We Meet Again

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Shizuo's POV

I'm taken to one of the cells at the prison with no one else with me. As I look around I don't see anyone who I can remember.

That may be good in some way but that means that they probably killed a lot of my men.

I go into the corner of the cell and look out the window.

It's not that big and there's obviously bars in the way of the view but it doesn't mean it's bad.

But I think more about what Officer Kinnosuke told me. I can't believe I tried going after a dead man all this time.

But I was hoping maybe only getting a decade of confinement, but to be put to death isn't on my list.

Truthfully if I hadn't met Izaya I probably would have excepted my fate.

I mean who wouldn't, I would have nothing to live for.

I could've escaped right when I got caught but I couldn't guarantee Izaya's safety. Truthfully I could easily open these bars and get out but I don't even know where to go if I escaped.

Maybe I could...

Right when I get my idea I pry open the bars of the old cell and step right through. I'm happy to have my strength in this situation.

I carefully leave the prison and go find something to cover my face. When I'm out of the town I turn to it and say to myself, "I'm sorry Izaya but I have to leave. I will always love you."

Izaya's POV

I spend most of the night thinking of ways to get Shizuo out. Maybe if I could have some kind of distraction so he can escape, but what could I do?

I finally got a good plan but when morning came I got the news.

Shizuo Heiwajima escaped from prison.

My heart felt happy but sad at the same time. I'm glad that Shizuo escaped though I know it's selfish, but I want him with me.

He could've at least said goodbye.

As I walk around the town I feel someone tap my shoulder. When I turn around to face them I'm shocked and ask, "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to get a few things that a certain someone left in the inn we stayed at a few days ago, if it isn't already taken." Kadota's says then adds, "Also I heard that Shizuo escaped the prison last night, so I was going to see if I could find him."

"Have you had any luck?"

He shakes his head then says, "In truth I'm not even going back to our ship for a while."

"Why?" I ask.

"I'm going to be with the fleet captain of Toramaru."

I look at him confused then he continues, "Last night he got critically injured and for reasons I'm staying with him."

"Ah, well if you ever come to Shinjuku or Ikebukuro find me and I can help you in some way."

After I say that we both say our goodbyes and I start to get ready to go back to my hometown.


It's been five years since I last saw Shizuo Heiwajima and everything in my life went back to normal.

Well somewhat, a few times I was visited by Kadota and just recently he came to say that he's now married. He never told me who though but he said it wasn't legal so I don't think I should ask.

Shizuo though, I haven't seen him since I watched him going to the cells. I guess he knows how to hide himself well.

I stand in front of the new shop in Ikebukuro in my female outfit trying to bring in some customers.

As I work I'm not paying attention to my surroundings like I should be and accidentally hit into someone walking by.

I quickly turn around and bow saying, "I'm sorry."

This is the first time I've ever done that, I'm so embarrassed.

"It's alright Kanra, it was my fault." The person says.

Wait, they sound like...

I lift my head to look at their face and my eyes widen.


He's wearing casual clothes, nothing like what I usually saw, thin black rimed glasses, and his hair is a somewhat dark brown. I have to say he looks good.

Not like he didn't look good before, he definitely did. Though this look is new and simple, why does he have to be so hot after five years.

"It's been awhile Kanra you look just as beautiful."

"Thank you."

"So you think after work we could spend some time together?" He asks with a smile.

"I would love to." I answer.

A/n: Hello readers I hope you guys enjoyed this um... I don't know how to describe how I feel  about this story. I know I rushed this story but I felt like I needed to finish it. Though thank you for reading all the way through.

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