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Izaya's POV

"Shizuo!" I yell then go to get those people off of him, but stopped by Shiki.

"What are you thinking, just stay back!" He yells at me.

I'm about to yell back but see a man with an obvious high rank coming toward Shizuo. He doesn't seem like someone I would want to mess with upfront.

"So Captain Shizuo Heiwajima the most feared pirate of this time. It's a pleasure to meet you." He says in a low insulting voice.

"Who the hell are you?"

"My name isn't important right now, but you do realize your situation?" He answers then points a gun to Shizuo's head.

Shizuo looks over at me then back at the man and nods.

"Good. Now I have to ask, why did you become a pirate?"

"I'm going to avenge my family by killing that damned pirate that burned my family alive."

"Really? What kind of person would give up their regular life to be a pirate just because their family was killed by one?"

"Me. The only way to find him is illegal means so I joined a pirate fleet then got up into the ranks quickly and became a captain." He says.

"You know you could've just joined the military."

"I did but got kicked out because of my actions."

"What did you do?"

"Let's just say I have some anger issues."

As they're talking I'm confused. Why is this man asking all these questions and why is Shizuo answering all of them with no problem?

"But if all you want to kill is a pirate then why raid towns?"

"My higher up, the fleet captain of the Dollars."

"So you're not the fleet captain?"

"Nowhere close. Now are you done with the questions Officer Kinnosuke?"

Kinnosuke... oh I've heard of him before. Um, I think he always asks everyone he captures questions of why they did their crime then decide what kind of sentence they will have. I've heard that if they don't answer immediately they're usually tortured for information.

I can't believe I didn't figure that out.

Wait, with everything Shizuo said what will he do?

"One more question, who's the pirate you're wanting to kill?"

"Captain Yodogiri."

"Oh so you're one of the survivors of the infamous pirate captain Yodogiri. Well I hate to break it to you but Yodogiri had long died in a military attack."

"You're lying." Shizuo replies angrily.

"I'm not I saw him die with my own two eyes. It happened when I was first starting out as an officer in the military, his ship was trying to get away from the canon fire, some of the debris from his ship impelled his neck, and he fell into the water to be eaten by the sharks." Kinnosuke says to Shizuo and I can tell he's not lying.

Shizuo just stays silent probably taking in the information.

"Well it looks like you're thinking of everything and regretting it." He gestures to the men he has to take Shizuo away then says, "But don't worry Heiwajima, your death will be quick and painless."

As they drag Shizuo to the cells all I can do is watch. I look into his eyes before he disappears and he looked pained.

I'm so damn useless.

I'm not strong enough to help the one I care for escape his early death.

Kadota's POV

I stand at the docks making sure everyone is leaving then I hear someone yelling for me to get down.

The next thing I know is that I'm pushed down by Chikage while gun shots are being fired. I quickly get both of us out of the line of fire then get into a boat when the shooting stops.

I tell the people in it to quickly go and we head to Shizuo's ship. I look down at Chikage in my arms to see if he's okay and I notice a warm dark liquid staining my hands.

"Chikage!" I say in surprise.

"Don't worry I'll be fine." He says acting tough.

"Yeah right I'm taking you to our doctor."

As we get to the ship I instantly call out for Shinra with Chikage in my arms.

After a few seconds he appears asking, "What's wrong?" then looks at Chikage, "Shit! That's Captain Rokujou! Put him down over here, I'll treat him immediately."

I put Chikage down on one of the blankets for the injured and move away so Shinra can do whatever is needed.

Then I hear a loud bang come from the shore and then the water beside our ship shoots up from the impact.

Shinra quickly turns to the crowd and yells, "Celty! Cannons!"

Right after he says that a black matter that's almost transparent in the night sky appears protecting the ships from the cannon fire.

It's a good thing that Celty is here, but let's hope there's not that many casualties. I look into the night sky and get this bad feeling.

I look back at Shinra treating Chikage then ask Shinra, "How's he doing?"

He's silent, which worries me then says, "Truthfully I don't know."

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