First Encounter

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My name is Izaya Orihara and I'm a merchant of the Awakusu-Kai, a big marketing business. I am also an infamous information broker in the underworld, but don't tell anyone about that.

Finally, I make it to a nice town called Ikebukuro. It's not a huge place, but it has a vast sea line, and some of the best marketing places. My group sets up in our spot near the sea at the docks. I feel the sea breeze blowing on my face, and it begins to tangle my hair. Even though I love the feeling of the sea, I would never want to go on a ship and travel.

I've heard that there are vigorous pirates out there, and I don't want to get involved. I'm happy with my life on land, and I wouldn't change it for anything.

"Orihara, get over here!" My boss yells at me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I'm coming Shiki!" I yell back.

My boss, Haruya Shiki, looks really scary at first, but he's really good at negotiations, taking care of money, and very respectable. Though he can be probably one of the biggest perverts I've met.

Just to get people to stop at our store, he makes me wear a dress that all the young women wear these days. I also have to wear a wig that's the same color as my hair to make me look more convincing. The length usually goes to my lower back. Its not bad though, I just really wish Shiki would hire an actual woman to do it, instead of forcing me to.

As expected, I bring in a few customers that try to make a move on me, but I was able to get some sales in. So, I would say today was somewhat of a success.

I go to the hotel I'm staying at for a few days before I have to go back to Shinjuku to get more supplies. It was a very tiring day, having to flirt with guys and most of them wanting to touch my ass.

Though they're still not as bad as Shiki, he always tries to make a move on me. One time he tried to have sex with me while I was in my female getup, and he ended up not showing up for work for a few days.

I go to my room and open the door then fall onto the bed, tired. After awhile I change my clothes and go to bed. Thinking of tomorrow, another ordinary day of sales and being a regular everyday merchant.


The next morning, I feel refreshed and ready to go. I get dressed and walk out of my room, then downstairs to the hotels restaurant. After eating breakfast, I go out to the docks, and get ready for another day of bringing in customers.

Today there seems to be a lot more people walking around than I've never seen before. They all look like travelers, and I've noticed that they're talking to many women around the area.

I managed to get a few of them to look at our merchandise, and they seemed to have an interest in them, though they didn't buy anything.

At one point I started to feel like I was being watched. Which is normal, but I just have a bad feeling about it.

After awhile, I look around a little and see a tall man watching me from the docks. He notices I see him and walks over to me with a devious smile. I get a feeling that he's dangerous, but he could be a good customer so I won't say anything that could possibly offend him.

He stops about a foot away from me, and I see how tall he really is. I also notice a few other features on him. He had dyed blonde hair that just barely covered his chocolate brown eyes. From the looks of it, he's pretty well built, with a nicely featured face. In other news, if I were a woman, I would love to marry the guy for his looks. I can tell from his outfit that he's no mere commoner. I'm going to guess he's a sailor that works for a major company.

But he gives off a vibe that tells me I shouldn't mess with him, so I give him my best smile, and say, "Hello sir. Would you like to look inside our shop? We have many tools that can help travelers like you and jewelry that are top of the line."

"Well I was thinking of looking inside something else with you tonight." He says in a low, seducive voice.

My god, he's really straight forward, who the hell is this pervert? I start to freak out a bit inside. No one I've talked to has ever said this kind of thing to me out loud. I don't even think that men here say anything like that within the first minute of meeting any woman. This guy scares me, and I don't know who he is or what he could do to me.

But I stay calm on the outside, and say to him "Well you're very straight forward, and not to mention, inappropriate."

"Well I'm just saying what's on my mind."

Well then that's one hell of a perverted mind. Seriously is this guy really fuck-

"So, are you going to accept?" He says cutting me off from my thoughts.

"I'm sorry, I can't accept anything like that," I say trying not to yell at him, or say anything that could get me in any trouble.

He steps closer to me, and leans down to my face, then asks in a low alluring tone, "Are sure you want to reject me? I can make you feel like you're in heaven."

"Sir, I will not participate in any of those activities with you." I answer back, and then I say,"So if you're not going to buy anything here, I would like it if you would please leave."

"Okay then," He says then walks to the jewelry and grabs one of the most expensive necklaces.

He holds it up to me then takes a small sack of coins out and gave the cashier four gold coins. Then he comes toward me again, and places the necklace around my neck.

He backs away and says, "I knew it would look good on you."

I start to feel my cheeks getting warm and look away from him. He then grabs my chin making me look up at his face and presses his lips onto mine.

In an instant, my mind goes everywhere, and I can't think straight. The guy is kissing me in public. It's not right, and it'll make me look bad. Also, I definitely didn't want my first kiss to be with a man who just came up to me and wanted sex. I don't turn that way, but I don't think he knows that I'm a man.

He starts to demand entrance into my mouth, so I start to push him away, but he's persistent, and keeps at it, despite my protests. I keep trying to pull away, with no avail and start to just give up. Then I hear Shiki yell my female name, and I push the man kissing me harder than before. He releases his grip on me and I quickly go over to my boss.

Shiki looks angrily at the blonde and says, "Sir, don't harass my employee like that ever again, or you're going to regret it."

"Okay, I won't." The blonde says and starts to walk away. "Oh!" He adds and turns toward me "I'll see you again Kanra."

I get shivers when he said my alias name, but I was right, this guy is dangerous. I turn to Shiki glaring at the man and say to him,"Thank you." He nods but still stares at the blonde as he walks away.

He disappears down the road, and Shiki starts to relax. I've never seen him so tense and protective I wait for him to calm down more then ask, "Do you know him?"

"No, but I think I've seen him somewhere before... I just can't think of where. But," he says and turns to me,"if he ever comes back, stay away from him and come get me."

"I will," I respond back. He smiles down at me, and returns to the shop. I stay standing there for a moment, collecting my thoughts.

Without a doubt, I'll keep my distance. One, he took my first kiss and two, he sexually harassed me in public of all places. I hope I never see the blonde again.

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