Chapter 1

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"I am so tired of the bullshit!" Naomi yells as she's reading the gossip blogs
"What happened Mimi?" Nonya yells from downstairs, as she's unpacking the dishes
Naomi's P.O.V.
Im here trying to enjoy my new home, and I can't seem to do that with out bringing brought down reading these blogs. Like come on I'm in Malibu, I have a beach view through my huge bedroom window. I shouldn't even worried about stuff like this!
The blog reads: "Odell Beckham seems to call it quits with Naomi Nee as he is seen to be boo'd up with Khloe Kardashian at Drake's pool party yesterday...."
You've got to be kidding me right? Me and him aren't even together . Never been! We've just ran into each other a couple times, and posed together for pictures at my friends listening party...THAT'S IT!

Nonya walks in, " I heard you yelling, what's up?"
Naomi *throws your phone at Nonya*
"Woah Mimi what the hell?!" She slightly yells
"Read that shit!" I slightly yell back
"Pghhhh, ha, this is what your so uptight about?" Nonya says laughing

"This isn't funny Nonya! I've publicly made it clear that me and this man don't date! These people seem bring my name up every time they're talking about him, like what the hell, like I'm so tight right now, I just wanna-"
"-Khloe isn't even that cute, what was he thinking anyway?"
"NONYA!" I screams in frustration
"Okay, okay I'm sorry, but you can't tell me you haven't at least once thought now" Nonya smirks
"What Nonya ...haven't thought I about what?" I say annoyed because I know she's about to say something inappropriate
"Sitting on that man face! Like he's so fine, and his body...(pauses and fake cries) it'!"
"Get the hell out my room...No, you know what...get out my house." I said throwing a pillow at her
"Ow!" Nonya says slightly laughing

*Sebastian walks in* "There will be no face sitting, kissing, touching, or looking at any other dude , as long as I'm alive"

Sebastian is really over protective, being that he is the oldest and the only boy out of all of us. Anytime we've had any issues with any boys, or boyfriends, he was the first one we'd call. He was basically our second dad.

"Face sitting? You're complaining about that? I've done much worse" Nonya says sort of flinching walking past him knowing he would go after her
*Sebastian starts running after her downstairs*
Just like she thought...

Later that day....
"Naomi what the hell are you doing we have to go!" Kevin and Nonya yelled at me in unison. This our routine. We're all getting ready to go somewhere, they finish before me and I'm getting yelled at because I'm preventing us from leaving on time. I tend to take long when getting ready. "I'm coming!" I yell
After fixing myself up one last time, I head down stairs
"Who the hell are you getting cute for? Its 4 in the morning, and we're getting on a plane" Nonya says rolling her eyes walking out the door
"You never know who you might run into" I said with a smirk "Get hit." Sebastian says behind us.
Me and Nonya laugh.

*on the plane*

"I'm already on a plane to leave to a whole different state, after I just brought a brand new house. Sometimes I just want to relax and lay in my bed and Netflix all day"
"You're Naomi Neé" Nonya starts "There's little time for you to just lay back and relax"
"Little time? Try no time at all"
"We'll be back in three days, and you can lay in your bed all you want, until the next day, when it's your interview , and photo shoot for cosmopolitan" Nonya says with her awkward face
I roll my eyes and ignore the comment she just made. She knows it's only gonna make me go even more tense. As I'm thinking about how busy I'll be for the next month or so, I drifted to sleep. By the time I woke up, we had already landed at our destination
Houston, Texas
Me and Nonya are doing a club appearance , at a new club...for three nights in a row. Wonderful.

Kevin's P.O.V.
Me, and my two little sister are waiting for our driver to pick us up in front of the airport. Just in case you were wondering why I'm tagging along is because sometimes things get kind of wild in Houston, and we had a crazy incident last time we were here. I handled it real quick. So I'm here with them to make sure nothing crazy like that goes down again.

***No one's P.O.V.***

Nonya, Sebastian, and Naomi heads turn towards the loud laughing coming from the group of guys standing a few feet away from them.
"He's cute" Naomi says to herself
She continues to stare at the guys, and one of them caught her eye. When Naomi would look over she would quickly turn her head when they would make eye contact. "Damn." she said under her breath

This guys was 6'2, nice build, pretty teeth, nice complexion. Naomi thought she saw an angel...literally. Naomi is thought he was beautiful. Definitely love at first sight...for the both of them. "He looks familiar..." Naomi thought
"Is that Keith powers over there drooling over you?" Nonya said that with the biggest grin on her face
     "Oh my god! Yes! Him! I knew he looked familiar" Naomi thought

Keith powers in an actor. Seen if lots of different films, for one "Straight out of Compton"

*driver pulls up*

Nonya enters in the vehicle first, then Sebastian follows. Through the open door Nonya gives Naomi that little head nod with her eyes going back and fourth towards her and the direction Keith was standing. Naomi already knew what that looked met.

"Come on Naomi, what are you doing?"

Naomi P.O.V.
"Come on Naomi, what are you doing?" Sebastian says to me.
That's the thing. I didn't know what I was doing, or going to do.
I was stuck...I couldn't move
    Literally I couldn't move.
It's like my body wouldn't let me unless I got his number or...something, and Nonya's little head nod gave me motivation.
"I can't believe I'm about to do this" I say to myself , but out loud
"Huh?" Sebastian says confused

I ran up to Keith so fast, like at bat out of hell, and said "I was staring at you for the past 10 minutes" then I froze. It was like word vomit, it just came out. I haven't been more embarrassed in my life
"I have been too." Keith chuckles
We exchanged a few words, and our social media. I made sure that he would hit me up later on. "Absolutely I won't forget about you beautiful." He says licking his lips smirking
At this point I'm literally about to pee myself. He's so... attractive. Is this what love feels like?
   "Naomi!" Sebastian yells with a highly aggravated tone in his voice. I haven't realized the few words we exchanged turned into a long conversation. "I have to go but, um... Yeah" I stuttered
He waved good-bye back with the hugest smile on his face and winks
I hopped in the back seat of the car. Sebastian mean mugged me so hard. It was like, he was staring into my soul.
    "Oh god, you already know what he's about to say Naomi" she said laughing harder and harder
As I was about to grilled by my brother I just sat there thinking about Keith. I' love. He's to one.


What did Naomi just get herself into?🙄

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