The Truth

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Izaya's POV

I wake up with Heiwajima already gone so I get out of bed and see my clothes at the end of the bed. I put on the clothes and get ready then walk out and hear a commotion going on further away in the hallway.

I follow the noise by going further and further into the lower decks. Then I see a small group of people near, what I think are the cells. I get closer and see that Shiki is awake and Heiwajima is asking questions, but Shiki isn't answering.

Every single time Shiki doesn't answer Heiwajima looks like he's about to kill Shiki sooner than planned. I really don't want to see Shiki get hurt so I push through the crowd and stand in between of Heiwajima and Shiki.

Heiwajima looks at me and asks in a angry deep voice, "What are you doing Kanra?"

"Please don't hurt him." I begged in my female voice.

"No guaranties." He responds and pushes me away.

Heiwajima then asks Shiki, "Where's your friend Orihara?"

Shiki doesn't answer which makes Heiwajima really angry. Before he can hit Shiki I stand in between the two again and Heiwajima stops.

"If you want to know where Orihara is I can tell you." I instantly say and Heiwajima looks calmer now.

"Where is he?" He asks.

"I will only say until you let Shiki go unharmed at the next city you're porting at and you won't hurt him as long as I'm here." I explain.

"What the hell! Are you fucking with me?!" Heiwajima yells.

"No." I answer simply.

He sighs then says, "Fine but you're going to stay down here with him until we get to the next city then we're going to have a talk."

Heiwajima leaves and so does the group of people. I get closer to Shiki and he asks, "Why did you do that?"

"I didn't want you to get hurt." I say and for the next four days I stayed in the cells with Shiki.


When the four days are up Shiki is escorted out and to a small boat with some of Heiwajima's men and they went to the docks of Shinjuku.

As I watch him leave port on the deck Heiwajima comes up behind me and says, "Now tell me everything you know about Orihara."

I nod and ask, "Can we go somewhere more private?"

"Fine but you're testing my damn patience."

Heiwajima roughly grabs my arm and pulls me to his room. He closes the door behind him and stands in front of it.

Then he asks in a very demanding voice, "Now where's Orihara?"

"Here." I answer.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm Izaya Orihara." I say and take off the wig and straighten my hair out.

Heiwajima just stares at me and I stupidly apologize for messing with his feelings. Which makes him burst out saying possibly every curse word known to man.

He violently grabs my arm and starts dragging me down to the cells. He throws me into one of them and leaves.

Well I guess it's a good thing he didn't kill me I think. Though it's obvious he didn't like the truth at all.

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