Silent Raid

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Izaya's POV

Today is now the day the raid will happen and I have to say there are a lot more ships than I thought there would be. I try to read some of the names on the ships and a few I've heard of because they're really famous.

I wait for the sun to start setting and my heart starts racing. The ships start to move closer to the town then when it's in sight it's already dark.

I'm already dressed in normal civilian clothes with the symbol showing I'm not a regular citizen to the other pirates.

I watch others get to the port at different times and start the silent raid.

Shizuo calls for me and I get in a small boat with a few of the other crew members.

Surprisingly not all the crew members can leave because they would bring unintentional attention to themselves.

When the boat gets to the docks I see that the people that usually are for paying the docking fees are replaced with some pirates. We go over to them and make it look like it's normal then go into the town.

It seems that no one has been caught yet so that's a good sign. As we walk around everything is silent and there is barely anyone around.

When we get to a small market with a few venders open I go talk to the owner about the supplies while the others with me are grabbing the goods and some money.

As I keep talking to the vendors Shizuo stays in the shadows for this because he's way too well known.

We keep going and once we're in a abandoned alleyway on our way to our next destination we all hear a horrifying scream.

Shizuo turns toward one of his men and says, "Find out what's going on and stay hidden. No matter what's going on stay hidden and report back to me."

The man nods and salutes then when he turns around we hear another horrific scream. As the man runs to the noise I can tell he's scared.

Who wouldn't be?

As the man disappears we hear even more screams, but no signal to retreat or consider retreating.

The man Shizuo sent finally returns and his face is pale eyes wide in horror.

"Hey what's going on?" Shizuo asks the man.

"There's more soldiers than expected, everyone is getting caught. They're attacking everyone on sight."

"What?!" Shizuo yells angrily then says, "Get everyone to retreat!"

The group of men we're with salute Shizuo then run off in different directions.

Shizuo then turns to me and says, "You fire the signal to retreat."

I nod and take out the small red firework from my bag and light it. As it shoots up into the sky exploding beautifully, soon after I see blue lightning up the sky.

It's a good thing we made this system, now it's time to get back to the ship before we get caught.

But I'm wondering, we made it this far in with no problem... but why did the military show up when most of us are in the city. Wait, they planned it so they can get more pirates.

This whole thing was a planned trap for the pirates.

As Shizuo and I run through the streets heading back to the boats I feel a hand grab my arm and pull me in.

I look at the person seeing Shiki then ask in surprise, "What are you doing here?!"

"Saving your ass." He answers.

Wait if he's doing this then... this must be a planned trap as well.

While thinking this I hear Shizuo calling for me.

I quickly run from Shiki and see Shizuo coming toward me then I yell, "Shizuo don't come near me it's a trap!"

"What?" He says confused then he's suddenly pinned down by ten very muscular looking soldiers.


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