_-Chapter 16-_

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            *Garroth P.O.V*

It was time to get back on the plane again. The day before, we spent all day walking around for the last time. Lucky for us, the plane allowed certain pets, as long as they were in cages or crates. (I don't know if this is a thing or not but I'm making it a thing.) Loki didn't seem to mind being in a carrier.

"C'mon, Garroth." Laurence said. He grabbed my hand and started to walk up. I stopped to look up at the plane.
"Garroth, we have to get on now."
I sighed and let him drag me onto the plane. He made me sit in the window seat again. I could already feel myself getting lightheaded. "Garroth, you'll be fine. Remember? I said we would be fine last time, and guess what? We were fine!"

"Yea..." I muttered. He kissed me on the cheek, which helped to calm me down a bit. They let us keep Loki (Again, not sure if this is a thing or not, buuuut yea.) with us. He mewled at us from inside of his carrier.
Laurence smiled and grabbed my hand.
I sighed and closed my eyes, hoping I could fall asleep through the entire flight.

  I suddenly jolted awake.

  "What?! Where-"

  "Hey! Garroth, calm down! Shh!" Laurence said, resting his hand on my shoulder.

   "What happened?"

   "What do you mean? Nothing happened." He asked. I looked around in confusion. I looked out the window of the plane. It was raining lightly. I turned back to Laurence. He was looking at me with a worried expression. "Did something happen? In a dream?"

    "I... I don't know... All I know is that something just woke me up."

   "Something bad?"


   "Well, don't worry. Nothing happened, okay?"

   "...Yea..." He put his arms around my shoulders and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled at him.

   "Need anything? Water?" He asked.

   "No, thanks."

   "You sure? I don't want you to pass out again."

    "I'm sure. Thanks."

    We walked to our front steps. Although it was fun at Love Love paradise, I was glad to be home. Laurence was carrying Loki's carrier, and I was holding all of Loki's stuff. I unlocked the door and walked inside, already starting to set his stuff up. I put his bowls in the kitchen, his litter box in the bathroom, his bed upstairs in Laurence's room, and scattered his toys  throughout the house. I dropped down onto the couch, exhausted. Travis and Dante immediately turned on the T.V. Laurence looked around, finding somewhere to sit. He shrugged, walked over to me, and flopped down onto me.

   "You're comfy," He said drowsily. I laughed softly. Loki curled up on my arms, which were crossed in front of me. I sighed and let myself drift off to sleep.

   When I woke up, Laurence was still asleep. Loki blinked at me in surprise when I yawned. I carefully slid out from under Laurence and stood up. He looked around. I held my hands up above my head and stretched. Laurence sat up and pulled Loki onto his lap.

    "What time is it?" He asked. I pulled out my phone.


   He stood up. Loki apparently didn't like being carried like a baby, because he started flipping out. Laurence let go of him with one arm to see what he would do. He jumped up onto Laurence's shoulder and sat down.

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