~For you, Anything~

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**Offender POV**

_____. How long ago had she been only a simple dare to me? And what did she mean to me now? Sure, we'd held off on the hotter side of our relationship, but surprisingly, despite my immense amativeness, she made me feel as though that wasn't as important as simply just being by her side.

As I pass by other women in the city, all I can think of is _____ and how I wish so badly she were right next to me, laughing and holding my pale hand.

Gods, how much I'd changed just by being by her, it was like she was magical or something. Had she turned me all soft somehow?

Well, of course, I still thought about bringing her to bed with me. A lot. But it wasn't like I HAD to as I used to feel with other women. I was willing to be patient and earn that right, as a respectable man should (though I am far from any kind of human man alive hehehe).

Where was the one place Slender said we should never visit again? I mean for fucks sake, he didn't want us to leave at all but in order to find Zalgo I had to take drastic measures. So yes, he said we couldn't leave, but a long time ago he warned us of a graveyard we were not to visit unless we really wanted to perish...

Perhaps he was referencing Zalgo when he said that. Or just being an ass, one of the two.

I approached a rusted iron gate and pushed it open before being presented with the graveyard we were forbidden to enter.

"Oh Zalgo! You fucker, come and get me!" I taunted, waltzing into the barren and dead cemetery. "You have my _____ and I will seriously shove your own head up your ass and knowing you you sadistic fuck, you'd like that! So come get some love from good ol' Sexual Offenderman!"

No answer, not a single bit of movement from within the place.

"Seriously Zalgo, I want to fight you. Get your ass out here!"


**Zalgo POV**

______ was writhing on the ground in pain as I watched my orb to see Offenderman yelling about me.

______ reacted to the sound of his voice and started to make some noise but it was fairly easy silencing her with some more torture. "What the hell is that idiot doing?" I asked myself.

"Seriously Zalgo! I want to fight you. Get your ass out here!" The creep yelled.

I summoned a creature of darkness and motioned to ________. "Remove her from this area. I'll be inviting a guest over," I commanded.

It nodded and dragged her away.

"If you really think you can do anything, you are sorely mistaken you buffoon," I growled, opening a portal from here to the graveyard. "Though, I'd love to see you try."

This girl I can't win?~ (Smexy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now