Chapter 7

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Naomi's P.O.V.

I got about 2-3 hours of sleep last night. My body is so sore. The lower half of my body feels so numb. But in a good way, it's hard to explain. I guess I'm a little "new" to this since I haven't had sex in 3 years.
I've only had sex with 1 other guy, but I know Keith put this special feeling in me, that only he can.

Today I go see my sisters for the first time in 2 weeks since I've been in L.A.

"What you laughing at?" Keith said walking up behind
"Nothing just thinking." I said smiling
"It's always a lot going up there huh?" Keith turned me sound grabbing my head, kissing me in my forehead
"How about I make you some breakfast."
"No Karina and Nonya said they would cook something up for us. Remember I said we were going after the decorators finished."
"Yeah babe, but I have a meeting at 12."
"Meeting for whaatt?" I said whining
"Famous in love babe." Keith said chuckling
"Oh yeah I forgot. Everything is cool over there?"
"Yeah the cast is pretty cool, I actually enjoy working with them."
"Oh ok well, how about I cook you up something to eat before I leave?"
"No I don't want anything down stairs. I've got all I need right here in front on me."
Keith took a step back, licking his lips, looking at me up and down

"I think I know what I have in mind."
"Ha! Oh no Keith, not right now, I've got somewhere to be, and so do you." I said shoving his head playfully
"Just a little quicky?"
"You had enough last night." I pecked his lips and headed down stairs.

20 mins later..

"Alright Keith, I'm about leave." I yelled by the door
Keith ran up to me kissing me
"See you later."
"Call me when you're done with your meeting, I  probably still will be at my sister's house."

Keith's P.O.V.

As soon as I heard Naomi's car start and drive off, my phone rang.

"Hey Keith, I've been out here in L.A. for two weeks straight... I haven't seen you yet, what's going on?"
"Me and Naomi was busy with the house, setting it up and stuff."
" where is she now? When am I going to see you? We need to talk some things over. Make sure we're not falling off track."
"Yo chill, I've never fell of track. I got this. Did you have anything to worry about before? Everything will be taken care of. It will go nice and smooth like last time, I told you that already. This is for us! Are you doubting me?"
"No,no,no, I'm sorry ok? I just know Naomi is the type of person to get really attached to. She's a lovable person. She just has that personality an-"*GCO*
"Aye, aye look don't get in your feelings alright? About none of this. I'll be over there in a few."
I hung up and went upstairs to put on some clothes. I grabbed my laptop and took the hidden camera, from the pile of clothes I had sitting on the dresser.

"Oooo, nice angle." I say to myself. This is the prefect shot.

This shit is too easy...


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