Keeping Your Secret

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Izaya's POV

It took awhile but I finally was able to get up and walk. When I stand up completely I feel the ship moving back and forth, so I have to keep shifting my weight.

I carefully go over to Heiwajima's bed and try to sit on it, but I ended falling backwards on it. I guess I really need to learn how to walk well on a ship.

But I can't believe that I'm on a pirate ship, what am I supposed to do? I can't just sit here and wait until I get found out, but I don't even know where I am.

I stare up at the wooden ceiling and sigh in defeat. I guess I'll just have to wait to be found out.

I start to feel a cold breeze, so I roll to my stomach and pull Heiwajima's covers around me. I have to say, his covers are really warm and the mattress is really soft.

I slowly start to drift asleep snuggled in the most feared pirate's bed. And it's not as bad as I thought it would be.

Shizuo's POV

I go to the upper decks to the infirmary to find Shinra. I look around and see that a few of the men on the cots looked really saddened, then I remembered that I was told a few died during the raid.

One guy comes up to me and asks, "Captain, what are we going to do for the ones that died?"

"You can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't bother me." I answer.

He looks at me and it's obvious he's getting angry. He clutches his hand and suddenly grabs my shirt yelling in my face, "So you don't care that people died for you! Are you some fucking heartless person who doesn't give a shit  what happens to his crew members?! You're the one who said we could work under you so you should at least show you care a little bit!"

"Why would I be sad over some people I only met once that I never gave a shit about in the first place? They had no personal relationship to me and I wasn't the one to hire them. I let you lower people hire a few new crew mates, because I need more hands on deck. So why blame me for being fucking heartless?" I say, glaring at him so he would let go of my shirt.

He shuts up and starts to cower into a corner, holding his legs in, mumbling to himself. Probably cursing me, but I don't care. If he doesn't want to be here than he can leave when we make our next stop.

I turn to leave since Shinra wasn't in there and start to feel like I should maybe go back to apologize. But that would make me look weak wouldn't it? Damn what am I supposed to do?

I get up to the main deck and see one of my closest friends Kyohei talking to some crew members. Kyohei Kadota is one of the best fighters I know on this ship and one of the few people I hired myself to be here.

I go over to him and he notices I'm coming, so he greets me like he normally does, "Hey Shizuo, how's your girl you picked up?"

"She said she was okay, but for now I'm not going to try to do anything she doesn't like."

"So pretty much you haven't had sex with her yet." Kyohei says bluntly.

I give him a blank stare and ask, "Anyways, where's Shinra?"

"But, I am right, right?" Kyohei asks ignoring my question and started staring at me questionably.

We ended up having a small staring contest and I finally gave up, since I am kind of busy and answer, "You're right, I haven't had sex with her yet and probably not anytime soon. Now answer my question, where's Shinra?"

"Down in the lower decks in his room." He finally answers.

I turn away from him then give him a small wave saying 'thanks' and go down to the lower decks again. I get to Shinra's room and see his fiancé walk out.

"Hey Celty, is Shinra inside?"

She takes out a pen and paper then starts writing and shows me the paper saying: 'Yes, but he doesn't want anyone coming in, so I came out here to tell whoever wanted to see him.'

"Okay got it, but I'm not going to listen." I say then walk past her and quickly open the door.

I go in and see Shinra working on a serum of some sort. I watch him questionably wondering what he's doing. He doesn't realize I'm watching him and when he does it looks like I scared the shit out of him.

Shinra's POV

I tell Celty to leave the room for a little bit so I don't get distracted by her beauty while trying make a serum to help Shizuo out with the guy named Shiki, but I'm getting negative results. I really need to get focused on this, but the bad thing is, is that I want to help Izaya out by keeping his secret and not wake up Shiki, but I really don't want to get on Shizuo's bad side.

I quickly rush around the room trying to get everything done and when I turn around in the direction of the door, I see Shizuo standing there. At first my brain didn't process he was there so I thought it was a ghost and jumped about five feet in the air.

"He-hey Shizuo, you know you just scared the life out of me."

"Yeah I realized that." He says still leaning on the door with his arms crossed.

"So what do you want me for?" I ask since I'm pretty sure that's why he came down here.

"Do you have anything that could wake up that Shiki guy sooner, I'm getting impatient."

"Yeah I'm making it now, it'll be done soon." I answer, well I hope it's done.

"Okay, well hurry up, I need to find Orihara quickly." Shizuo says then walks out going somewhere.

Though I don't think he'll have a problem not being able to find Izaya, I'm just going to hope Shizuo doesn't have plans to have sex with him anytime soon. Then all plans go down hill, good luck Izaya, you're going to need it. I'll keep your secret as long as I can.

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