Chapter 55

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I wake up.

It was just another dream?

Thank god.

It's just like the last few times I woke up tonight. 

All these possible, but always horrible szenerios.

I can't keep on dreaming this shit.

Squeezing my eyes together, I take a look at my phone, the light blending my eyes.


I hoped it to be later.

I also see texts.

'I can't sleep.'

'I'm sorry.'

'pls don't be mad at me.'

'I love you.'

'I always will.'

'I hope you sleep better than me rn, beauty'

I call Aaron, I need to get that in order immediately.

"Hey." his raspy voice answers.

"Hey." I say quietly.

"I shouldn't have.." we both say at the same time.


About half an hour later, I hang up.

Reliefed, I exhale.

Before I can think about this any more, the tiredness comes over me and soon I fall asleep.

--Aarons POV--

I toss and turn in my bed.

Though we talked everything through, something is still bugging me.

I need to stop.

I need to stop questioning things.

I need to start enjoying the rest of the time I still have before going to college.

It's only one more week.

Exhaling, I try to relax to fall back to sleep.

"Hey" I smile at Lisa as she opens the door.

It's the evening meanwhile.

I thought it'd be a great idea to go on a really perfect date after a while.

"Where are we going actually?" she asks smiling, tugging at her maroon dress.

"Surprise." I grin, reaching out for her hand.

"Okay" she replies sceptic, putting her hand into mine.

Carefully I walk her to my car, her shoes must be quite uncomfortable.

"You look beautiful by the way" I tell her, while we get into the car.

"You don't look bad yourself. Always fallin' for you in suits." she chuckles.

I return a smile and drive off.

"And are you excited about college?" Lisa asks me.

"Well, yeah I am actually." I answer, thinking about a new part of life starting for me soon.


a year later.

--Aarons POV--

A year has passed. Much has changed. Lisa and I are still together, however we don't see each other very often. We are both very busy. She applied for a college in Boston...

Sometimes I miss the old times, just hanging around or watching her sleep in my car. Just the feeling of being with her. But we both moved on. 

I don't know how long we will still be together for... 

But I know, that I love her. More than I ever loved anyone else in my life.

And what can I say, I hope to spend the rest of my life with her. I hope to marry her one time. I hope to have a lot of little kids jumping around our house with her. I hope to get old with her. And I hope to die with her.



Hey guys, this is the point the fanfiction ends at. I hope you liked it and the end didn't come too soon. I'll edit all the typos by the time. However I'd like to thank you all for voting and stuff.

Also I'd like y'all to know, that if you ever need something or are going through a hard time, I'd be happy to talk to you about it or help you. Just message me.

help me do this - Aaron Carpenter FFWhere stories live. Discover now