Chapter 34

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The next day...

Naomi's P.O.V.
Today is the get-together at my sister's house. I decided to bring Marcus since Keith couldn't come.
I spoke with Marcus about the situation between me and Nonya yesterday. I decided not to tell Keith because I didn't want him to have an issue with Nonya.
On the other hand, Marcus was a thousand percent on my side. He thought that my siblings or anyone else should not be worried or in my relationship with Keith because we're those ones that are in it, not them.
He also told me that she just cares about and is concerned, which is understandable.
But what wasn't ok, is the way she came at me yesterday, making crazy accusations about my boyfriend...she better think twice before doing that again.

Me and Marcus finished getting ready around 1, and start to head to the house.
"Welp...I hope things won't be awkward between you and your sister." Marcus says breaking the silence in the car
"Ugh, you know it will." I say rolling my eyes "It's her fault! She could've came to me with this after the meet up."
"True." Marcus says agreeing with me "Just try not to make it obvious around your brother, or anyone else because this is supposed to be a happy day! And you want to make a good impression on his girlfriend he's bringing."
"Yeah I know." I say back

We pull up in front of the house and see party decorations on the front door.
"I thought this was to be a small meet up, what is this?" I say chuckling
I walk inside and hear faint music, changing back and fourth as if someone was trying to get a playlist together.
"Naomi!" I hear
I look up at the banister and see Karina at the top.
I run up the stairs to give her a huge hug.
"How've you been girl?" She asks me
"Better than ever, surprisingly. We're are the kids?"
"Oh there in the back yard on the trampoline. My babys' daddy out there barbecuing." She says heading down stairs
"Baby daddy? Not your mans?" I ask her
She turns back at me and laughs "Girl! That's my babys' daddy, that's it."
I laugh.
"Oh and I invited Kia (our god sister) and her husband, their kids, and her  sister-in-law, and our cousin Lena." Karina starts
"Wow I haven't heard from them in a minute." I say
"Cause miss famous here don't ever communicate with family!" Karina says sarcastically to me
"Oh hush!"
"Ha! Anyways "Hollywood", Sebastian is having some friends come over, Key invited her best friend that doesn't live too far from here and Nonya brought Clinton." Karina says informing me on who's coming.
"Oh ok, sounds cool."

And hour later...

Everyone is now starting to show up. Karina's, Sebastian's, and Nonya's mom came last, now we're all waiting for Sebastian and his girl.
Their mom seems very excited about today. She's in a very preppy, enthusiastic mood, and if you knew Molina (her name) that wasn't her "usual" mood. She was more the laid back type.

"I see you're in a good mood." I say walking up to her
"Aw Naomi my baby! You matured so much! Look at those hips." She says in her thick Columbia accent
"You good yourself!"
"Ugh, thanks Baby, I'm just so excited for my son and my future daughter in law to come. Everyone is going to be blown away!"

Future daughter-in-law? Ha! Funny.

Molina continued to mingle with other people and dance, a few kids were running around, Marcus looks like he's having a good time, Key has a huge plate of food, stuffing her face which means she's happy.
It's glad to have family and old friends get together, and catch up. Too bad my mom, and our dad couldn't make it.
And also too bad me and Nonya still isn't speaking.
This girl walked passed me several times and it was like I didn't even exist.

I see her in the Kitchen, all flirty with Clinton.
He walks away for a moment to speak Javion.
I take this opportunity to pull her to the side and speak with her.
"We need to talk...outside now." I said low but sternly
I walked out on the back porch, while she follows behind me.
"What is it?" She asks
"I'm sorry for what I said to you yesterday, but it's really upsetting when you try to come into me and Keith's relationship, and tell me information that you have no proof of. I felt like your intentions were more of breaking us up, then actually trying to help me out, you know? I didn't feel you were being my helpful at all."
"You're right. That was my bad. Also for what I said. Whatever you decide to do with your relationship I support it." She says
"Do you really?"
"Absolutely." She responds "I know I was wrong. I should've been more of a sister then a mom. That's Karina's job."
We both laugh.
Nonya's more of the understanding sibling, and admits when she's wrong. Instead of going back and fourth, she'll be the bigger person. That's what I love about her. Me and her never really argued ever, literally. Our whole life, we were always able to get along so well.
Mmm. It's crazy how I get into situations with my family now that Keith's in my life...what does that say?

"Everyone, everyone, their here!" We here Molina yell from inside the house
"Everyone come around, come on! Let's go! Chop, chop!" Molina say trying to get everyone crowed around. "Are you guys ready for the surprise?! Ugh I'm so excited."
"This surprise better be big, for Molina to be all hype." I say to Nonya
I hear and knock at the front door, then my brothers voice.
"Hey wassup, wassup!"

"You want to wait until the come in, or go in there?" Nonya asks me
"Let's go in." I respond
We lock arms and head to the front sort where everyone is at.
"Aw she's pregnant!" I hear someone say
Me and Nonya stopped dead in our tracks for a quick second and gave each other that "oh, bitch no!" look, then did a quick speed walk up to everyone.

Everyone was all excited, and giving hugs.
Me and Nonya just wanted to see the girls face.
Sebastian saw us walking up and motioned us to come up to them.

"Nonya, Naomi meet-"
"Woah! Hold the fuck up!" Nonya says aloud

I can't believe it...really? Why is this my life...?



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