_-Chapter 19-_

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*Garroth P.O.V* (What, did you think it'd be Laurence's p.o.v?)

It had been three weeks since Laurence died.

Nothing was okay.

I locked myself in my room for most of the three weeks.

I received many phone calls, many texts. I responded to very few of them.

I was sitting in the corner of my room, my phone tossed carelessly on the ground.

My ringtone went off.

I picked up my phone slowly.
*Calling: Aphmau*

My finger hovered over the button. I hit accept.

"Garroth? Garroth! You answered! We were worried about you!"


"I'm glad you're doing okay. Just remember that if you want to talk, we're right here. If you don't, then we understand. Just please let us know how you're doing. We don't want anything to happen to you."


"No problem. Do you want to talk?"


"Okay... Describe your feelings to me."

"I feel like... When he died, he took a part of me with him. A big part of me that cannot be replaced, or returned. I feel like everything is descending to completely darkness."

"I'm coming over now. I'm going to talk to you face to face. You need a hug."

"No... It's fine.."

"Nope! I'm coming over! See you in a minute!"

Loki laid on my lap. Since Laurence died, Loki hadn't left my side.

"Okay... bye.."


I hung up and stood up. Loki curled up in a ball on the floor. I slowly made my way to the bathroom.

As I stared at myself in the mirror, I noticed the bags under my bloodshot eyes. My entire face looked horrible.

I felt my hands slowly moving towards the razor on the sink. Something told me that it wasn't to shave.

I stared down at it. I tried so hard to stop myself from doing it, but I just continued staring. I willed myself to put it down, to stop this,

"Garroth! Put that down!"

Aphmau ran over and stopped a few feet away from me. My eyes slowly drifted up to meet hers.

"Garroth! Please! Put it down!"

A tear rolled down my face. Slowly, carefully, I set the razor back on the sink. Aphmau threw her arms around me in a bone-crushing hug.

I sobbed into her shoulder. I noticed Dante walk slowly into the room, process what was happening, then gasp in surprise when his eyes fell to the razor on the sink.

"Garroth? You okay, buddy?"

Loki meowed at my feet. I gently picked him up and held him to chest. He purred softly.

Aphmau and Dante moved out of the way as I walked out the door. I heard them talking as I slowly stepped down the hall, passing my room. Laurence's door stopped me from going any further. I was finally ready to go inside.

The door opened slowly. Loki leapt out of my arms and jumped onto Laurence's bed. He started meowing and sniffing around, as if searching for Laurence.

I stepped slowly over to the desk, where we used to write, draw, and read funny stories together. I sat down and searched through the story guides we made when writing our stories. And there, at the bottom, was the guide for the first story we ever wrote together.

A/N) The End.

I hope you all enjoyed this.

I had fun writing it, and I hope you had fun reading it. Feel free to check out my other books.

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