19 | liberosis

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Orion and I stand in front of the mirror that had started all of this

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Orion and I stand in front of the mirror that had started all of this. I am anxious and Orion can sense it, as he keeps glancing at me worriedly. I try to smile at him but it doesn't seem to convince him as much as I want it too. I continue to pick at my nails trying to distract myself from what we are about to try.

"Come on Ambria we can do this." Orion turns toward me and stretches his hand out towards me. "Hold my hand, Ambria, so we don't get disconnected this time when we make the jump."
This statement confuses me, wasn't the reason Orion made the jump because we were touching? Maybe if we actually hold on to each other we won't end up in separate places.

"Alright, I guess." I stretch my hand out hesitantly. When our hands connect I feel a familiar warmth spread through my body. The calluses on his hands rub my much softer ones creating friction.

"Ambria are you alright?" I nod, I must have zoned out. "Ready to go through?" Once again I nod. "In case we are separated where do we meet?"

"We meet in that clearing where I first met your siblings." That time had seemed so long ago. I had found two children playing in a clearing in the middle of the forest, at the time I hadn't known they were Orion's siblings. Back then Orion and I had hated each other. Not that we don't hate each other now.

Simultaneously we step through.

When we come though and land on the other side it is much more graceful than the first time. Everything seems the same, the giant horse thing stands beside us and a supple smell wafts through the air. The only difference is there is no Everly here to greet us. And that is all my fault.

"Come Ambria let's hurry." Orion says interrupting my thoughts that had turned down a dark road.

"Yeah." The plan was to go to Orion's house so we could rest and wait until night came. Then we would attempt to sneak into the 'castle' where Everly was being kept.

We walk towards where I presume is Orion's house. We walk close together, closer than I would be comfortable with, with anyone but him. There is no logical explanation as to why I feel oddly comfortable around Orion. It may just be the safe vibe he gives of or maybe how he is ready to help me even though nobody expects him to. I'm glad Orion's the one to help me.

We quickly come across a clearing where a small house stands. The house is made of flat wooden boards, around the whole house there are colorful flowers growing. Orion must notice that I'm staring at the flowers so he speaks up.

"My mom planted those. Her garden is her most prized possession." A slight twinkle sparkles in Orion's eyes and a small grin forms on his face, one I had never seen on him before. Making me realize that there is a whole part of him that I don't know yet. And a small part of me is excited to get to know him better.

"There very pretty." I once again try to smile reassuringly but I'm not sure how well it works out. We enter the house and before I can look around a woman comes walking down the hallway looking furious and worried.

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