Started as Friends Imagine

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(First person point of view) Imagine.. lately I've been feeling pretty stressed out. With bills and stuff like that. Demi has been over every single day and I thought that was helping me but... Its not. I realized that I love her more than I thought. She has been super cute trying to make me happy and now I'm getting feelings for her. This isn't the first time either. She knows about last time... we talked about it. She even admitted to having feelings for me too, but we just needed to be friends. Bitter sweet moment, I'll never forget it because she even kissed me, I suppose that didn't help the feelings. But eventually they did fade away.. Here I am with them again. Currently 'Netflix and chilling' alone that is until demi walked into my home with out warning. "Hey, hope I'm not interrupting anything... I brought Chinese food!" "Mmmmm, yum". She sat the food on the island and came running over to me and plopped down, half on the couch and half on me. "You staying the night" I ask with a smile. "Of course. Also... I got ice cream and some vodka for later" she says smiling "maybe some nextflix and chill, literally." She adds with a wink. Ughhh she's so fucking cute. Stop. Stop. Stop. She sat up and moved the hair off my face. "Thanks" "no problem, I'll go make us plates, and you put on a movie" she got up and did as she said. Meanwhile what is Netflix doing with all their good movies. "Babe! There's nothing on here" I turned to look at her. She is beautiful. "Put on the spongebob movie" she said with a little laughter. I just don't remember her being this cute. Anyway.. "Its on dem" she sat down next to me setting a plate in my lap. Mmmmmmmmmmm "I'm starving" I said before practically inhaling my food. There is some left but ugh I'm full. I walked in the kitchen and sat it down so I could put the rest in the fridge. "You done? I'm gonna clean up in here." "Yeah, here I come, I'll help you" demi approached me with her plate and sat it in the sink. We started to wash the dishes and I notice she was looking at me. "Yes?" "I missed you today" "I missed you to demi" and I swear to god the whole eyes to mouth thing happened. Its so hard not to just kiss her. I look away because apparently she didn't want to end this moment. I then grabbed a handful of suds and threw them at her. "Really, you want to do this right now?" Then she grabbed a handful of water and splashed me. "Oh its so on" she ran out the kitchen so fast she almost fell. "Demi come out come out wherever you are. My house is not that big" I've looked everywhere but the bathroom but why would she go in there, I look anyway. As soon as I walked in I hear the shower turn on and of course she had the shower head in her hands and I'm drenched head to toe. "Demetria! You're so lucky my phone is on the couch" I said before I charged into the shower and got the showerhead and demi was soaked. "Y/n. You're so lucky I have a water proof phone case" she said just before pinning me up against the wall and her lips smashed against mine. So much desire and fuck.... My brain. Demi. Wait. Are you sure?" I asked in hesitation stepping away from her. She pulled me back and kissed me again. "I'm sure. I'm sure I love you. I'm sure I want to be with you, to call you mine. I'm sorry." All I can do is look at her. Her eyes speaking the rest for her as she tears up. I shut off the shower "let's put on some dry close" I say and all she does is look at me. I hope she feels like shit. I've wanted this for so long. And now she does. "Look I'm sorry y/n. I know you're mad. But I love you. And I always have. I've tried ignoring it. I was scared as fuck because I cant lose you. But I love you. And I want you to be my girlfriend. Please y/n... Can we try? I'll take you out the morning. Please just" before she could finish, I figured I could take her out of her misery and just kiss her already. We were already in my bedroom so there wasn't very many steps till I had her at the edge of my bed. Where I pushed her down and climbed on top of her. "Fuck... Hangon" she says pulling away. "Are you okay?" I just need to make sure. "I'm fine... Its just this all feels so good. And my body and mind. I'm just like in shock. I don't know. Just... Give me a second" with that I just lied down next to her. "I love you too, Demi. But... Maybe we should just be best friends. Cause its like I'm kissing my sister, and oddly it feels so fucking good" I let this all out with a sigh. "Maybe we shouldn't talk and think. Maybe we should just do." She said climbing on top of me. "I see why you needed a second." I slip out before her lips reattach to mine. Her right hand found my left and our fingers intertwined. "I really.. Truly do love you. On a level I've never let anyone know about, please y/n. To call you mine, I'd do anything" She's being so sweet I sit up a little and peck her lips. "I love you demi, call me yours." All she could do was smile at me. "But for real. We should change now." She stood up and I followed. I was taken into a warm embrace. This could be amazing. "Here put this on" I handed her a tank top and shorts. "Thanks" I changed as she did. I felt the need to look away as she stripped of her clothing. She's... Taking her bra off. I looked up her. "Its wet she simply says as her boobs become visible to me. All I can do is nod. I hurried and eventually made my way to the living room. I couldn't take it. "You okay?" Demi asked plopping down next to me on the couch. "I'm fine. I'm just scared" "don't be scared. I'm here. I'm not leaving... We don't have to do this ya know" I looked up at her. She had so much hope in her eyes. "Where are you taking me in the morning... Girlfriend?" She looked at me with an endless smile and kissed me. "I thought you'd never ask. Pancakes from IHOP sound good?" "Sounds good. Now.... I say we watch Scooby doo. That's been our show since we were 5." She smiled at me and put it on. I grabbed the blanket in front of me and put it over demi and I, as she snuggled into me. "I love you" I say kissing her forehead. "I love you more." She stated before drifting to sleep. I slowly followed after her.


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