Starting to Feel Love

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Shizuo's POV

I go back up to my room ignoring everyone staring at me and slam my door shut. How the hell am I supposed to feel?

What the fuck is even going on? I mean I pretty much found out that the woman I was deeply attracted to is a man. Who else wouldn't go crazy?

I fall on to my bed and bury myself in my thoughts. I'm not gay right? I'm not supposed to be attracted to men.

I go under my covers smelling Kanra's I mean Izaya's scent and start to calm down. What am I supposed to do even though I know that he's a man I'm still wanting Izaya. What am I supposed to be feeling now?

I get up from my bed and go to Shinra's room. I knock on his door and walk in seeing that him and Celty are about to go to bed.

"Hey Shizuo what do you need?" Shinra asks.

"Answers to my questions." I say.

"Okay," he says to me then turns to Celty saying, "Can you give us a second?"

Celty writes something on the paper she has then leaves the room.

"So what is it?"

"I found out who Izaya Orihara is."

"Oh yeah." He says and looks away.


"Nothing. So what are you questions?" Shinra says changing the subject.

"Well I don't know what to think anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"What does it mean if you have someone that you thought was a woman, but turned out she was a he and you still have feelings of wanting them?"

"Wanting like..."

"Like wanting to protect them no matter what, but not knowing how to express it."

"Ah well that my friend means you're in love with them."


"Well the feeling of affection and wanting to protect the other is a form of love, because you don't want to hurt the other. Also even though he's the one you wanted to get rid of he's still alive meaning you don't want to see him die. Am I right?" Shinra explains.

"I guess you are, because when I found out who he was I didn't want him to die."

"Shizuo I'm glad you found someone to love again, but Izaya may not feel the same way you do now."

He's right damn it I just let my anger get to me and just threw him into a cell. I go down to the cells and see him talking with Erika.

I go towards them and Erika asks, "Shizu-chan what are you doing down here?"

I ignore her and open up the cell door and go straight for Izaya. I pin him against the wall and press my lips onto his. I want him to feel what I feel for him even if it takes forever.

Izaya's POV

I sit in the cell Heiwajima threw me and at some point Erika came down to talk saying, "Hey Izaya, right?"

"Yeah." I answer her.

"So about Shizu-"

She stops talking after she hears footsteps coming from behind and when she turns around she asks, "Shizu-chan what are you doing down here?"

Oh god what is he going to do to me. Wait... Shizu-chan? What kind of nickname is that-

I'm cut off of my thoughts, because of Heiwajima's lips on mine. What the hell is going on? He was just angry at me like thirty minutes ago what is he thinking.

I try to push him away from me but give up and let it happen. He then pulls away and hugs me saying, "I'm sorry. My emotions got the better of me. I won't do that again."

I'm surprised, I can't believe he just apologized. Though I kind of like it that he's calm and everything, so I say, "It's alright."

We stay in a embrace and maybe just maybe I can learn to like this guy a little. Though one thing is bothering me, why is Erika happily screaming like crazy?

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