First Day

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Izaya's POV

I slowly wake up feeling comforted by the softness of the bed and start to sit up. I get up to look around a little bit and see what Heiwajima has collected over time.

Just by glancing around I can see he has gotten many different treasures from a variety of places. I cautiously go over to his desk and look at the many diamonds and crystals lying around.

After awhile, I see the necklace he got me lying neatly to the side. I completely forgot I had that on when he took me away, but I wonder, why did he take it off?

While thinking I hear the door creak open and turn to see Heiwajima walk in holding clothes. He looks really nervous right now and starts blushing. And holy shit he looks so freaking hot! Wait... should I be thinking that?

"Kanra," Heiwajima says getting my attention then continues saying, "Good morning."

"Good morning." I reply, I should at least have manners to a hottie... I mean... wait, if thinking this, does that mean I'm gay?

"I have a change of clothes for you." Heiwajima says, then lays them down on the bed, then turns to leave.

I walk over to the clothes and lay them out. There's a white blouse, dark brown vest, dark brown pants and black boots that I guess comes up to my knees. Though out of everything I see there is just one thing that bothers me, all of the clothes are made for women.

But it can't be helped I guess, Heiwajima does think I'm a woman still. That's the only reason why I'm not dead, like Shinra says.

I change my clothes and brush out the wig I have on, carefully with a brush that Heiwajima provided as well.

When I'm done getting ready I carefully walk out of the room to look around. I go upstairs to the upper decks and see many other women either scared or looking like they're having a good time.

I go to the main deck and instantly feel the breeze of the wind and the smell of the sea. I look out to the ocean, seeing the sunrise and it's rays warming me up.

After awhile of standing in the same spot, for I don't know how long, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see a tall man with brown slicked back hair, brown eyes, wearing a green long sleeved jacket, tan pants, and about calf high black boots, smiling at me.

"Hello, my name is Kyohei Kadota. I'm one of the few crew members that Shizuo won't throw overboard." He greets.

"Oh, um... nice to meet you. I'm-"

"Kanra right?"

"Uh... y-yes." I stuttered.

"I've heard a few things about you. Did you really deny Shizuo?" He asks saying the question in a very soft whisper.


"So you did, wow! You're the first woman I've ever heard that did that to him."

"Well actually-"

"Dota-chin! Dota-chin!" Someone yells cutting me off.

I look in the direction of the voice and see a woman with brown eyes and hair, with her hair up with a braid in the back, which I didn't know at first, and wearing a black dress with black ankle high boots.

"What is it Erika?" Kadota asks.

"We need help down in the lower decks, there's a fight going on and we can't break it up." The woman, Erika I think, explains.

We all walk as quickly as possible to the location of the fight and what I see terrifies me. There's blood everywhere and a few bodies lying on the ground, I'm pretty sure they tried to stop to the fight but failed miserably.

The two men keep hitting each other repeatedly, and I see their blood leaking from their bodies and through the injuries they have. Kadota goes up to them and grabs one of the men and pulls him away but the other just attacks Kadota as well.

I watch as this goes on then hear Shinra yelling behind me, "What the heck is going on here?!"

He moves past me seeing the situation and whispering under his breath, "Crap. Not again."

Then right after the crowd parts letting Heiwajima through and he goes up to the man that Kadota isn't holding and grabs his head. I have to say this is going to get even more violent than before, I can tell just by the atmosphere.

Heiwajima then says to the man, "You know this may be hypocritical, but I hate violence so why don't you stop before I have to do something I don't like."

The man spits in Heiwajima's face and the next thing that happened scared me shitless. Heiwajima tightened his grip on the man's head and slammed him into the wall breaking it.

He turns around to face Shinra and says, "Take care of the men one the ground and I'm going to have a talk with those two."

The man with Kadota looks plain out horrified and starts shaking in fear. He's directed to Heiwajima's office and everyone starts to go on with their daily routine.

I stand here looking at the scene then the girl from before, Erika asks, "Was that you're first time seeing a fight?"

"No, but I've never seen one like this."

After saying that I see Heiwajima looking at me and then turn away. I remember he said that he didn't like violence, but to me it looked like the most hypocritical thing I've ever heard.

"Hey Kanra," Erika says getting my attention, "you want to stay with me? My job is really safe."

"Sure." I answer, then followed her down to the lower decks and helped making clothes.


After making clothes for the rest of the day I go back to Heiwajima's room, take off my shoes and fall onto the bed.

About a few minutes later though Heiwajima comes in holding some clothes and says, "Sorry you saw that earlier. You must be even more scared of me now than before am I right?"

I stay quiet for a little bit, but then I say, "Well I've never really seen a fight like that before, but I'm not that scared of you."

"Really?" Heiwajima says cheering up a little.


We both smile at each other for awhile until Heiwajima says, "Well we should probably be getting to sleep."

I'm pretty sure I look afraid to sleep with him and he knows because the next thing he says is, "Don't worry you take the bed, I'll be sleeping on the couch."

I start to feel a little relieved and then Heiwajima says, "Also here's some pajamas, I'll just wait outside till you're done."

He puts done the clothes and leaves, closing the door behind him. I go to the pajamas and change then tell Heiwajima he can come in. He comes in and instantly goes over to his couch far away from the bed and goes to bed saying, "Goodnight." before going to sleep.

I say, "Goodnight." back to him and fall asleep myself on the bed, cuddled in the comforter and blankets.

I start to fall asleep thinking about my first day here and how different it was from my normal life.

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