Chapter 18

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Keyona's P.O.V.

"What the? What are you doing here?" Keith asked startled
"Um...I need to pick up a couple things for Naomi...uh...where's her office?" I ask in a high pitch voice
       It was awkward for me to be around Keith because number 1, I don't really know him, and 2 I don't even trust him. Especially after the whole "he hit me by accident" crap.

"It's down here on the right." He says pointing in that direction
I walk into the office and start searching around.
Keith sits on the office desk and watches me look around.
Trying to make this situation less awkward, I try to start a conversation.
"Sooo..." I say stretching my words
"...How's life?"
"How'd you get in here?" he asks completely ignoring my question.
"Straight down to it huh? But I think I asked you first." I say laughing
Keith flashed a contempt smile, waiting for an answer
"Well uh...with a key."
"A key?" He asked
"Yeah, that little metal thing you use to get in stuff." I say with a sarcastic chuckle
"So does my question get answered?" I said awkwardly smiling
   "Uh, life if good...uh, whatever, but you have a spare key?" Keith says squinting scratching his head as if he had an issue with it 
"Um yeah, no I'm using Naomi's..."
"And what are you here to get?"
"Naomi told me to pick up a couple things?"
"What things?"
"Things." I say clenching down on my teeth
Keith was really irritating me with all these questions, and I'm tired of being nice. I'm trying to act and as cordial with him as possible and just start a conversation, but it seems like he's bothered by my presence.
He's making me feel uncomfortable.
Is this how he treats his house guest?
Is this how you treat your girlfriend's sister? Really?...
"Do you need me to help you find things? I mean it is my house you just barged into."
"Uh no, it's Naomi's house. I mean she did pay for this house I "barged" into." I say mocking him
He scoffs.
"Here it is." I say spotting the hard drive and folder
"Ok now where's her room?"
"Our room? What do you need to go up there for?"
"She needs extra clothes."
Keith rolled his eyes and clenched on his jaw.
"Ugh...ok, follow me."
I follow him upstairs and he widens the 2 doors to the room,letting me in.
"There's some clothes in the drawers, closet, pretty much everywhere..." Keith says sitting on the bed
I begin to gather a little bit of clothes for Naomi, then I can feel Keith staring at me...again...making the situation awkward.
   I turn around and raising my eyebrows like "what?"
"Why did Naomi send you?"
    "Is there a problem with me? Would you rather her send Nonya or something?"
"I'm asking because she could've came herself to pick it up. I know there's a reason..."
"You know you sure do ask a lot of questions!" I said sternly
"Don't act dumb. What did she tell you?...just tell me."
"I don't know Keith, but you should know. Ask her busted lip." I say low
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" He asked getting up
"No you said something. Just say it. You trying to say I hit her, but it was on accident."
"Accident my ass." I whispered
He heard.
"Women don't whisper under their breath, they say what they need aloud."
     I don't know what the hell got into Keith, but he sure wasn't acting like this when I first met him at Karina, and Nonya's house.
"I don't know about all that, but what I do know is, is that her busted lip was done by ill intentions."
"You don't know what happened!" He said getting angry
"Should've sent Karina over here. The only sister that's not always in my damn business." Keith says under his breath
With my back towards him I say...
"Don't say things under your breath, that's what little boy do. You have something to say, say it out loud." I say mocking him once again, trying to make him angry
    "And by the way Karina left to Atlanta. So I guess your stuck with the nosey sisters, and my other sister, that's your girlfriend, who's lip you busted on so called "accident", until further notice." I say in my sarcastic tone
"This bitch!" He says again whispering to himself
      "Oh wow so I'm was a nosey sister, now I'm a bitch too?" I ask still being sarcastic
"Yep the biggest."
"Sorry you feel that way." I chuckle

Keith breathes out heavily, and does a frustrated laugh.

After I got some clothes for Naomi, I stuffed it in a bag I saw on the ground.
I begin walking out of the room then I stopped. Before walking out the room I tell Keith
"If I find out that you hit her on purpose, you'll regret it."
"Alright it's time for you to go!" He says getting up walking towards me
"I will exit this house when I please." I say calmly
Keith gets in my face and tells me to leave again.
Keith is 6'2 and I'm 5'5. I don't know what he's trying to do, but if he thinks by hovering over me, is supposed to  intimidate me, he thought wrong...
   Keith gently pushes my arm and tries pushing me out the room. I jerk my arm away.
"Don't touch me." I say turning around
"I'm leaving there's no need to touch me." Keith follows me as I'm walking out.
I continue with the trash talk, down the hallway, then down the stairs.
"You are disgusting, honestly, truly, it's foolish." I say chucking.
I wanted to get him upset. I didn't trust anything about Keith, and the vibes I've got from him, haven't been good. I felt his bad vibes even before I met him. You can't tell me this guy isn't any good...
       I kept pressing, and pressing Keith. I wanted him to act out just so I can see the type of person he really is.
I knew I was upsetting him because every time I would say something, he would put his hands on my back pushing me, try making me go faster.
Every time he would do that I would stop or walk slower.
"There you got again, putting you're hands on a woman." I laugh
"Don't touch Mr. Powers." I say in a asshole tone "Putting your hands on a woman really? Not just any woman my sister? You're really disgusting and you don't deserve her."
I'm getting under his skin more and more and I can feel it.
"This guy is hating me." I say in my head

When I was at the front door, I reach for it, but Keith beat me to it swinging the door open.
"You haven't heard the last of me. I promise you that." I say before walking out.
I take back what I said about Naomi needing to talk to him. She should just drop him.
"You just miserable. Go find a man and stop worrying about me and Naomi."
"Go choke." I say flicking him off walking towards the car "Go die. Like honestly fuck you!" I say still holding my middle finger up
   "Worry about that pill poppin' problem!" Keith yells, slamming the front door

Did he just...?


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