Fighting Event (Part 2)

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A/n: I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever but I finally got inspiration. (Thank you new Pirates of the Caribbean movie.) Now onto this story that probably needs a lot of editing that I won't do. Oh and the characters actions may change a lot from the original plan, so this may end horribly... now continue.

Izaya's POV

As I walk out to my opponent everyone stares at me. I hear whispers of people making bets of who will win and I'm not in their favor.

But I don't care I'm going to win and surprise everyone.

I go up to the winner of the past couple fights and make eye contact with him. Then start looking him over; he has a muscular build, more strength than anything, and it seems he uses his fists most of the fight, but has a sword on his left side for a finishing move to take the win.

But in the last fight I noticed that he does use his sword if he starts to lose.

"Your a newbie, right?" He says in a low voice.

"I guess you could say that. Names Izaya Orihara." I answer and hold one of Kadota's daggers in one hand with the other hidden in the holder on my right leg.

"Well then Orihara, I should go easy on you."

"No way, truthfully I should go easy on you." I say and smirk.

"Don't be so cocky fucker." The man says then gets into a fighting stance.

"Oh such vulgar language, is that supposed to frighten me?"

I get to a defense position and it's a good thing I did because right when the referee of the fight said to start he runs toward me at full speed.

I quickly dodge and let him run into the crowd, but he stops almost instantly and turns to run at me again. This time when I dodge I jump upwards and let him run straight into my foot with his face.

I flip off of him and land on the large crates where people are gathered. Everyone scatters and I look at the man holding his nose, well it looks like I did some damage.

He glares at me and says, "You little fucker get down here and fight like a man. Stop trying to run away."

"Well if I didn't dodge I would've been squished by now and I didn't 'run away' I did kick you in the face a bit... and it looks like I made an improvement." I say and smirk down at him.

I made him even angrier and he starts to charge right into the crates. I jump from them so they don't get smashed by him.

I have to at least be considerate of the supplies and equipment.

I land on the deck then lose my balance for a second. It seems I'm not quite used to the ships motions yet.

The man doesn't seem phased of my actions and comes right back at me but with his sword drawn. I quickly bring up the dagger I have and go into a defensive position.

I direct his sword away from me and cut a bit of his clothes as I start to move away. He realizes what I did and tries to elbow me in the face.

I quickly dodge and go straight for his neck with the dagger. I stop only centimeters away and both of us froze in place.

With just the slightest movement I could cut his throat. Please someone say the match is over before I loose my balance again.

I hear cheering from some of the crowd and hear the referee call the match. I pull away from the man and look up at Shizuo staring down at me and I can see the slightest smirk on his face.

The next thing I hear is, "Now who's next to challenge the newcomer, Izaya Orihara?!"

What the fuck did I get myself into?


After about an entire day fighting other people the event is finally over for today and I'm resting in Shizuo's bedroom.

"You did good, Izaya." He says giving me another glass of water.

"Thanks." I sigh out.

As I take a small sip of the water some of it escapes my mouth and slides down my neck. I pull away and wipe the water off then I set the drink down.

That entire time I could feel Shizuo's gaze on me.

"So does this fighting event last long?" I ask.

"No only one day and I have to ask, how did you get that good with a dagger?" Shizuo asks.

"Well I guess since I was about ten. I started taking lessons in self-defense and then watched street fights with them fighting with daggers. So I guess I got interested watching them fight and tried to copy them." I explain.


"But I want to ask something else." I say getting a serious tone.


"What is your real past?"

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