_-Chapter 1-_

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                     *             *            *
                  Laurence P.O.V

  "What the heck, Dante?!" An angry Garroth shouted from somewhere upstairs.
I grunted and looked back down at my book.
  "I didn't do it! I swear!" Dante replied, sounding flustered.
   I held my face about five inches away from the book and tried hard to focus on the words.

  "Who's fault is it then?!"

  "I don't know! Ask Travis! Or Laurence!"

   I sighed, slid my bookmark into the corner of the page, and shut the book. I put it on the table and stood up.

  What are those two arguing about now?

  I walked up the stairs slowly, not really wanting to join the argument, but wanting peace and quiet.
  "What in the name of Irene are you two shouting about?" I asked as I walked into Dante's room, which was where the voices were coming from.

  "I was trying to work on something when Garroth just came storming into my room!" Dante said, glaring at Garroth from his chair at the computer.
  I sighed. "Garroth, what's wrong?"

  "Dante took my laptop!"

  "No, I did not! Why would I take your laptop?"

  "I don't know but you did!" He said, stomping his foot.

  "How are you sure it was Dante?"

  "Yea! How are you sure it was me?"
  "Who else would take it?"

  Dante and I looked at each other.

  "Travis." We said at the same time.

  "What would he want with my
laptop?" Garroth asked, sounding very confused.

    "Exactly. We don't know what he would want with it, and that's why we need to see if he took it." I said, thinking of reasons why he would take it. "Dante, go back to whatever you were doing."

  "Fine by me!" He said and turned
back to his computer.

  I walked out of his room and went down the stairs.

  "Wait, Laurence, what are you doing?"
Garroth asked, running after me.

  "Going to help you find the laptop. Duh."

  I turned to the basement stairs.

  "Is he down there?" Garroth asked me as I walked over to them.

  "I think he is."

  I quietly stepped down the stairs, hardly making a sound.

  "Why does he have a Wattpad
account? Hmmm... oh, what's this? He's working on a story? I might just have to look at that. Maybe make a few changes." I heard Travis talking to himself.

  "NO!" Garroth yelled and sprung down the steps.

  I ran up to them. Garroth was standing over Travis, and Travis had a very shocked and confused expression.

  "Calm down, GarrothRomeave385." Travis said with a giggle.
(A/N if this is anyone's Wattpad account, tell me and I'll change it. don't sue me)
  "Travis, give him his laptop. It isn't any of your business what's on it. Although, I'm curious about what kind of stories you write."

  "Y-you know. Stuff."

  "Stuff?" We both asked.

  "Y-yea. Stuff."

  He grabbed his laptop from the desk.

  "And now, I can return to my book." I
said excitedly. "So, you two can argue about why you took the laptop, as long as I can't hear the argument upstairs. I was trying to read before Garroth and Dante interrupted me."

  I walked up the stairs, hoping that if they did argue, it wasn't a loud argument.

  "Uh, L-Laurence, wait!" Garroth said as he ran up the stairs.

  "Ok, two things. One, uh... thanks... Two, I could... I could, uh..." He scratched the back of his head. "If you want, I c-could show you some of th-the stories."


"Yea! I could show you the ones I've been working on! Maybe you could help with some!"

"Ok. That sounds fun!"

We walked into his room upstairs. He put the laptop on the desk.

"Did you find it?" Dante called from
his room.

"Yea! Travis took it!" Garroth yelled back.

"Told you!"

He sat in his chair.

"I'm going to get my chair from my room." I said quickly before speed walking out and into my room.
I walked over to the computer desk. I wasn't watching where I walked. I almost got to my desk before I kicked the corner of my bed.

"Mother of IRENE!!" I yelled, grabbing my foot and pulling it up to look at it.

I heard the sound of a door being pushed open all the way and quick footsteps coming down the hall. I looked at the doorway.

"Are you okay?!" Garroth asked, standing in the doorway.

Dante looked out his door.

"I'm fine, I just hit my foot off of this stupid bed." I growled and glared at it.

I reached over to grab my chair.

"N-no, let me get it. So you don't trip over it." He said with a small smirk.

"I can carry a chair, thanks."

"No, I'm going to carry it."

He walked past me and grabbed the chair.

"Fine. You can take the chair."

A/N: Sooooo there was Chapter one... hmmmmmmmmmm...
well, if you're reading this and you like this, or want me to add something, tell me!
(The word count: 815)

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