Starting a Plan

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Izaya's POV

"What is your real past?"

"I don't know what you mean." Shizuo says.

"I've had this question since this morning but now I'm curious. I found a picture of you and your family. What happened to them?"

"That's none of your business." He answers with a low angry tone.

Man, he gets angry easily.

"Fine." I answer, but it doesn't mean I won't bring it up again. Because now that I remember when we were talking he always avoided questions about his family.

Time to start to go to bed comes along and I get into bed with Shizuo. He wraps his arms around me and we fall asleep together.

Though I have a feeling there's something going on.

Shiki's POV

I'm finally back home so I go get a decent meal then go straight to military's headquarters. No way am I going to have Izaya be at a place where he will most likely be tortured or killed.

Once I get inside the building I instantly say, "I know where Shizuo Heiwajima is going to raid next."

All eyes are on me and the man who looks like the highest rank comes to me and says, "Come with me."

I follow him through the new cemented floors and wooden walls to his office. He opens the doors and goes to his huge desk stacked high with wanted posters of pirates, witches, and common criminals.

"So what does an infamous merchant have to say about the pirate captain Shizuo Heiwajima?" The man says with a low voice.

"He will be raiding Tokyo with his complete fleet and a few other fleets in a few weeks."

"That's impossible Tokyo is a highly secure town, it can never be raided." He says.

"Well he'll have about thirty ships helping him, I think it's possible."

"How do you even know about this?" He asks.

"I was captured recently by them and overheard a conversation between two guards that didn't care what they said in front of me, because they thought I was going to die soon. The only reason why I'm here is because one of my staff made a bargain with them and is now there probably getting tortured." I explain calmly.

"Who is the staff member?"

"Izaya Orihara; merchant and informant."

"Izaya Orihara... oh that guy. He's recently been causing trouble for the country you know." He says.

"I've realized it."

"You know I can arrest you right here and now for all the underground work you've been doing."

"I've realized that as well."

"What's in it for you giving me this information anyway?" He asks curiously.

"I need to save a good staff member from Heiwajima if he's still alive. That's all." I answer.

He laughs then says, "Well I never thought I would say this but it looks like we'll be working together for awhile." He pauses then says, "I'm letting you off for you crimes just this once Shiki, you hear?"

I nod then we shake hands for the agreement.

"And call me officer Kinnosuke."


Izaya's POV

As the days go by I wonder if anything exciting will happen. But truthfully I don't know what would be exciting for me.

I walk around the ship and do nothing since I really don't know what to do.

While walking I feel someone touch my ass so I quickly turn around to hit them but stopped by them.

"Was that really necessary?" I ask.

"Yes." Shizuo says simply holding the arm I was using to try to hit him.

"You're ridiculous." I say rolling my eyes.

"Well anyway I have something to ask you."

"What is it?"

"We'll be doing this huge collaborative raid with a few other pirate fleets soon and I was wondering if you would like to join in." He says with a mischievous tone in his voice.

"Why would you want me?"

"Your fighting skills are great and you know how to use your brain unlike most of us on this ship. It's an easy choice really."

"So you can be smart, huh? Well Shizuo, what's the plan." I say and smirk.

Things are now going to get interesting.

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