Chapter 31

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Naomi's P.O.V.

I woke up around 6:00 am to get ready for my interview with " The Que". Yesterday after Naomi dropped me off, I kept thinking about how Keyona declined talking things out with Keith. It really bothered me. If we're good, then why wouldn't you want to talk things out with my boyfriend? She could've at least done it for me.
Keith is a good person and I don't want what he did that night, to change how my sisters view him, or anyone else at that. This man may be in my life forever, and I truly do want my family and him to have a good relationship.

God...why did Keith have make such a dumb decision!

"Naomi?" Marcus says knocking on the bedroom door "Come on, we leaving in 5 minutes."
"I'm already ready."
"Ok let's go."
Marcus turns around heading out my room
"Wait Marcus." I say stopping him
"What's up?"
"Ok I spoke things with Keyona yesterday, and I told her Keith wanted to apologize, then she goes "That's ok, that's not necessary." Isn't that weird?" I ask
"Maybe she's still upset." He says
"No she wasn' was weird. Like she knows something, that she's not telling me. I have a feeling it's about Keith. I know my sister Marcus, her body language said it all."
"I think your maybe being a little dramatic."
"No I-"
"Look she doesn't know anything, if she did, she would tell you. There's nothing to worry about. Keith isn't doing anything wrong, he loves you. If he didn't he wouldn't want to work things out. So don't think about it, you have an interview to go to, now can we go?"
"Mm...okay." I say letting it go

Me and Marcus leave and start heading to the radio station with him driving. The whole 20 minutes there,he's coaching on what and what not to say. Telling me calm my nerves and not to be nervous, but actually I wasn't nervous at all. I'm prepared for any questions they might throw at me.

1 hour later...
"Ok Ms. Naomi Neé, now you know we had to ask you this question...I mean you knew it was coming." One of the radio host said to me
"Come on with it. Ask away." I say confidently
"Okay! She's ready for this one." The other radio host says with excitement
"Are you..." he pauses " anyone?"
"Yeah we want to know! Who's the lucky man." The other radio show host adds in
"Well...yes, actually I am." I say trying to control my blushing
"Who is it?" They ask
"Um...well he's...someone who's name I'm not going to say." I say chuckling
"Awe man!" They both say in unison
"Just tell us, the world wants to know."
"Well the world will just have to wait on that." I say winking
"Can't even give us a little hint?" They ask
"Nope. Well I will say, he's very good looking, and tall." I say laughing
"Is it an athlete?" One host asks me
"Oh no. Absolutely not. Dating an athlete is entering a world full of groupies you constantly having to keep fighting them off your man. No thank you."
"So we can cross Odell off the list right."
"For sure! Marcus too!" I say
We all laugh
I'm so relived I got that rumor of me and Marcus out of the way

"Well ladies and gentleman there you have it. Ms. Naomi Neé you have been a pleasure. Hopefully we can have you again, and find out who this mystery guy is."
"Yeah." I say
"Well that's it this morning on "The Que" make sure you tune in tomorrow for our next special guest..."

Me and Marcus headed out to eat right after the airing ended.
"You did great!"
"Really? I felt like I was kind of dry."
"Not at all. You made everyone laugh, even me."
"Ok so what other things do we have planned."
"Business wise? I'm working on that. But bitch we need a vacation!"
"Yes! But just us! Let's go to Jamaica!"
"Or Barbados." He says putting his hand for a high five
"Yes Marcus! Let's do this."

As me and Marcus are naming places around the world, to go on vacation, I look down at my phone and I have a text message from Keith.

*text from Keith*
"Hey baby, I listened to the broadcast, you did great. Let's go out tonight? Come back to the house with me after? Only for tonight." He texted me followed by a whole bunch in whining emoji faces

Marcus peeked over and looked down at my phone.
"Oou, someone is trying to get some tonight." He says laughing
I lean back pushing him, laughing
"Move nosey!"

Nonya's P.O.V.
I got up early in the morning to run a couple of errands for the get together my brother is having at the house.
As I got back in my car to drive back home, I was flipping through the stations until a familiar voice caught my attention.
It's Naomi doing an interview with "The Que".
I turned to the station when it was getting ready to end, but before it did, they asked her a few last questions. They started asking if she's was dating anyone and I prayed she didn't say Keith's name.
Him and Nova could be secretly staying in the condominium together, and have his baby inside of her. I'm not saying that could be true, but it may reveal what that chick wants to tell Nova that's "so important". But imagine if that got out to the media. Naomi would look really dumb!
I turn up the notch to waiting to hear she was going to say.
"Um...well he's...someone who's name I'm not going to say." She says
Thank god!
If she would've told the world who she had relations with, then end up having another bitch pregnant, shit wouldn't be good!

I pull up to the house, grabbing what I picked up out the car, then head in the house.
"Key?!" I call out
"Yes?!" She yells from upstairs
I drop the stuff on the floor, and head up stairs to tell her what I just heard.
"Guess what?" I ask walking into her room
"What?" She says sitting up
"I heard Naomi on the radio, and they asked her if she was with someone. And she said yes!"
"Okay...that's because she is."
"Nova is pregnant by Keith!"
"Nonya..." Keyona says scoffing "You're saying that as if it's a true fact. You don't know if Nova is really pregnant by him. You assume that's what going on, but you could be wrong. And Naomi doesn't know. You can't be upset if she decides to tell the media about Keith."
"I need to get a hold on that chick Nova." I say
"Welp, go ahead and do that. But, leave me out, I just made up with her, and I don't want to end on bad terms again." Keyona says laying back down

She is she not freaking out about this?! She's usually the sister to want to get of the bottom of things!
But it doesn't matter. I'll figure shit on my own.

I get on my phone, and search up Nova's social media. She's really easy to find, because she's widely known on it. I pull up her Instagram, and sent her a quick dm.
  "Hey Nova? I need to speak with you about something really important. You may know me, we've bummed into each other a couple of times. I'm Naomi's sister."

In about 10 minutes she's replies. Which is very quick.

"If it concerns her and Keith's relationship, I rather not speak on it. I tried my best as a women who's been through it before, to tell her about the man her really is, and what he's hiding but she seems to ok with. Want to speak with someone? Speak to her."

When I replied back to her, to try to get some answers, she didn't respond. She left me with so many questions.

Type of man he is? Secret? What the hell is going on here?!


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