Fighting Event (Part 1)

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Izaya's POV

The next time I wake up Shizuo is up as well and about to leave the room. He notices that I'm awake and comes over to me.

He kisses my forehead then asks, "Did you have a goodnight sleep?"


"That's good." He says and smiles at me.

I smile back and then Shizuo starts to leave so I ask, "Where are you going?"

"Well I'm still the captain of this ship so I need to do some things, but I'll be back soon."

"Okay, I'll be here waiting." I say and he leaves.

I look around the room trying to find something that can take my boredom away. I stand up and go over to his desk and look inside the drawers for anything.

When I open the third one up I see a small picture of I think Shizuo with three other people. I'm not really sure it's Shizuo since the hair looks darker, but there's the same facial features.

The smallest one looks a little like Shizuo, but the taller male looks a lot like Shizuo just a few things are different. The woman and the smaller boy look a lot more alike and she looks beautiful. Maybe this is Shizuo's family?

I think about it and stare at the picture then I close the drawer and keep looking for anything. What really surprises me is that I haven't seen a single book. I mean people should at least have one book in their room, right?

While looking I hear the door open so I look up and see Shinra walk in. He looks around and sees me then says, "I got a new change of clothes for you."

"Thanks, you didn't have to do that." I say and grab the clothes from him.

"It's no problem and Shizuo told me to do it anyways."

"Ah, well what can you do?"

"See, how are you two doing now?" Shinra asks.

"Well I think we're in a relationship so..."

"That's great!" Shinra says excitingly then checks his pocket watch and says, "Oh, well I have to go, see you later!"

He leaves and I lay out the clothes I have today on the bed. I see that everything except for the shirt is black and they're for men. Well at least I don't have to wear women's clothing anymore, but I wish I had my outfits.

They were much more comfortable than the ones I'm wearing now. But what can I do, I don't have any with me.

I look at the pants and see there is a piece of paper pinned to the leg. I take it out and start to read;

'Hey Kanra heard you where actually a guy so I changed your outfit, but you still have that cute feminine figure so I had to touch up your clothes a bit to fit.'
                                   Love, Erika

Do I really have a feminine body figure? I sigh then put the clothes on and grab Shizuo's hair brush and try to fix my shitty bed head.

When I'm done I walk around Shizuo's room again to find a book.

After awhile I hear a loud noise coming from the upper decks. I really want to go up and see what's going on. Shizuo won't mind if I leave his room, right?

I open the door and see a few men run up the the stairs laughing then I hear someone further back yelling happily, "It's starting again!"

I watch as more and more of the crew members run up the stairs in excitement. I contemplate on following them, but decide why not and start heading to the upper decks.

I follow them to the main deck outside seeing men and women circling around two figures with their swords drawn. I watch the two as they exchange blows and then one de-arms the other and points their sword to the others chest.

Then a loud roar of cheering comes from the crowd and money and goods are exchanged between the spectators.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and see Erika with three other men near her. She smiles and says, "So I'm going to guess you're Kanra."

"Yes I am and thank you for fixing the clothes for me." I say and smile at her.

"No problem and you don't have to be so formal we're friends now um..."

"Izaya Orihara."

"Izaya. Also these are my friends Dota-chin and Subaru, and this one's my boyfriend Walker." She says and points out the three men in order.

"Also my real name is Kadota. I don't like the nickname Dota-chin very much." Dota-chin I mean Kadota says.

I introduce myself to them then ask, "What's going on? Is this some kind of event?"

"It doesn't have an official name it's just a small competition between different ranks to see who the best sword fighter is. But the competition is mostly for new crew members to show their skills to the others, so we have it every time after a raid." Kadota explains to me.

"New crew members huh... so could I do it?" I ask.

"Yeah, really anyone on this ship could."

I carefully watch the next duel and study them.

When they are finished and the winner declared I ask Kadota, "So all you have to do is make sure your opponent can't get their weapon or by closely putting your blade to a vital point."

"Yeah pretty much, but you could also use any weapon at your disposal and there is no killing or serious injuries."

"Okay then." I say then ask Kadota, "Do you have any small daggers or blades?"

He nods and goes to get the knives as I wait for the next person to go down. Kadota comes back and I'm getting even more anxious I haven't done anything like this in forever.

I carefully test out the weight and length of the daggers. There's only two so I'm going to make them work.

When the winner is announced they ask for the next challenger. I quickly raise my hand and start to walk toward the middle.

As I walk forward I see Shizuo looking down at me form a balcony. I can't see his facial expression because of the sun, but I know I'll definitely surprise him with my skills.

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