Chapter 3

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Naomi's P.O.V.
We arrive at the club around 10:27.
I wasn't planning no taking an hour and almost 30 minutes to get here, but we had to switch drivers. Our first one had an emergency back home.

Walking into the club, I was grabbed by a bouncer as he pushed through the huge crowd, and escorted Nonya, Sebastian and I to our section. It was absolutely packed. I couldn't walk through on my own, especially in these heals. Plus a few fans by the door were waving taking pictures, and trying to get my attention.
The DJ announces our entrance, as we're coming into the club and the people go wild. After that, a lot of people were trying to get in our section. Groupies, fans, people snapping pictures of was pretty hectic. There are 8 other people, I knew in the city, in our section  partying with us tonight, but to me they don't really matter right now. Mean? I know, but I'm just ready for Keith to come.

Around 10:58 I get a text from Keith telling me he's here.

I seen Keith walk in with what it seems to be like 2 of his friends I seen with him at the airport.
       I had the bouncer standing by our section guarding it, made sure Keith came up. It was almost impossible for him the get through.

He was approaching our section, getting closer and closer. And I'm getting dizzier and dizzier. Then next thing you know, he's standing in front of me.
"Hey!" Keith said giving me and hug
"Hi!" I said overly excited and nervous
"I brought two of my friends with me, they're only two out of the eight that wanted to come" he said chuckling
"Oh that's fine"
I extended my hand giving his two friends a hand shake "Nice to meet you"
"Hey my name is Devon"
"Hello my name is Kennedy"
Kennedy was very flirtatious. He gave me the "eyes" and grabbed my hand to kiss it. Before he could Keith pushed his head back and grabbed my hand from him.
"All of these females in this club you can talk to, but this one, is mine" he said turning around smiling winking at me making me blush really hard. "Well at least for now." He finishes turning back to Kennedy. Kennedy puts his hands up , "Alright big man, haha, you got it."
Kennedy head turns towards my sister on the other side of me and literally glides to her. "He's something else"I chuckle.

12:00 am
Me and Keith have been dancing, laughing, joking and drinking for about an hour. He's having a great time. I'm glad I invited him. He's the cutest thing ever.
We were going to wait until we left the club to talk on a more deeper, personal level. Kind of hard to really talk and have long conversation at a loud, rowdy club.
Me and Keith walked towards  the bar to get away from our group of friends. We sat down and continued to talk about random stuff. It's like we knew each other for so long and we had so much things to talk about. It was never an awkward moment.
  "I swear you looked like a newborn baby deer walking in them heel to come down here"
"Oh you got jokes?" I said laughing harder as he was.
Moments later, in the middle of me and Keith conversation, this girl came and walked up to the bar behind me. I noticed she was there,  because she was kind of in my personal space. I turned around and studied her to see if I knew her or something. Aside from the alcohol, sweated out deodorant, and marijuana stench coming from her, she was really pretty. Hour glass figure, nice set of boobs, pretty teeth, dark brown hair, make up was really nice, big butt. She resembled my older sister, Karina, body wise. She looked she  could've been Spanish or middle eastern.
The bar tender hands her the drink she ordered, then she backed up a little from me, took a sip of her drink and looked at me.
"I'm a big fan of you miss Naomi Neé" she said in a sort of assertive way. Maybe a little sarcastic as well.
"Awe really?" I asked wondering what she getting at
"Mm-hmm, oh yes" she said placing her drink down "Love your work..." She slightly leaned over and turned her head to the side and looks at Keith.
   Keith was looking directly at her with a death stare...didn't blink once.
"And you..." She starts
"...long time no see huh?" She pauses waiting for a response, walking to stand in between us. She puts her hand on the back of my stool slightly leaning her body towards me, tilting her head looking at him.
Keith continues with the death stare
"Have you ruined her life yet, or she hasn't figured anything out already?"
My head snaps towards Keith seeing what he's going to say in response.
He begins to stutter
"I-I-I what? Haven't told her abo-" *gco*
"-we just met." I interrupted
"Um...yeah, that's enough, go back to doing whatever you was doing miss, enjoy." Keith says as if he didn't know her, shooing her away
She turns towards me
    "Run while you can, I can tell you're a soft one, that's how he like em, so he can break em down and-"*gco*
Keith grabs her firmly by the arm "I said that enough...leave" he said clenching his teeth
   "Go ahead, do what ever you want to me, you can't break me down anymore than you already have. Show her who the real Keith is." She says smirking, perking her lips making a kissing sound
He let go of her arm, shoving her making her stumble a little.
"The truth*takes a deep breath* will come out Keith fucking Powers." She says as tears start to form in her eyes
"And don't say you never seen it coming. The day you're laying in your bed, crying your eyes out, you'll wish you would've listened to me. Remember me and this face bitch!"
She then turns around pushing through the crowd
At that point people were looking.
I quickly hopped off the stool, in embarrassment, pushing through the crowd as well.
I headed out the door and was about dial for the driver, so he can come pick me up.
I'm not dealing with this bull.
Keith grabs my arm. I ripped away from his grip
"What was that about?!"
"Naomi please-"
"No Keith I need you to explain, I can't go down this same road again. Who was that girl- *pauses* You know, I'm not even going to stress it, it was really nice meeting you."
     I turn around to start walking and he grabs me again
"No, please. Ok look, when we were shooting a movie, she just so happened to be an actress in the film and she was my characters  girlfriend. It all went to her head, it all became real to her as if we were actually dating, she's crazy!"
I looked at him
"You have to believe me, I'll get into further detail if we get out of this place, and somewhere more calm, and we can talk about it."
"You'll tell me anything I want to know?"

I believed him.

He had too much of a good personality, he would never no anything evil. Right?Even if it was in the past and he so happened to really do something horrible...who cares. I'm only focused on the now, and right now, I know he's the one for me, and I'm going to give him a chance.
I sighed and gave him a hug. He wrapped his arms around neck and hugged back. He is the one for me. I can feel it.

Keith P.O.V.
I smiled in relief when Naomi came to hug me. I couldn't let her go that easy, I ain't done with her just yet. This is all for me, and my number one!


What dirty little secrets is Keith hiding? Who is his number one?

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