Chapter 13 - dream girl

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--Aarons POV--

"Of course I do!" I say pulling out my XBOX. 

"Well then, I guess you have FIFA? Or Madden?" she asks and I can just think about ONE thing: dream girl.

"Both." I laugh, getting those and several other games out a drawer.

She sits on the couch and I decide to take of my shirt, because it's for PE and it is really smelly.

Then I sit beside her, she's a friend so she wouldn't mind.

I hand her some games and she picks Madden 17.

"You don't wanna get a shirt?" she smirks.

"If you insist." I say, remembering about todays morning. She did mind. Of course I noticed she was staring at me as if she had never seen a guy shirtless before. And I'm not that trained.

I get up and put on a grey shirt before I sit next to her again. 

She already set everything up and chooses her team.

"Patriots? Really?!" I frown. (a/n: sorry they're my favs don't hate me haha)

"Shut. Up." she raises her eyebrows at me. 

I select the New Orleans Saints and we start playing.

"And don't you dare let me win." she says.

"Yes, ma'am." I salute, making her laugh.

She is much better than I thought and I try really hard not to loose.

The end score is 23-21 for her.

"It's the Patriots Power!" she grins.

I just roll my eyes and we play some more rounds. 

"Biology homework?" I ask her, remembering her telling me about that in school.

"No..." she groans.

"Show me." I say, maybe I can help her.

"Alright" she sighs and gets her homework. I look through the tasks she has to do. 

"It's not that bad. I can help you if you want." I offer.

"You're too nice." she says which I interpret as a yes.

I explain some things to her and we only need about 20 minutes for the many tasks.

"Thanks. I wish I could help you with anything." she mumbles.

"You don't have to. TV or XBOX?" I ask her instead.

"TV" she decides.

"I'll get us something to drink, yeah?" I say and get up.

She nods turning the tv back on.

I leave the room and text Nash, while going to the kitchen slowly.


To: Nash

Ay, guess what just happened.

From: Nash


To: Nash

She asked me to play Madden against her and she won, altough I tried rlly hard.

From: Nash


I laugh.

To: Nash

Haha 😂

From: Nash

Ask her out at least.

To: Nash


From: Nash

Do whenever you think it's right.

-end of convo-

I get a bottle of pepsi and two cups and a pack of hot tortilla chips.

Then I return to my room and find Lisa playing a single game of FIFA. 

"Looks like you're loosing." I smirk.

"I hate this, why is the computer so hard to play against?" she groans.

"Uh, I guess it's still programmed on extra hard." I say, trying not to laugh.

She hands me the controller and I end the game winning with a slight lead.

She disconnects the XBOX and we watch television. I open up the tortilla chips and hand her the package after I grab some. 

"No thanks." she rejects.

I run my fingers through the tips of her hair until I remember today's Monday. My workout day.

"Lisa? It might sound weird but today is my workout day." I murmur.

"What does that mean to you?" she looks up at me.

"Uh, it means an hour workout..." I say.

"I'll just watch a movie then." she replies.

I think about breaking my routine for her, but I just hope she's okay on her own for an hour. 

"Feel free to do anything here." I smile at Lisa.

She nods and smiles back at me.

I open the door and get out.

"Work hard, Play hard!" she yells after me and I chuckle, running down the stairs to our workout room. 

I start my workout as normal.

An hour later I am really sweaty and take a shower in the small bathroom next to the workout room.

Then I return to my bedroom, shirtless just to tease Lisa.

"Sorry." I apologize in advance.

She turns around looking at me.

"I don't have a problem with you walking around shirtless if that's what you're apologizing for." she grins, still watching me.

"You're literally gazing at me." I chuckle.

"Come on, you train an hour a week for that." she laughs.

"Damn, you got me." I grab a shirt pulling it over my head before sitting next to her.

"What you watching?" I ask.

"Family Guy." she answers me. 

I smile when she makes herself comfortable using me as a pillow.

"You can sleep in my bed if you want. I'll sleep here." I offer.

"No..." she mumbles and I don't have a clue what she means.

"Hm?" I ask her to repeat.

"Sleep here with me.." she says and I can tell she's only half awake at the moment.


"You're the best pillow ever Aaron..." Lisa whispers before falling asleep completely.

Aw, she's just too cute. 

Suddenly I think about Mason, I promised to stop him harassing her.

I constantly want to punch his face for treating Lisa like that. But I need to think of another way than violence. 

She looks so beautiful when she's sleeping, a little smile on her face, being perfect with all her insecurities. 

I remember Nash talking about Lacey that way and I always thought he was just acting cheesy, but I feel I understand him now.

I put my arm around her shoulder, the touch relaxing me even more. Then I turn off the tv and fall asleep, my dream girl in my arms. Who sleeps better?

help me do this - Aaron Carpenter FFWhere stories live. Discover now