervous smile cause she's with a customer. Demi is in the back putting her apron on and santana comes back and kisses her cheek and says "I can't wait for our date later, now get to work so the day will go by faster" demi smiles at her and says "okay I can't wait either, I'll be out in a second I just have to get my name tag from my bag." After she put her name tag on she took out her phone and sent a quick text to Marissa saying "just got to work, I am so nervous! Wish me luck I'll call you after the date!" And then she put her phone in her bag and went to work. She walks up to the front to see what tables are hers and looks to see that a couple has just sat down at one of her tables. She goes over and says "hi im demi and ill be your waitress today, can i start you off with sometbing to drink?" As demi was taking their drink orders santana caught her eye and then winked at her, making demi smile. Before she goes to get their drinks she walks over to santana and says "please dont distract me from work, save it for tonight" and walks away before santana can say anything. Santana takes this opportunity to mess with her a little, when she would make eye contact with demi she would pretend to just go back to work but she would wink really quick or bite her lip. She was driving demi crazy. Finally it was 3 and sanata walked over and kisses demi on the cheek and said "ill be back in an hour for you, do you need to go home and change after work?" "No i brought my top im just going to change in the bathroom real quick when i get off" Demi replies. "Okay sounds good see you in an hour boo" santana says while walking out the door. Every one of demis tables are full so shes busy and the next hour goes by fast, when santana comes back demi is just clocking out. "I just have to change, give me like 5 minutes" Demi says. "No problem, take your time" Santana replies. Demi rushes to the back snd goes into the bathroom to change, when she comes out sanata looks at her in shock, "oh no is this not okay? Should i go home and change?" Demi asks nervously. "No no no thats perfect, you look really hot, i wasnt expecting you to weat something so sexy thats why i was shocked but its perfect babe. Lets go im starving" Santana says and takes demis hand in hers and they walk out. They arrive at the restaurant and take their seats, after the waitress takes their order they start to talk about work today. "Ugh you were teasing me all day, you were distracting me on my first real day at work and i told you to save it for tonight" demi says and giggles. "Sorry hun i couldnt resist i was just too excited for this i couldn't wait" santana says and they both laugh. After they are done with dinner they walk around for a little then santana says "my house isnt too far from here, wanna go back and watch a movie or something?" "Yeah that sounds great" demi said. Once they get there santata turns on netflix and tells demi to pick out a movie while she makes some popcorn. Demi decided on 'The Notebook', when santana comes back in and sees the movie selection she she rolls her eyes and says "you are such a girl" and presses play. They cuddle and watch the movie, by the end of the movie demi was crying like she does everytime she sees it. Santana looks at her and says "babe dont cry its happy they get to be together forever" "i know but its still sad how it happens." Demi said. Santana wiped the tears off demis face and leans in and plants a soft kiss on her lips and pulls away, she looks and demi and demi is smiling and leans in to kiss her again, she puts her hands in santanas hair deepening the kiss. Demi climbs onto santanas lap so she is straddling her, she runs her tongue along her bottom lip asking for entrance and santana lets out a small moan as demi slips her tongue into her mouth. Santanas hands find their way under demis shirt running her nails across demis back earning a moan from her. she reaches for the hem of demis shirt pulling it over her head, breaking the kiss only long enough to do so. Demi begins to grind against santana, this is the first time demi has kissed anyone in a long time. Demi stops and says "i just realized this is our first kiss, im so comfortable around you it just felt so natural" she smiles at santana and then kisses her again. Santana takes control laying demi on her back and getting on top of her, demi then reaches for santanas shirt, pulling it over her head, it gets stuck and santana has to sit up and take it off, theyre both laughing now. "I havent had this great of a time in a really long time" Santana says, "me either, this is really nice" demi says. They start to kiss again and just as they do the front door opens, they jump up and scramble for their shirts, "oh my god guys get a room! Oh you must be demi, ive heard so much about you its nice to meet you, sorry it had to be like this. Im rachel, santanas rommate" the girl says. Demi turns bright red of embarrassment, "uhm hi rachel, nice to meet you. I guess i should get going.." demi says. "Oh no please dont leave because of me, im just passing through, ill be in my room if you guys need anything, again it was nice meeting you demi" rachel says "same to you" demi says. Once rachel is in her room demj turns to santana and says "you didnt tell me you had a roommate! That was so embarrassing!" "Oh dont worry about it babe i cant tell you how many times ive walked in on her and her boyfriend. Next time we will take it to my room" santana replies. "Okay thank you, i really should be going though i have to work in the morning, do you work tomorrow?" Demi asks. "No but how about i pick you up on your lunch and we grab a bite to eat?" Santana asked, "i would love that. Thank you for tonight it was amazing, i havent felt happy like this in a long time" demi says. "Youre welcome, ill see you tomorrow" santana says and give demi a quick kiss before she leaves.

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