Izaya Orihara

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Izaya's POV

I slowly start to gain consciousness and open my eyes in a darkened room. Hearing creaks and loud noises coming from above.

I look around and see that there are many jewelries and gold lying around. All sparkling like they are brand new.

I try to get up to look at one closely but fail by falling back down. I guess my legs are still feeling the effects of whatever was put in me.

I'm wondering how the hell that guy Kishitani was able to do something like that so quickly, but I shouldn't be focused on that. I need to get out of here somehow.

Just when I'm about to try to stand up again I here the doorknob click. I look over at the door seeing the blonde and Kishitani walk in.

The blonde comes close to me and gives me an devious smile. I try to back away from him but he just comes closer than before.

After I hit the wall behind me he gets so close I can feel his breath then he says, "Welcome to my ship, Kanra. I'm Shizuo Heiwajima."

Oh god. My information was right. Shizuo Heiwajima is here and he's right in front of me.

He turns to the man Kishitani and says, "So she's awake just get whatever you wanted from her then come back to the deck."

Heiwajima leaves the room and it's only Kishitani and I left, I don't want to be alone with someone I don't know, but I do feel a lot safer being with him than Heiwajima.

"So Kanra," he says to me in a kind tone, "sorry about Shizuo. He can be quite a handful..."

He notices that I'm still coward in the corner and then says bluntly, "Well you don't have to be scared about if I try to make a move on you. I don't turn that way, I have my beloved Celty."

"Wait so you know I'm a-"

"Male." Kishitani finishes my sentence then says, "Yeah, I knew when we met."

"How?" I ask really curious.

"Well when I pushed you and gave you a shot with the sleeping drug in it, you went down a little bit later than planned and you woke up a lot earlier than expected as well. Also when you were about to ask 'How did you know my name?' to me your voice got a little lower than before." He explains.

"Oh..." I say under my breath then ask Kishitani, "Did you tell that to Heiwajima?"

"No, but Kanra what's your real name? I'm just really curious." Kishitani explains.

"Well..." I hesitate, I don't know if I want to I still don't trust him that much but... I think it will be fine so I respond, "my name is Izaya Orihara."

"Izaya Orihara... Orihara..."  Kishitani says to himself quietly, but I can still hear him, then says loudly, "Oh! Yeah I probably shouldn't say anything to Shizuo, I kinda want you to live."

"What?!" I ask screaming a little. What does this guy mean? Is he implying that I'll die if Heiwajima knows who I am, and he says it so calmly.

"Well Shizuo wanted to find two specific people in the raid tonight to kill, but only found one so he took the one he found to one of the cells in the lower decks to interrogate him about the whereabouts of the other." Kishitani explains.

"Who are the two?" I ask, scared of the answer.

"One man with the name Shiki and the other with the name Orihara."

Shit. Shit. Shit! Why the hell am I targeted? I never met Heiwajima as a man! Wait... I know Shiki was acting weird that one night I mentioned Shizuo Heiwajima to him in the- damn it.

"So Kishitani, what will happen to me if he finds out?" I ask even more scared of this answer than the other one.

"Well first just call me Shinra, second you'll probably be thrown in one of the cells to rot, or Shizuo will kill you quickly, or even throw you overboard with your hands and legs tied together and watch you drown."

"That sounds horrible." I respond.

"Actually Shizuo is a really nice guy when you get to know him."

"Yeah... I'll believe it when I see it."

"I know it's hard to believe but it's true." Kishit- I mean Shinra says.

"It is hard to believe." I say under my breath.

After I say that Shinra starts to explain what he's going to do, "So I'm going to tell Shizuo that he can't do anything to you because of your health. It can probably give you a few more days to live, but there's no guarantee."

"Well thanks anyway Shinra."

"No problem." He says then starts to leave and before he opens the door he turns around and says, "I'll see you later, good luck."

He leaves and I just sit here thinking that he's not a bad guy, maybe I could act like my actual self around him.

Shizuo's POV

I stand outside telling my men what to do and then I see Shinra walk out of the door that leads to the lower decks. I go up to him and ask, "So what's going on with Kanra?"

"Her mental health is very fragile right now so I would suggest she not be bothered with for a while."

"Okay... so she's like the other one that-"

"Yes." Shinra says cutting me off.

I can't get angry at that because I know he did it for good reason. I really didn't want that memory to come back it hurts me too much.

I stop thinking of the past memory and ask Shinra, "Can I at least go and just see her, you know I won't do anything."

"Yeah, why not? You are the captain, you can do whatever you want on your ship."

"Yeah, I know but..."

"I know, just go see Kanra, but no touching." Shinra says then starts to walk away to work but then turns back around to me and adds, "And try to make her feel welcome without all that sexual stuff, it doesn't suit you."

He finishes then walks to one of the other doctors and I whisper under my breath, "I know that, but what else can I do so people don't look down on me."

I turn to my bedroom door and start to walk in. I look around and find Kanra in the same place as before.

She still looks scared of me which I won't blame her I know I crossed the line by a lot. I keep a far distance from her and say, "It's okay I won't do anything to you, I just wanted to see how you are doing."

She doesn't answer, so I just start to leave but then hear, "I'm okay for now I guess."

I look back over at Kanra and see her looking a little less tense. Then say to her, "Well I'm glad you're okay, also you can sleep on my bed I won't be back in here for tonight."

She looks at me unsure but then nods. I smile hopefully looking kind and leave my room. I walk down to the cells and see that Shiki is still out cold. Guess I can't get anything about Orihara for a while.

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