Captain Heiwajima

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I walk away from the merchants store, and go around the town some more to see if any other women can be as interesting as Kanra. The other women I played with didn't even come close to her personality.

As expected, Kanra was different somehow. She gave me interest the first second I saw her. I can't forget how her lips felt on mine, it was like they've never been touched by anyone else.

It's almost dinner time, so I walk to a near by restaurant. Before I go in I'm stopped by hearing someone yell out my name. When the person gets close enough to me I turn around and cover their mouth.

The man I caught looks up at me in fear while I glare down him and say, "You shouldn't yell out that name in public, unless you want an early death."

"Come on sir you're scaring the life out of him," Someone says.

I look over at the direction of the voice and see a familiar man with brown hair, glasses, and wearing a lab coat. With a few other familiar people behind him.

I sigh and say, "Shinra, do you really think that I give a damn that I'm scaring the shit out of him?"

"I'm going to safely say no, but sir you do care if you have bystanders watching."

I glance around and see a group of people around us watching. I let go of the man and he falls to the ground, looking petrified.

Then Shinra asks me, "So, are we going to go into the restaurant or not?" and walks to the doors.

I go up to him then open the doors and walk into the restaurant. Shinra and the others come in behind me, bringing the man I scared in as well. I sit down at one of the small tables meant for two or three people, and everyone else except for Shinra sits at one of the bigger tables.

Shinra comes and sits with me, and then the waitress comes over to our table. We order our meal then she leaves and goes into the kitchen.

"Hey sir." Shinra gets my attention.

"What?" I ask.

"Why didn't you make a move on her? It's strange... are you sick or something?"

"No I'm not sick. I just didn't want to, that's all." I state to him.

Well, truthfully, the whole reason why I didn't do it is because I had a feeling that she would disappoint me as well, and also because I'm still thinking no one can compare to Kanra.

When we get our drinks and food, I see that the restaurant is starting to get more crowded. One of Shinra's men comes up to us and stops closer to Shinra.

"Sir, all of us are starting to get restless. Do we have permission to have some fun?"

Shinra looks at me for an answer, and I take a sip of my drink then answer him, "Oh why not? Just don't make too much of a commotion."

"You heard him." Shinra says to the man.

The man says "Thank you sir." Then leaves to tell the others.

Some of the men smirk deviously, then goes over to some of the women in the restaurant. Others stay in their seats and watch, laughing at the ones that failed to seduce their woman.

I just take another sip of my drink, then start talking to Shinra again. After a few minutes of talking, I noticed that some of our men are getting a little out of control.

I get up and start to go to a small group that's starting to get some attention. Before I get near them to stop their actions, someone goes to stop them.

The man has raven colored hair and a small feminine figure. For some reason I feel like I've seen this person before, but I can't think of where.

He tells Shinra's men to back off of the women they're with but they don't back down. So, I make my presence known to them and they back off.

Right when they leave I hear someone call out to the small man and he runs over to them without noticing me. He goes to one of the bigger tables and talks to a familiar face.

I noticed that the man from earlier noticed me and told, I think his name was Orihara, to go over there so he wasn't near me. Why would that man do that? I go over to my seat and try to listen into their conversation.

"Come on Shiki what was that for?" The man Orihara said.

"Personal reasons." The man Shiki responded to Orihara.

"Fine but still..."

"You'll understand soon." Shiki says.

"You always say that..." Orihara says then adds, "but you want to know what information I got today."


"First give me three silver coins."

I hear a long silence but then hear the man Shiki say, "You're joking right."

"Yeah no, I got to make money off of my other job somehow."

"Fine." I hear Shiki say then I hear a bunch of coins rustling.

Right after the coins stop making noise I hear Orihara say, "So I heard that..."

I couldn't hear the rest but I'm pretty sure I know what he said. I get up and glance over at them. They both have serious faces then Orihara says something that catches my attention completely. "Shiki the man from earlier at the shop do you think he is..."

I leave before I could here anything else. Could it be that the Orihara guy is on to me? I need to do something about him, he could become troublesome soon.

I put the money on the table for our food, then grab Shinra's collar and drag him out of the restaurant with me.

While I'm dragging him out Shinra asks, "Sir, what's going on?"

I drag him out of the restaurant then to an empty alleyway. I stop when I know we're hidden from everyone and turn toward Shinra.

"We're going to raid this place tomorrow." I say.

"What?! Didn't you say we have five days?" Shinra asks shocked.

"I did but I can change my mind." I pause for a second then say in a low demanding voice, "Now do as I say and go tell the others!"

"Yes sir!" Shinra says then starts to turn to leave.

"Oh and also," I say loud enough for him to hear, "the company called Awakusu-Kai no one touches that place except for me."

Shinra turns towards me and says "I'm kind of curious but I know I shouldn't get in the way."

"Actually I need your help with what I want to do there."

"Really I'm shocked. But I would be happy to help, Captain Heiwajima."

After that, Shinra runs away to go tell the others. I can only think of two things now, Kanra is going to be mine and those guys Shiki and Orihara are going to wish they never lived.

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