Chapter 36

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Naomi's P.O.V.

"Can we discuss what the fuck just happened? Why it happened?!"

The moment Sebastian started asking,
I sat there silent for minute to gather my thoughts together, and remain calm.
The last thing I want to do is get angry all over again and end up putting my hands on a pregnant woman.
"Alright you guys, I think I'm going to head out. Thanks for having me. Good night." Clinton says waving goodbye heading towards the front door
I knew to tension in the room was too much for him to deal with. And this was family issues that's needed to be dealt with.
"I'll be in the car..." Marcus says leaving out the front

I take a deep breath...than I start.
"So you didn't know about the drama between me and Nova?" I ask Sebastian
"No." He says shaking his head
"I find that hard to believe!"
"What do I have to lie for Naomi?! You think if I knew, that I would bring her into a situation that wasn't resolved?"
"Look Bash, this woman that stands before me, that is holding my nephew or niece, is absolutely psycho! She believed she was in this fantasy relationship with Ke-"
"Uh, no fantasy. We were in a relationship Naomi..." Nova says cutting me off
"Really Nova? I don't believe in that bullsh-"
"Keith and I were in a relationship!"
"You never told me this..." Sebastian says looking at her confused

"So what your way of getting back at him was to cause all this damn drama, and being that you have some sort of vendetta against my sister, you get with our brother? That's the type of bitch that you are?" Nonya says jumping in

"I don't have a vendetta against Naomi, I never have! I caused all this "drama" to exposed Keith for what he did to me, and what he's doing to her!"
"Yo, get out of here with that bull! You expect us the believe that-"
"You better get the hell out my face!" Nova says cutting Nonya off

Nonya and Nova started going back and forth. Sebastian once again started getting loud defending Nova, and then Key gets in yelling at him.

"How dare you take this chick side of your sister?!" Key yells at him
"Y'all not about to talk crazy to my pregnant girlfriend!" Sebastian yells at both Nonya and Key
"You don't know what you're getting yourself into with messing with her!" Nonya yells
"You don't really know me! None of y'all broads do!" Nova yells at her
"All of you, just calm down!" Molina says getting in the middle

"Oh my god." I sigh
I am tired...
I am tired of the little childish arguing...we can't just have a simple conversation like adults!
And while they're at each other's throats I thought..."I never really had a chance to sit down with Nova."

Let me shut this situation so she can get a word out...

"That's enough! That's enough! Everyone shut up! For real shut up! I'm tired of the arguing and drama! I just want to get this whole situation straight! Get out the living room, go out for a walk, go in your room, backyard, anywhere but here! Except Nova."
"Well I'm staying too." Sebastian responds back to me

Everyone gets quiet, then Molina proceeded to leave the living room first, then Nonya, Key.

I take a deep sigh.
"I wanna know everything." I say to Nova
I sat down in the living room chair, and Nova sat across from me.
Sebastian remained standing rubbing his head in frustration.
"Well..." Nova starts
"For starters I just want to say me being with Sebastian, is in no way, me, trying to get back you at for anything. I have no issue with you, I never have. I was rude to you at the club, only because I was emotional and drunk."
"Okay..." I respond
"Me and Keith met at a social gathering. He was very charming, sweet, we exchanged thing led to another, boom...we're in a relationship. Things were good for the first couple months then his behavior got very suspicious. Every time I would confront him about it, he would get angry, even sometimes violent, but he never laid a hand on me."
"But he did it to me..." I thought
" day I came home, we were living together at the time, and I go upstairs and his stuff was gone. I called him numerous times, and I got a text message from a unknown number telling me how shit was gonna go down..."
She pauses...
Nova's eyes started to tear, and voice cracked as she was trying to continue
"H-he black mailed me. This man that I loved, and that I thought had my back did me so dirty!"
Sebastian sat beside down, hugging and rubbing Nova's shoulder to comfort her.
"Really?" I ask in disbelief
"Yup...Him and whoever was working with him, and helping him out or whatever. I think whoever texted me was someone he was dealing with. Like he was cheating on me and was playing me the whole time. And he's doing the same to you."
Nova says shaking her head
"What did the text message say?" I say going slightly insane
"Well as you may know we had intercourse on many accusations, and I didn't know that he was recording us. Like every single time we did was all on camera. They demanded money or it was going to be released. He also knows personal stuff about me that the public doesn't know, and he threatened to sell it to the blogs if I didn't give him or the person he's with, what they wanted...I would also would have to mention him in interviews and shit, speak highly of him to producers...little stuff like that for his own clout. They threatened to ruin me if I didn't do as they say."
Nova's voice starts cracking, and her eyes start to water.
"He continued with the black mail for months. The text messages kept coming in, and coming in everyday, making new demands. I even had give up a huge opportunity that would've changed my life, just for them...just to keep my protect my reputation, privacy, even my family! I had to give them money whenever they asked. I even was almost broke because I was giving more money than I was making. The reason why he's been in movies, or shows, and has sponsors, or being recognized period, is because of me! And any other girl he used."
"And soon me..." I say running my fingers through my hair in frustration

"Eventually the text messages stopped
coming in, but for three years I've been on my toes, in fear that they might come back. I wondered why the text messages stop coming in...then I met another female he was doing this same to...I tried warning her, but it was already too late. They already carried through with their scheme. Then I met you...I knew you were his next victim. I could tell the way you were looking at his charming ways already had you trapped."
"So that's why you attacked him at the bar that night?"
"What night?"
"At the hit him in the face..."
Nova looks confused
"I don't know you're talking about. I never had a physical altercation with Keith. I'd never put my hands on him...I'm too afraid to anyway. It's just another one of his lies. Another issue in the "relationship" we had...the lies. And I wouldn't be at a bar...pregnant."

I breath out loud and heavy.

"Lord...this is too much." I say shaking my leg
"I'm really sorry, I wish I could've had the chance to tell you earlier." Nova says to me
"Mmk...another question I have for you...why were you arguing with my ex...Nas?"
"Uh...I-I don't know a Nas."

Tears started streaming down my
steamy red cheeks.

"Naomi are you alright? Naomi?" Sebastian asks


Naomi suddenly stood up out of her chair, not saying a word.

"Naomi?" Sebastian says unclear about her state of mind
Naomi's breathing increasingly got faster, fists started to ball, and her face became apple red.

The shock and disbelief, and more importantly the heart break that she's undergoing to too much for her to bare. She can't believe this is happening to her again...but under worse circumstances.

"I need to...I need to go...I needa-" Naomi says unable the put her words together.
She starts walking to the front door, but Sebastian grabbed her arm, stopping her from walking.
"Let go of me! Let go!" Naomi yells
"You need to calm down! Where are you going?!"
Naomi immediately dropped to her knees.
"Why?! Why is this happening to me?!
"What am I going to do?! He's gonna ruin me!"
"We're not going to let him, will go to the police." Sebastian suggests
Nova makes another statement...
" can't. This is a lose, lose can go to the police, but that's gonna stop from them releasing any private information. It'll still get out. Hell, they'll probably black mail you from jail if they could..." Nova says
She was telling the truth.

Naomi stands up on her feet,
"I gave that boy my everything! I let him meet my family, I move him out here in my home that I built from the ground, up! This what I get in return?! I spent thousands on this man! I put shoes on his feet!"

Nonya, Keyona, and Molina came down after hearing all the commotion.

"I'm gonna kill him. I swear." Naomi says reaching for the door
Sebastian held a tight grip on her, not letting her leave.
"Naomi it is not safe for you to go alone!" He says to her

"What's going on?" Molina asks
"Keith! It's Keith! He blacked mailed Nova now he's gonna do it to me!" Naomi yells in anger
"Wait what?" Keyona asked confused
"Look..." Sebastian starts

With Sebastian back turned Naomi grabbed Nonya's car keys off the stand by the door, and jets out the door.
Everyone headed out the door behind her.
"Bash, don't even try to fucking stop me!" Naomi yells getting in the car
"I'm not but-"
"I'm going over to the house!" Naomi says cutting Sebastian off
"I'm going too." Nonya says
"Me too-"
"No! You guys stay here." Sebastian says
He proceeds to walks up to the car and gets inside.
"You coming along or you just gonna try to talk me out of going ?" Naomi says with attitude
Sebastian chuckles, shaking his head. He puts on his seat belt, and points to the road ahead


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