_-Chapter 7-_

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-Laurence P.O.V-

  I sat straight up in the bed, heart pounding, sweating, and terrified. I had just woken up from a nightmare. I felt a tear roll down my face, which was followed by much more.

  "L-Laurence? Laurence, what's wrong?" Garroth asked immediately after he woke up and noticed me.
"Was it a nightmare?"

  I nodded, more tears streaming down my face. I felt warm arms wrap around me.

   "Shhhhh... Laurence, it's ok. Whatever the nightmare was, it wasn't real. Ok? Not real. All just a bad dream." He said softly in my ear. "Do you want to tell me what it was about?"

  "Sh-shadow knight..."

  His arms tightened around me.

  "I turned... evil... and attacked you... and...-"

  "Laurence. It was a bad dream. I'm right here. Nothing's wrong. Calm down." He said in a protective tone.

  I sighed and slowly stopped crying, but I was still shaking. He laid back down and dragged me gently down with him. He kept his arms around me.

  "Now, try and get some more sleep. Ok?"


  "Night, Laurence." He said very close to ear.

  I rolled onto my side. Sunlight glowed through the window. Garroth's arms were still wrapped tightly around me. He woke up when I rolled over.

"Good morning, Gargar." I said, smiling.

He mumbled something like "don't call me that" then smiled back sleepily. I kissed him on the forehead before moving his arms and standing up.

"Don't leave..."

"Don't worry, I'll be back in a minute."

I walked through the door out into the hallway. I had stayed in Garroth's room for the night. I walked down the stairs quietly. Katelyn and Travis were asleep on the couch, Travis with his arm around Katelyn, and a movie was on the T.V. I grabbed my book off of the table. When I went back up the stairs and back into the room, Garroth was asleep again. I smiled at this and climbed back into bed. I wasn't tired anymore, but I didn't want to leave the bed. Garroth opened his eyes for a moment, then closed them and wrapped his arms back around my waist. I laughed softly and opened my book.

After a while of reading, Garroth woke up again. This time, he seemed much more awake.

"Good morning, again."

"Morning... again."

"What do you wanna do today?"

"Stay home?" He suggested hopefully.

"Fine with me!"

I put my book down after marking the page. I put my legs over the side of the bed and stretched. Garroth sat up and yawned.

"We could... watch a movie?" He asked.

"Oh, we can't downstairs. Travis has Katelyn over, and they're- well, they were watching a movie. Now they're just asleep."

He laughed softly.

"I have movies on my laptop." I said.


I walked out of the room, and Garroth followed me. We went into my room, softly closing the door behind us. I grabbed my laptop off the desk and flopped down onto my stomach on the bed. Garroth laid down beside me. I opened Netflix and clicked through the

"Any you like or want to see?" I asked.

"We could just watch anime."

"That is a great idea." I moved the laptop in front of him so he could pick one to watch.

"Which one?"

"Whatever you want."

After a while of looking, we decided on Attack on Titan. I had already finished it, but Garroth was a little under halfway through. We watched about 10 episodes.

"What do you think?"

"It's great!"

He closed the laptop. I yawned and rested my head on my arms, which were crossed. He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek before starting to sit up. I quickly sat up and kissed him on the lips. He looked surprised for a moment, then kissed back. He put one hand on my cheek. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. I pulled back, smiling.

"What was that for?" He asked, eyes wide.

"You were going to leave!"

He laughed softly before jumping off of the bed. I jumped up and ran after him. He ran down the stairs.

  "Garroth? What are you doing?" I heard Travis start to ask.

  "Garroth come back!" I yelled, laughing.

  "Oh. I see. Run, Garroth!"

  It was too late. I jumped at him and tackled him onto the couch. Travis and Katelyn were standing by the T.V, putting in a movie. I got up and fixed my hair. Garroth sat up.

  "What was that about?"

   I was still laughing, and so was Garroth. When he caught his breath, he jumped over the back of the couch and ran back upstairs. Travis was laughing now and shaking his head. I ran up the stairs and into his room after him. I looked around, but I didn't see him anywhere. I turned around to leave, but Garroth jumped at me from the doorway and tackled me onto the bed.
I laughed when I saw pink spread across his cheeks. He let go of my arms but didn't move. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him against me. He blushed even more. I was blushing, too. I smiled. His face was now bright red. I closed the gap between us and kissed him. I felt his hand grab my waist, and his other rested on my shoulder. He pulled back and smiled evilly. I blinked at him. He swiftly moved his head forward again, kissing me. His hand moved up my side.

   "Do you guys want- ohmyirenewhatareyoudoing?!"

  Garroth sprung backwards and looked at the doorway. I turned my head to look as well. Travis stood in the doorway with a terrified expression. Garroth glared at him.

  "I should leave and close the door, shouldn't I?"

  "Yes." Garroth growled.

  Travis jumped back and slammed the door. Garroth turned back to me with a slightly mad expression. I traced my finger up his cheek, and he immediately calmed down. 

  "To be fair, we should've closed the door." I said softly.

  "Yeaaa... That would've been smart."

  I sighed softly.


    "Well what?"

    He put his face an inch from mine.

  "It's closed now."


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