Hey Bar Tender Imagine

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Imagine you've been waiting to hear from your girlfriend all day long and she hasn't texted you. You decide to finally give up and go to the bar to get some dinner and have a few drinks. You get there and order your food and drink, the bartender is so hot you can't help but check her out. You notice her name tag is placed right next to her perfect boobs, it days 'Demi'. After you finish your food you order another drink and she bring it to you and says "I'm demi by the way, have i seen you in here before?" You think for a second and say "no I don't think I've been here before, my girlfriend doesn't really like the bar. I guess that's why I'm here when I'm mad at her, she won't come here. I'm y/n by the way, it's nice to meet you." "Yeah I didn't think I've seen you here before, I would remember if I saw someone at beautiful as you." Demi says and you can feel yourself blushing. "Thank you, you're pretty hot yourself" you say. Demi winks and walks away, when she returns she has a drink in her hands and says "this is on me, I thought you might need something a little stronger. Now do you wanna tell me why you're mad at your girlfriend?" She asks. "Well she told me she was gonna call me so we could get dinner but once it got to be 9pm and I had not heard from her I decided to come here. I don't know what's been going on, she's been so distant lately and she never returns my calls and never has time for me anymore." You vent to demi. "Oh babe no one deserves that, lemme tell you if you were mine I would never ignore you and I would make sure you felt special 100% of the time. You are way too beautiful to be treated any way other than perfect." She says. You can feel your face turning deep red "thank you demi, no one has ever said anything like that to me before" you say. "Well it's all true love. I'll be right back I have to go serve some drinks to an annoying couple at the other end of the bar" demi says. You watch her walk away staring at her perfect ass, when you look up and see who she's serving you feel like you could pass out, all the color drains from your face and you can feel hot tears rolling down your cheeks. Sitting at the other end of the bar is your girlfriend and some girl she introduced you to as her good friend a few weeks ago. You get up and run to the bathroom, demi sees you leave and follows you. "Why did you just run out like that... Oh my god what's wrong? What happened?" Demi says once she sees the tears running down your face. "One of the girls in that annoying couple you just served is my girlfriend" you tell her and she clenches her fists. "Oh my god I can't believe someone would do something like that to a girl as beautiful and perfect as you" she says through her anger. She begins to pace, "will you please calm down you're giving me anxiety" you say as nicely as you can. "Oh im sorry babe I didn't even realize I was doing that" she replies. "It's okay I just don't even know what to think.." You say and burst into sobs. Demi walks over and wipes the tears from your face and kisses your cheek, "I know! We can make her jealous!" She proclaims. "How?" You ask, "well I could do this..." Demi says and intertwines her fingers with yours. "And maybe even this.." She puts her arm around your waist, "and if you're feeling frisky maybe even this" she says as she grabs your ass. You can feel your heart beating faster and your breathing becoming heavier as she puts one hand behind your neck and uses the other to wipe your tears as she holds your face in her hand, "and maybe I could even do this.." She says and then slowly kisses you. You put one hand on her back and the other in her hair and lean in to deepen the kiss, she lets out a small moan and picks you up and sets you on the counter behind you. She walks away to make sure the door it locked and returns standing in between your legs and reconnects your lips. "I need to make you happy before we go back out there, we can't let her see you like this. She has to know that you're gonna be fine without her and you don't need her anymore." Demi says as her hand slowly slides up the front of your shirt. You feel her fingers struggle to get under your bra but when she does you moan out of pleasure. She knows just where go touch you. She leaves kisses all down your jawline to your neck and she starts to suck right behind your ear finding your soft spot. You let out another moan as you reach for the bottom of her shirt to pull it off. Once you've got her shirt off you take a moment to admire her perfect body before she reaches over and pulls your shirt off taking your bra with it, then takes her own bra off and smashes her lips into yours. Feeling your body's against each other feels so amazing. You start to move your head down and leave kisses down her check till you get to her boob, you start to suck on her nipple earning a moan from her. Just then someone knocks on the door. You quickly put your bras on and throw your shirts over your heads as you head to the door to open it. Demi grabs your hand as you open the door and standing there is your girlfriend. "Hey what brings you here tonight?" You say in the bitchiest tone you could and give her the best fake smile you can. "Oh hey babe, I'm just getting some dinner with a friend, you know michelle you met her a couple weeks ago" she says and leans in to give you a kiss but you turn your head and just then she looks down and sees demi holding your hand "what the hell is this?!" She yells ripping your hands apart. You push her away as hard as you can manage right now and scream "it doesn't fucking matter what I do! Why don't you just go back to kissing that gross little bitch out there! I don't give a fuck what her name is all that matters is that she is a huge downgrade. Can you even call that ugly beast a girl? I really hope you're happy losing me, I'm sure you will be cause if you really wanted me you wouldn't have cheated in the first place you lying little bitch! I hope you get exactly what you deserve!" You yell as tears threaten to spill but you can't let her see that, you don't want her to have the satisfaction of hurting you. "I can't believe you're mad at me for cheating when you're obviously very close with this bartending little whore! How long have you two known each other? I don't wanna hear you giving me shit when you are doing the same thing!" She yells back at you. Just as you're about to throw a punch at her demi steps in between you guys "you little fucking whore! You have no right to call me names when you know nothing about me! I've never even seen her until tonight, she said she doesn't come here cause her girlfriend doesn't like the bar, when in reality you've been bringing that ugly ass bitch here for months! You guys are such an annoying couple all the time but I used to think you were too good for her but now that I know all of this you don't deserve anyone, you don't deserve to be happy! Does she even know you have.. I mean had a girlfriend?!" She yells. "Had?" She looks at you with a sad face. "Yes had you little bitch! And not that i have to explain anything to you but I didn't do anything with demi till I saw you with michelle! I'll pack up your stuff and you can pick it up off the porch tomorrow. Don't bother trying to come home im changing the locks tonight, I never want to see you again." You say as calm as possible and grab demis hand and walk away. Once you get away from her you burst into tears and demi holds you while you cry. After about 10 minutes she says she's just gonna go clock out and then take you home. You decide not to leave your car there so demi follows you home and when you get there she yells from her car "come on get in, we're going to get a new lock!" You forgot about that so you're glad demi was coming over. Once you get back from the store demi wanted to give you space so she was just gonna drop you off. "You gonna be okay?" She asks. "Probably but I was wondering if you wanted to stay tonight?" You say shyly. "Of course I would love to baby" demi says and winks. After you guys get the locks changed and put on some pajamas demi tells you she's gonna order a pizza and walks in the other room. While she's doing that you get a big box and start to put her clothes and everything she's ever left in there. And then you come across a picture frame with a picture of the two of you in there. You smash it on the ground and it breaks, you pick it up and look at it and start to cry. Demi walks back in and says "the pizza will be here in 30 minutes" just then she notices you holding something and crying. "What is that?" She asks and you hand it to her, "did you break it on purpose?" She asks "yes, I needed to break it so my heart wasn't the only thing that got broken tonight" you say and begin to sob. Demi sets the picture down and crawls into bed and you lay in her arms and when you start to calm down she looks at you and says "what she did to you is unforgivable and you didn't deserve that. I want you to know im here for you, to hold you, to protect you, to kick her ass, whatever you need." You look up and smile "thanks demi it means a lot. You barely even know me and you're already saying the things I wish she would have said to me but never did the whole time we were together. I never felt safe with her like I do with you" you say and reach your head up to kiss her. She wipes away your tears as you kiss her and then puts her hands in your hair deepening the kiss. She flips you onto your back and gets on top of you, removing her shirt and bra and for the second time that night, you immediately reach up and cup her breast in your hand as she moves back down to reattach her lips to yours. You kiss down her neck and stop when you get to her nipple to suck, earning a moan from demi. She reaches to the bottom of your shirt and pulls it off and you remove your bra. She lays back down and the feeling of your boobs against each other makes you both let out a moan. Demi looks at you and says "are you sure this is something you want? I don't want to do anything you aren't ready for yet." "Yes im sure this is what I want. You are what I want" you say and she kisses down your body till she's made it to your pants. She unbuttons your jeans and pulls them down your legs. She begins to kiss up your thighs until she can't go any higher and then she moved up to kiss you again, she reconnects her lips with yours and begins to rub you through your panties you moan and she takes that opportunity slip her tongue in your mouth. She slip one finger under your panties and into you and you pull her hair and moan her name, she removes your panties and moves her head between your legs and starts to lick you, "mmm baby you taste so good" she says and inserts two fingers and begins to pump faster and faster, you feel your legs start to shake and you scream out her name as you come. She licks you clean and then removes her own pants and climbs back on top of you. You move your legs apart and she positions herself between them, she moves down and you feel her against you and she's so wet, you both let out a moan and she she begins to move her hips, you move yours in sync with hers. She starts to move faster and you know she's getting close, you move faster to keep up with her and you feel your legs start to shake and she screams your name and that pushes you over the top, you both release into each other and she collapsed next to you. She looks up at you, kisses you, and says "that was so hot" she starts to kiss you more and right as she licked your bottom lip, asking for entrance, the doorbell rang. "That must be the pizza" you say. She grabs your robe and her wallet and walks to the door. You get up and start to get dressed when she comes back in the room and says "what are you doing?" You look at her and say "getting dressed so we can eat." She blushes and says "oh yeah. I was just gonna tell you that you don't have to get dressed so we can do more after we eat.. Unless you don't want to. I'm sorry I don't want to push you" she says and you kiss her and say "of course I do, let's put on a movie and eat" she smiles and goes to get plates and drinks while you put on a movie.

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