~You saved me~

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**Your POV**

"(y/n)," Offenderman called.

You ran down a series of hallways, somehow knowing exactly where to go. It was like you had inhuman speed as you sped through each turn faster than lightning.

"(y/n) help me out..."

You appeared in front of a room with a black door with a bloody door handle. Despite your instincts you opened it up to see Offenderman laying in a pool of blood. It wasn't apparent as to if it was his or not but either way you rushed to his side.

"Y-you came..." he whispered.

"Of course I would, are you ok?" you asked him. He smiled, and suddenly it turned to a very vivid and terrifying face.

"You fell right into my trap didn't you?" Slowly he turned into a different creature, something you'd never seen before, and it certainly wasn't him.

"Smexy?" You quietly whimpered.

"He's not here to help you now. You're mine (y/n)." 

Your eyes flashed open and you sat up in bed, in a cold sweat and panting softly. You quickly glanced around, and then sighed. "Jeez, I don't think I slept that long and I already had a nightmare..." you mumbled.

Suddenly you saw Jeff from earlier run into your room. He ran towards you with a knife in his hand and then jumped on top of you, slashing his knife out. You recoiled in fear, expecting for him to kill you but when you felt nothing you looked up and saw that there was some kind of black smoke drifting between you two.

He moved off of you and sighed. "Sorry about that, one of those damned creatures ran in here and was about to attack you. Luckily for you I saved your ass," he said.

"I thought you were going to kill me... Is that what that black smoke was? Some kind of creature?" you asked.

"Apparently that's all they leave behind when they die. You're welcome by the way."

"Right, thank you... "

You both heard a several growls come from all possible directions around you.

"What the fuck, I thought that was the last one!" Jeff exclaimed.

There was evil laughter in response and now you were terrified. What exactly had been going on while you had napped? The room seemed to gather with a type of physical darkness and slowly strange red-eyed demon-like creatures began walking out from it.

"I fucking hate you right now Ben, you're an ass, and I'm blaming this all on you," Jeff grumbled.

"What do we do now?" You asked, a hint of anxiety in your voice.

"You don't do anything, and I'll kill," Jeff answered, then lunged from the bed onto one of the larger creatures of the dark. Except when he attacked it, it didn't fade away into the black smoke you'd seen earlier.

"Shit they're stronger that I thought, you have to run (y/n)! Try and find Ben if you can!"Jeff Exclaimed.

You waited a moment, paralyzed in fear, then saw how close the demon creatures were getting to you and threw yourself out of your bed and ran as fast as you could to the front door, flinging it open and meeting with the cold night air from the forest.

You glanced behind you and saw the creatures in hot pursuit of you which motivated you to run as fast as you could to get away from them. When you turned around, you found yourself running into someone and the both of you tumbled to the ground, you screaming on the way down.

When you stopped rolling, you saw a pair of black eyes with red pupils staring into yours.

"Wow I didn't think I'd ever top a girl like this," the twisted link boy said.

You blushed, then remembered what was coming after you. "Ben, did you not see what was chasing after me?"

"There was something after you? No wonder why you're out here," he said, then got off of you and helped you up. "What's going on?"

"Something really dark entered my house and Jeff told me to run and see if I could find you. Look like I found you on accident," you explained.

"Don't worry I got ya. Although I'm not much of a fighter, so we might need to get the hell out of here. Jeff can take care of himself."

You nodded and the both of you heard snarling sound from behind you.

"You don't need to run anymore (y/n), you're fine," You heard a familiar voice say.

Before one of the creatures jumped to attack you, a swift black figure took the blow and threw the dog down to the ground.

"Smexy?" You murmered.

Quickly you were taken into his arms and he held you close. "Don't worry darling, I'm here now."

You saw white tendrils grabbing the creatures by their legs, lifting them, and slamming them to the ground repeatedly.

"Y-you're here..."

"Some instinct told me that you were in trouble so here I am. I'm glad I came too, seems like things were about to get rough," he said.

"You saved me."

"Indeed I did. I saved Ben too, the lucky little bastard. Is Jeff here too?"

"No, he stayed behind at my house and told me to run, I don't know if he's ok."

"At least he has some honor."

"Hey!" Ben exclaimed.

"Well you were about to run, at least Jeff stayed behind to fight. Let's go save him too," Offender said. He held you like a small child in one arm and grabbed onto Ben then teleported to your house.

You clutched on to Offenderman tightly, thankful for the fact that he had showed up in your time of need. 'He's not bad at all,' you thought.

Apparently you'd left your door open in your escape, making it easy to get into the home and into your room where you'd last saw Jeff. You saw that your home was a total wreck, scratch marks everywhere and broken furniture as well as the scent of something strange... Maybe a type of gas?

Jeff was lying on the floor of your bedroom, but it appeared as if he was still breathing.

"(y/n), you're going to have to come back to the mansion with us, it's too dangerous for you to stay here. I think something struck one of the gas lines in the house," Offenderman said, scooping up Jeff in his other arm.

"That's ok," you answered.

"Then prepare your eyes, because not very many visitors get to see this place."

And with that he teleported you all once more.

This girl I can't win?~ (Smexy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now