Getting Ready

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Izaya's POV

The days go by and I get more information on what's going on with the raid. It's carefully planned out, but it's obvious there are going to be some casualties.

I look over where everyone is going to be positioned and change a few to reduce any sightings.

As I'm working Shizuo comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. Then he slowly starts to bring his hand down to my private area.

I stop his hand and say, "Is this really necessary? I'm working right now."

"It is because I'm bored and the plan is already perfect, you don't need to work on it."

"No it's not. I see a lot of errors where people could be caught and I'm trying to reduce it." I explain to him.

"Let me look." He says then studies the papers.

After awhile I hear him say under his breath, "Some damn shithead changed it." He goes over to a cabinet and takes out four pieces of paper and says, "Look at these."

I take them and look over what is put down the first part is like what I changed the other to and the rest is what I was going to change to.

So these must be the original.

"Well these are a lot better than the others. I don't see any mistakes." I say.

"Then I'll have Shinra make copies of these. Now," Shizuo says getting close to me, "I'm getting bored of just standing around making plans. So I was thinking about having a little fun before we go out."

He slides his arms around my waist and starts to travel his right hand down to my lower back. He brings his other hand up to my chin and directs my face toward his.

We lock lips and continue to kiss each other repeatedly making the next one more intense than the last. Once Shizuo starts to travel down my neck I stop him and say, "Let's not do this now."

"Fine but you're not getting out of it tonight in my room." He says in a low seductive voice.

I swear his level of pervertedness is really high for anyone.


When night came for me I get into bed hoping Shizuo forgot, but right when I thought I was okay he was right on top of me.

We kissed each other for a long while then Shizuo starts using his tongue.

God I'm dying inside.

He's so fucking good at this.

He travels his hands under my shirt then slides up and takes it off. Then he starts kissing my neck making me moan in pleasure.

Well I'm not staying a virgin tonight.

Shiki's POV

I'm sitting in officer Kinnosuke's office and he starts to tell me the plan to capture Heiwajima and for me to get Izaya back.

"So we're going to triple the security and hide a few in places that the pirates won't see coming. Some will be on the roof and in abandoned buildings." Kinnosuke explains.

I think about the plan for a second then say to him, "I know it isn't my place to say this, but why not have a few of them that live near the port go inside their houses to watch for any pirates coming. Then once a good amount of pirates come to the port and go into the city we could ambush them."

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